Abusive alpha-males can get away with a lot?


Feb 13, 2017
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This is interesting. A recent article cropped up regarding a popular, downtown radio personality that has gotten away with his abusiveness.


She states how how his boss has even turned a blind eye to his abusiveness to his women and now she put it up in a regional posting. Who knows if his ex will wind up being nailed for slander or not.

But she said that likely due to high ratings, the powers that at the station keep him around. Shes urging the locals to call the station to take action against his behavior.

But this guy is a known narcissistic jerk-wad. . I think they met at a gym or something and the rest was history. He has probably about 2 or 3 divorces under his belt and he looks like he's 500 miles of hard road.

Anyway, apparently she will be making future posts, breaking down what happened to her and encourages others to notify the station of this unacceptable behavior. She's even posting screenshots of chat conversations on Facebook as a message of warning to all abusees.

My question is...basically...does being alpha could also include being abusive? I think yes...sometimes. If so, why does his employer keep him around? They are just enabling his behavior, right?

Kind of like Donald Trump and his behavior. If I ever did such a thing, and it went public....I'd get fired or at least, not employed if they found out during an interview.
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Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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You'll be surprised what you can get away with if you are charismatic/popular enough. It all depends how you project yourself. Sometimes people let other people get away with saying things they wish they could say themselves. I work closely with a guy that is constantly being an AHOLE to everyone and calling people out, I like it because people are always paying attention to him and leave me alone. It serves me. When i'm at work I just want to finish my day and go home, I save the attention whoring for casual settings with women.