abs question


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
Hey guys, recently i've dropped about 53 lbs in total. Everythings great, its just that i keep hearing that it is not possible to get abs if once you were very overweight. Someone also explained to me that fat cells dont go away, and it is not possible to obtain 6 pack abs even if i was to lose body fat. Is this true or no? I went from peak weight of 260, and now im 207 5'11. Its pissin me off lol, can anyone clarify this?


Don Juan
Aug 13, 2006
Reaction score
Someone has been lying to you. one you lose the fat and the water you will see your abs.

You say 207 lbs, is that still a lot of fat or have you gained some weight in muscle? 185lbs is a good general lean weight for 5'11 to have a toned look. I am 5'9" 190lbs at about 20% bodyfat and I can't see my abs at all. Just keep doing what you are doing and you will get there. Loose skin is probably going to be a problem though.


Don Juan
Jan 15, 2006
Reaction score
thanks for the replies guys.

Kuhlraum: A lot of it is weight in muscle now. Im planning on going to about the 180 range for sure. Good luck on your path to acheiving your desired fitness level as well!

Espi: Thank you for the congrats. Is it still considered morbidly obese when i still had a considerable amount of muscle? I was really big, with a lot of fat, but i had a decent amount of muscle as well. I really hope though that i havent stretched the skin too far! I always wanted things to be done naturally, and not have to turn to surgery or anything like that to achieve what i wanted.

Anyone else have some insight?


Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score
Haha, HONESTLY, why do you want abs in the first place? :D

I have a six pack, and the only time people know about it is when I'm down at the beach (which is like...hardly ever), and when my special someone gets real close:up:

Honestly, if it doesn't come naturally, I don't really recommend you to aim for a six pack. The price to reward ratio just ain't worth it. Just lift for overall bodily sexiness.