A woman's perspective [Mod: Moved from MM]

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Master Don Juan
May 5, 2010
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Julius_Seizeher said:
Anyway, this site turns into a piranha frenzy everytime a female claims to show up. We should practice what we preach and ignore them instead.
Well, the ones who come with a good attitude asking for advice we'll rationally talk to. It's the bad ones who tend to stir up the hornet's nest. We try to ignore them but, willpower is NOT people's strong suit. ;)

Anyway, everyone should learn from all this.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
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The 7th Dimension
Don't let it throw you, JonJaper. I was just as shocked as you when I first saw the AFC White Knight extravaganza when a woman came around here a couple years ago. It's downright scary to witness.

There are a lot of guys here who still hold their ground, some of whom decided not to get involved with this particular side-show. It just goes to show that the presence of a woman will always bring out a man's true inner character.

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Cloud 9
DESDINOVA: I KNOW you didn't delete my post on purpose. It was either an accident or someone else...Whatever the case somebody has pissed me off and I sincerely hope it doesn't happen again.

Now here's my post from earlier:

What were your intentions here? To further your understanding of men? It's true that some guys here are over-egotistical, critical, and judging. Everyone is to some degree, but many of us can control ourselves...You've received many positive comments, despite the negative ones. Unfortunately the negatives seem to resonate stronger with you emotionally. That's why *******s are *******s; because they've found their attractiveness to women in their masculine natures of being aggressive, challenging, and willfully opinionated...It is not our intention to demean who you are; we are here to discuss the realities of feminine nature, as we know and understand it, beyond social conventions. In addition, you can't expect every man to be sensitive to your feelings, ESPECIALLY online, where we can't exactly tell what might upset you...I am sorry that you are choosing to leave on behalf of the blatant-ness of some of the guys here. I wish you the best in med school...
LadyMD said:
The irony is that I actually admired this forum before posting here. I'm not sure what I was thinking. This place is actually full of idiots, many of whom can't spell, and I'm disappointed to see the insecurity and *******ry rather than gleeful. And yes, ad hominem attacks for the win...Sorry if my username intimidated you or something, but don't concern yourself with my MD prospects. A 38 on the MCAT plus a 3.9 GPA from a top southern UG says I'm in good shape for med school. Maybe you should spend your energy worrying about your own future instead, just a suggestion...But thanks for playing - feel free to lock this thread or use it to feed your misogyny, I'm done with this place.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
I don't think anyone would delete your post. Are you sure it went thru?


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2011
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I'm not interested in "figuring you out". It's a boring waste of time. I now know how to get exactly what I want, and actually get PAID CASH for getting it, and that's the way I will play it for the rest of my life. :) As contrasted with the exact reverse. Also, MD's typiically work 80 hour weeks, and are exhausted the rest of the time. I"m definitely not interested in marrying one. I want my woman focused mostly on keeping me happy, not trying to save the world, mostly from itself. Well over half of disease injury is from smoking, drinking, overweight, stupidity/carelessness, doping, lack of exercise, thought, etc. I think that such people should be encouraged and helped to eliminate themselves from the gene pool, ASAP, not have their lives extended so that they can waste even more oxygen.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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JonJaper said:
WTF. This is pathetic.

Some of you guys are actually taking advice from a woman? Read the DJ Bible again. Pay particular attention to Pook's "Be a Man!"
Read the original post again. Where is she giving advice?
And where in this thread is anyone taking it?
As far as I can see, she came here to give an opinion and everybody got all freaked out about being told they were wrong about women.

Guys around here only see that a woman is posting and respond to it like chum in the water. Do you guys walk around in real life talking to girls saying "hahahaha, you don't know what you want, nothing you say is of any value, all you have is a hamster for brains"?
I honestly don't see anything she posted that was so offensive.

I'm in the Mood

Master Don Juan
May 3, 2008
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Cloud 9
Atom Smasher said:
I don't think anyone would delete your post. Are you sure it went thru?
Yes, I posted right after Desdinova, twice. I figure that he might have deleted my second post, which I don't mind because it was honestly a waste of space (one huge quote). But the first one took me awhile to write, and I don't appreciate it being removed.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
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21 year old guys post here all the time. Do you think they have things figured out? Are they called trolls for posting their opinion?
Anyone who takes the advice of a 21 year old, no matter what gender, is a fool. 21 year olds know nothing. 25 year olds know very little. 30 year olds know some. etc.

I don't take the posts of anyone under the age of 30 seriously. Reminds me of that Avril Lavigne song where she says, "Life's like this." Yeah, I'm sure some teenage girl can tell me what life is like.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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I'm in the Mood said:
Yes, I posted right after Desdinova, twice. I figure that he might have deleted my second post, which I don't mind because it was honestly a waste of space (one huge quote). But the first one took me awhile to write, and I don't appreciate it being removed.
The posts were removed by another mod because the thread was in the MM forum and you're under 25. Since it's been moved to the main discussion forum, I restored the posts.


Master Don Juan
Jun 8, 2011
Reaction score
zekko said:
Read the original post again. Where is she giving advice?
And where in this thread is anyone taking it?
As far as I can see, she came here to give an opinion and everybody got all freaked out about being told they were wrong about women.

Guys around here only see that a woman is posting and respond to it like chum in the water. Do you guys walk around in real life talking to girls saying "hahahaha, you don't know what you want, nothing you say is of any value, all you have is a hamster for brains"?
I honestly don't see anything she posted that was so offensive.
Im with Zekko on this. I agree with this post and every post hes made in this thread. LadyMD made some valid points and started a decent topic with insightful opinions I believe.

Dudes here really need to drop the bitterness and truly behave like mature men.

The flaming is truly unnecessary especially considering the fact that the OP remained civil. Yeah someone will come along and say "well thats how the real world is" or "if she cant take it she shouldnt of come here" However, if someone started a flame thread right now that dogged women, noone would say a freaking thing.

Come on guys. Lets be mature adults here more often.

EDIT: Powerlifter made me lol. But he does have a point, despite being rather brash. Guys need to hop off the bandwagon and look at things from an even keeled light more often and form their own opinions.


Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
How is it you came up with a post that calls Rollo a queer? What has that got to do with this thread?
Rollo will defend himself I am sure.

As for you Powerlifter, frankly you are an idiot, and need a good hiding.
Powerlifting my arse. What are you benching and deadlifting chump?


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Zarky said:
Anyone who takes the advice of a 21 year old, no matter what gender, is a fool. 21 year olds know nothing. 25 year olds know very little. 30 year olds know some. etc.
You make a good point, but there is that old saying: "Every man is my equal, in that I may learn from him". You should be able to learn something from most people you know.

The other thing is, how old do you suppose Pook was? He had to be a young guy. He talked about sitting in class, talking to girls. Could be college, but I wouldn't even be too surprised if I found out he was a high school kid. A lot of his material was very much "coming of age" stuff.

Pook was a good writer, but I certainly don't agree with everything he said. There's probably no one here I would agree with 100% of the time. But he is practically revered around here.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
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South Dakota
Hope she can put up with more in med school than she was able to here... they will try to break her in school so she doesn't break when she's working on a patient.


Master Don Juan
Feb 1, 2003
Reaction score
This has been a really good thread!

However, SO many veteran posters exposing themselves in very poor ways.

This is a 21 yr old "good girl" type who has posted her young "good girl" views and nothing more! She has every right. Get a grip guys! Losing your cool makes you look bad.

I've re-read the original post and honestly find nothing offensive about it at all. If you do, then you have issues with women that are holding you back. There's nothing in there that should surprise you or cause you to react harshly. It's just an opinion and nothing on this forum should matter enough to upset you.

I know lots of young girls like this one and wish there were MORE of them around. In fact, give me ALL the smart, balanced, ambitious, sporty, moral and naive young virgins you can find thank-you!

I don't care if she thinks she's saving herself until marriage. I'm gettin' in there!! It's gonna be fun.

I'm gonna be a good guy and an a$$hole at the same time. I'm going to take her on super cool and fun dates with lots of good conversation, fun teasing, and sexual tension. I'm going to repeat and escalate a little more each time but I'm not going to pressure anything. I'm going to let this thing simmer. Along the way I'm going to literally sweep her off her feet and while her head is spinning her body will be yearning. I'm gonna drive her absolutely nuts by not committing, yet madly in love with me because I'm so damn fun, exciting and sexy to be with. I'm going to be dating other girls too. (Hopefully more smart, naive virgins) As many as I can handle. I will repeat this scenario with all of them. In some cases I will be open about all this and in others I will have to be more discreet. It doesn't matter because eventually I will be sleeping with many of them and fooling around with the others. They will all love me, pursue me and want me to marry them.

^^^^The above story^^^^ is pretty much how I made my DJ living in years gone by. Sure I had lots of meaningless nights with some questionable women but for the most part I targeted the good-girl types (not religious). I had tons of fun and sex and great relationships with lots of great women. This is my image of what being a successful DJ really is.

I've been coming to this forum for a long time. I've seen and heard every negative view of women imaginable. I listen to all these guys claiming that they can't find a good woman anywhere. Some say they don't even exist!

I see them every single day.

I've always wondered how my experience with women could be so good and for so many other guys it's so negative? Something tells me it's not the woman's fault.

Whenever these woman hating threads begin it reminds me of racism. Men taking their limited experiences with women and applying it to ALL women.

Many of the attacks and attitudes displayed throughout this thread are a sad display of how many members are lacking in their development.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
This thread is bogus for 3 simple reasons

1. She is not representative of the female population (she's a med student which means no social life, which she admitted herself).

2. She is highly likely to be a UG or bigger than Willy. And even in the event she were to be attractive, women don't know what they want. I am actually quite disappointed some of you are listening to her. She got 100 responses in fewer than 12 hours; it's pathetic.

3. Women don't understand themselves. Hence, why would you listen to a woman trying to analyze OUR game?

Conclusion: I have listen to my mother and females about what women want and it got me laughed at, humiliated, AMOGed, ridiculed, frustrated among others things because WHAT THEY TOLD ME DOESN'T WORK. I'm now at another level and it's making me feel good about myself. I pull attractive girls being myself while applying the ideas the veterans have published on this site. I am not about to go back to listening to female bull. I am not going to relapse into AFChood. Screw this post, I'm outta here cause my phone is ringing. Ohhh, look is one of my plates! :) Sorry woman poster, got more important stuff to do. ;)

Super Hero

Don Juan
Nov 30, 2011
Reaction score
Guys gang banged OP.

THE END. curtain rolls.


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Zarky said:
Anyone who takes the advice of a 21 year old, no matter what gender, is a fool. 21 year olds know nothing. 25 year olds know very little. 30 year olds know some. etc.

I don't take the posts of anyone under the age of 30 seriously. Reminds me of that Avril Lavigne song where she says, "Life's like this." Yeah, I'm sure some teenage girl can tell me what life is like.
Ok, Zarky if you are being specific as it relates to the subject of this thread then you could have a point. However, to your statement which sounds like a generalization. I would say that people of all ages can learn something from each other because we have different experiences based on time and those we associate with.E.g a 21 year old is more likely to be social media savvy than a 50 something. In the Same way a 50 something may be more hunting savvy compared to a 21 yr old.

As for the rest of the thread. I would say that while it's true the OP had some misconceptions and perhaps should have spent a few days or weeks reading through the site so as to really get a good gist of it. I still think she came here with the right heart. Shouldn't part of our goal here be to win hearts and then show them the light?

However, what I do see here is a lot of arrogant men who though they might be right in their arguments turn off those they seem to win over and persuade by their harsh approach. How then can you then convince this girl to see your point of view when you can even give her the time of day to see where she's coming from. I have seen it time and again how a lot of men wear facades of arrogance of having it all figured out (in various aspects of life) only to come up short and also take others down with them. An example of this happened yesterday when my partner in a group project for school claimed he had it all handled. Despite the fact I pointed out things that needed to be fixed. He ended up creating a sh!tty presentation all because he was too arrogant to take into consideration the things I had pointed out. This is just one example of how many of us men are. This is showing through on this thread. We would rather write tough and point out the flaws of others in a harsh way than to actually take time to see where they are coming from.

Imagine if we were better in our approach of handling a debate without bashing the OP a 21 yr old girl in this case who like most women are going to react emotionally to the bashing. Imagine that she would go spread the word about this site in a positive light to other girls or maybe a few AFCs she knows. So, that the more people(male and female) who know and become enlightened, the better things will become.

To LadyMD, I'm glad you came to this site. Despite everything I hope you do stay to absorb much knowledge as you can (while separating the good from the bad).
While it's true that a lot of the guys on here have been harsh in their response to you. You have to take the good along with the bad. You have to learn from both sides of the spectrum. This is how you grow. You can't always control how people react to you but you can control how you react. Some of the way you've responded have further reinforced the ideas with some that women only respond to what makes them FEEL good. You've got to grow a tough skin. Heck you are a medical person and you can look at a lot of gross things I can't even stand myself and here you are running away just because you didn't like what was said? You should be teachable yourself you know.
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