Advice...? Am new to this


New Member
Apr 15, 2010
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Well to start things of I'm new to this "game" I read some books about it and decided to give it a shot. Please excuse my terrible grammar as I am typing from a iPhone. I am 16 years old fairly well good shape I done crosscountry and currently doing track. My events are 800m, 1mile, and 2 mile. I am aware to the basic stuff like IOI,kino,AFC, etc.

Every so often I would try to use what I learn from the books I read and stuff. When I meet a girl I would neg, false disqualified, false timer, DHV, etc and sometimes it'll work and sometimes it won't. I dress pretty good to get a girl to notice me. I usually get the phone number and when I call or text we start of great but then it slowly fades away. My question here is what is the order for a full proof routine to get a girl and after I get the girl where do I take it from there?

For example I talk to this cute girl in my class. She will
constently tell me "cool necklas" an IOI. She will touch my hair (kino). And suggest hanging out. Every so often I would neg her to tease her but I notice when I reward her by giving IOIs she blushes and looks away. I don't know what to do after that ? Or I also notice when we re flirting in text I'll tell her something sweet and she'll change the subject. That happen twice. Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. By being here I understand the rules and you people on the forum are the sore of knowledge and I'm but a mere AFC. I'm fairly goodlooking but I have a big nose but no woman has ever mention it only guys to tease me. But looks can only
take you so far. I'm afraid if I meet a girl and she meets another guy if his game is better than mine I will lose and thus is why I'm here so


New Member
Aug 22, 2008
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Dude, from the sound of it, you don't need books.

Stop thinking so much and just go talk to her, person to person. Find a common ground and work from there. Believe me, if you try and "learn" from books, then you'll only use them as a crutch in the future. Just talk to the girl and slowly but surely show her your personality. If she likes you, then you two will become close. If she don't. you'll just be a friend. Can't MAKE girls/women like you. can only find the ones who do like you and see if you like them.


New Member
Apr 15, 2010
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Yes but I feel like I'm getting nowhere with my game. And the books I read that I mention is "The Game" and am about to
finish "Mystery Method" but I feel like I'm going to have to read it again to fully understand it. I can only imagine how many newbies got in the game because of those two VERY common books. Lol


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
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hmm this is my opinion...

there is no game. I used to refer to guy/girl interactions as a game when i started out.

I tried to implement, like you have, all these techniques...and it didn't help. One big reason is...this is high school. Most hs girls aren't experienced enough for you to use this stuff. They haven't met enough chumps to realize what a true man is. However, although they have not met enough chumps, being a chump will not lead to success either.

When you start seeing human interaction as a "game." You simply aren't human anymore. I've taken computer science, and we thoroughly discussed games, simulations, etc. And, in no way shape or form, is "attracting girls" a game. It's simply human nature.

You need to stop trying to use all these techniques and confusing yourself. You need to stop analyzing the fck out of every situation.

Read the dj bible and the 15 lessons by Pook..."GETTING THE GIRL IS NOT THE SUCCESS."..."Inner development > 'Game'"
"My question here is what is the order for a full proof routine to get a girl and after I get the girl where do I take it from there?"

lol, there is no full proof routine. This is the internet, where a quarter of the earth's population are users. If there were a full proof routine, there would be no dating troubles anymore cause every guy woudl be able to get a girl. Guys on this site who need help wouldn't keep coming back for help. Where do you take it once you get the girl? You have fun and take it wherever the fck you guys want. Experience, enjoy, LIVE.

"I'm afraid if I meet a girl and she meets another guy if his game is better than mine I will lose and thus is why I'm here so"

Lol, i highly doubt any girl keeps track of how many neg hits, kino, etc. each guy gives her and then scores each guy. Furthermore, i also highly doubt any girl compares the games of every guy she's remotely interested in. I'm not saying kino, neg hits, etc. can't be helpful, but they aren't the foundation of interest and certainly aren't worth studying, once again it's human nature.
In the end, what every girl wants is a MAN. Not a pickup artist or some player with "game" or even an average guy with "game." They want a GENUINE MAN. How do you become a man? Inner development.


New Member
Apr 15, 2010
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Thank you for the reply and comments. I agree high school girls are inexperience so the techniques won't all work on them. Let me tellyou a little about myself and with girls. I have had like 10 gfs in total (like it matters), I'm not a virgin, and guys usually tend to hate me because they all feel I'm a threat to there relationship(if they were confident about their relationship they wouldn't have to worry about me). I ussually attract girls but never the girls I want and this is because the girls I attract are the girls I'm not interested in thus not making me nervous. As my first step to improving I will talk to HB and look at them like I would to ever other girl. I feel like this thy would like me for who I reelly am and I think that would be good. I ussualy have Track Meets so that's we re my field is going to be. It's perfect there's girls there that don't know me and I fail (which I know will happen) it won't really matter since I won't see them. Any advice? I'm planning on just diving in there. Would it be alright if I post here to tell my events that happen or will a new thread be better?


Don Juan
Aug 11, 2009
Reaction score
your being really nerdy about it, memorizing all these acronyms. Get her to talk about herself, and relate. All you need to do is talk to her and take an active listening approach. Shell think your coool for taking an interest in her as aperson, then your in since she already digs you.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 12, 2009
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Auckland, New Zeland
That last guy said your being nerdy about it and thats ok, it's all part of your development .

this website does have some nice little tips like neg hits ect... they are good to learn and help but always remember this website is about changing your attitude, so it comes naturally, it's a tip site, it's a lifestyle site.

Read deeper and deeper and deeper