a woman that cant make up her mind.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2009
Reaction score
A girl that i know is going through a bad divorce. shes pretty much on the street right now...living with friends...has had her kids taken away already by her mom and ex husband ( long story ).

So from the beginning i haven't seen this girl in years since she got married. in Feb after her ex leaves her for the THIRD time since they have been married, we start hanging out. I have been helping her out, being there for her ect. ect. As the days and weeks go on we start getting close but she never wants to do anything ( physical ). as the months go on we are still just friends but i start getting attached to her and her kids. we go out a lot but as friends, and she goes out with her ex BF from along time ago and other guys..partying hard...drinking hard ect ect. i can totally see she rebounding BIG TIME!

we split way a couple times but always seemed to make up. she calls me one night after about a month without speaking and wants to go out. we go out have some drinks and while at the bar she leans over and we just start going at it. i first think im golden..shes in to me right...

so we start hanging out pretty much every day..but she never wants to get physical. shes always like we are friends blah blah blah. every time we go out in public she REAL flirty with me..and we always end up kissing.

getting closer to the present, she gets kicked out of her parents house...losses her kids. and shes living with friends. in the mean time i get laid off and she ends up getting a hotel for a week. during that week we are together the whole time. one night after some light drinking we pass out together. i wake up in the middle of the night with her hand rubbing my ****. one thing leads to another and i end up going down on her. we are having fun for about 2 hours, then all of the sudden..shes like WE cant do this...my heads ****ing killing me and we cant do this! im like WTF and i go home. i get a call the next morning, she like about last night i feel bad...i didn't want our relationship to move like that. acouple nights later im with her and we're watching TV and shes putting on some lip gloss and shes like " how does this taste?!? " and leans over and we kiss for awhile!

after she gets kicked out of the room..shes living with another friend. one night while she was there we are all drinking and her friends to go bed. my girl start FLIPPING out...saying **** YOU...your just like every other guy. and starts balling about losing her kids this and that. then she like " i love you i have feeling for you...i can honestly say I LOVE YOU " im kinda taken back..didnt know what to say. she asks me " if you were my man tomorrow would you still treat me the same??? " " then shes like but we'er just friend...blah blah blah. so i get up and leave. the next day she leave that place and goes to another friends. since then i have not seen her and its been about a month. she sent me a couple text couple weeks ago saying that she was sorry for the way she treated me..and that she has a problem pushing away the people she loves...

i hear from her close friend that shes " dating " some 50 year old rich guy (shes 28) now and i really haven't heard much from her..

how can a woman say she loves me...has feelings for me...but "we're just friend". and when ever we get physical..she always makes up some excuses...even tho its happened multiple times!

i know she has a lot of problems...has a past..has a pretty messed up family
i get some many mixed feelings from her and mix signals...what tha hell do i do??

sorry for the long rant!


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Blown5.0 said:
i hear from her close friend that shes " dating " some 50 year old rich guy (shes 28) now and i really haven't heard much from her..
At the risk of stating the obvious, you have been played royally, and will continue to be played for your ego inflating value to her unless you eject now. You were just "rebound guy". Nothing more.

Why do you think that she has not contacted you while she has been dating the rich guy ?


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Blown5.0 said:
she sent me a couple text couple weeks ago saying that she was sorry for the way she treated me..and that she has a problem pushing away the people she loves...
Ding ! Womanspeek translation goes something like this -

" I am checking with you to find out how you feel about the crAppy way that I have acted towards you. I need to find out if you are willing to tolerate more of the same.
I really do not "Love" anyone because I am incapable of adult intimacy. However ,I pushed you away because my manipulations worked so well that YOU actually believed that I wanted a relationship. You idiot, I told you all that lovey stuff to hook you in so that I could exploit your inexperience with women.
I am seeing another chump now, but if that does not work out, do you still want to play if I come back ? "


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2009
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
At the risk of stating the obvious, you have been played royally, and will continue to be played for your ego inflating value to her unless you eject now. You were just "rebound guy". Nothing more.

Why do you think that she has not contacted you while she has been dating the rich guy ?
I know i was played...i see it...and so do alot of my friend..

she has contacted me..ive just played it cool.

i broke my phone the other day...and told her this.
she send me a random message on facebook...saying that

" this is my last attempt to contact you...that i have txted and messaged you and you never replayed...you have my number..take care "

i wrote her back pretty much calling her on her BS...that i never got her messages...

she rights back saying to give her a call when i fix my phone...


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Blown5.0 said:
i wrote her back pretty much calling her on her BS...that i never got her messages...

she rights back saying to give her a call when i fix my phone...
I suggest that you urgently PM STR8uP for advice... He frequently gets into these kinds of dramas.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2009
Reaction score
i get the whole being played thing..

what i dont understand is why she would say **** like " i miss you when we are apart...i have feelings for you....i love you..." ?!?

i know she hurt real bad since her ex left her...she has VERY low self esteem..even tho she try's to play it off...

shes been married twice and has had two kids and shes 28....

she has a very rough past too..drugs...drinking...getting beat up. and im sure since shes very sexual...that's gotten her in to some trouble as well...

shes asked my a couple times..." why would you want some one like me...some ones that been around...you know my past and what i have done "


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Blown5.0 said:
what i dont understand is why she would say **** like " i miss you when we are apart...i have feelings for you....i love you..." ?!?

i know she hurt real bad since her ex left her...she has VERY low self esteem..even tho she try's to play it off...

shes been married twice and has had two kids and shes 28....

she has a very rough past too..drugs...drinking...getting beat up. and im sure since shes very sexual...that's gotten her in to some trouble as well...

shes asked my a couple times..." why would you want some one like me...some ones that been around...you know my past and what i have done "
Perhaps what you are asking is why she would say what she said and then act like she did. To a straight guy from the suburbs, these kinds of women are a seething mass of contradictory craziness. Indeed, their behavior is bewildering to say the least .

She said what she did partly because she did have feelings for you(as far as she is capable) and partly because she was hoping that you would react warmly to her words of affection and stay 'hooked' a little longer.

Her question is valid too. Why would you want someone with her past ?

Women like her repeat their history over and over. You were recruited to be her 'rebound guy' whom she hoped would repair her ego and rescue her in times of trouble. She understands how to 'work' nice guys. Her needs are huge but her life skills are poor, so you will be called on to pick her up after she gets dumped or beaten by the next drunk, druggie or baddazz.

You want to be in this B grade movie for much longer ?


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Blown5.0 said:
shes asked my a couple times..." why would you want some one like me...some ones that been around...you know my past and what i have done "
Thats a good question....why would you?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
What drugs is she on? Meth? Coke? or Raging alcholic? Bipolar? What's her issue?

I've known a dozen girls like her. Trust me there is something wrong with her. That's why she's wondering what's wrong with you for being with her. She knows she ain't shiit. And you seem like you got it together..so what is wrong with you? Low self esteem is what's wrong with you.

Cut this cancer out of your life, take off your cape and don't play captian save a ho. She's no good, any mother who can't get it together enough to have her kids is only good for a pump and dump, she knows it. Now so do you.

As for the older guy. She's playing him for money, you already know. You see what kind of woman she is, but your low self esteem and lack of sexual options lead you to continue to worry about her. Move out trooper. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
shes been married twice and has had two kids and shes 28....

she has a very rough past too..drugs...drinking...getting beat up. and im sure since shes very sexual...that's gotten her in to some trouble as well..

I smell bpd. Go read the long bpd thread in the archive, and see if it starts to feel like it was written about your girl.

How's her daddy? Did he or Mom abandon her at a young age?

She's beautiful, isn't she? Being with her is exciting, an emotional rush. I think I know your girl, because I know bpd, and they are really all the same.


Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
I wouldn't take this chick seriously because she can't even figure herself out

so why should you try to?

don't try an save her. she needs help. there's nothing you can do

you can be friends I guess, but leave your emotions out of this

all this drama is not worth it.

Take Jophil's advice and leave


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2009
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
shes been married twice and has had two kids and shes 28....

she has a very rough past too..drugs...drinking...getting beat up. and im sure since shes very sexual...that's gotten her in to some trouble as well..

I smell bpd. Go read the long bpd thread in the archive, and see if it starts to feel like it was written about your girl.

How's her daddy? Did he or Mom abandon her at a young age?

She's beautiful, isn't she? Being with her is exciting, an emotional rush. I think I know your girl, because I know bpd, and they are really all the same.
you pretty much hit the nail on the head. she VERY beautiful...a 15. i can totally see BPD or bipolar a lot of people have told her the same thing...but she doesn't want to hear it.

she tries so hard to play the tough role...how shes always taken care of herself. and say long as i have know her (since 05) her history really never changed...she never changed. always had guys cheat on her..then found some sugar daddy to take care of things for awhile. her friend even told me the last BF she had before she got married for the second time...he cheated on her while she was shooting for maxim...she went and cheat on him with THREE of his best friends!..

and in the present after her second husband left her ( hes a cop ) she went out and ****ed some other cop he knew about just to piss him off! she told me that...
Last edited:


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2009
Reaction score
link me to the BPD thread you are talking about...i searched for it...not sure i found the right one!



Don Juan
Jul 30, 2009
Reaction score
OK WOW..ive read alot about Borderline Personality Disorder...
its like it was written about her..almost to the T

how should i go about this...how do i go from the " nice guy " that i was with her...to ****ing with her head...

do you believe all the things she said..." i have feeling for you...i love you...i miss you when you are gone... " that was all BPD talking?


Master Don Juan
Jan 24, 2009
Reaction score
Blown5.0 said:
and in the present after her second husband left her ( hes a cop ) she went out and ****ed some other cop he knew about just to piss him off! she told me that...
this should have been a warning!!


Master Don Juan
Aug 24, 2007
Reaction score
Blown5.0 said:
shes been married twice and has had two kids and shes 28...."
Enough enough!! You don't need us for answers...this should tell you everything!! Only 28, has had 2 divorces and 2 kids, WTF?? Damaged goods bro and mentally unstable.


Don Juan
Jul 30, 2009
Reaction score
i have know this chick for awhile. Before i had my eyes open lol...i thought maybe she was some what normal. i know i cared for her to much..i let my emotions get in the way of things..

since we haven't spoken in about a month..and even tho shes with some old guy ( no a fence ) shes been flirting with a very good friend of mine...trying to get under my skin... what do i do?


Master Don Juan
May 28, 2007
Reaction score
Blown5.0 said:
OK WOW..ive read alot about Borderline Personality Disorder...
its like it was written about her..almost to the T

how should i go about this...how do i go from the " nice guy " that i was with her...to ****ing with her head...

do you believe all the things she said..." i have feeling for you...i love you...i miss you when you are gone... " that was all BPD talking?
You're going to want to run far away from this one.

You will never be able to fvck with her head. Its almost like they are master chess players. You make a move and she already knows how to counter.

I would also not believe a damn thing that has come out of her mouth. BPD's will say/do anything to get what they want.

And hell, even if she isnt BPD, I'd stay away. You can do better than her. She sounds like a trainwreck, why torture yourself with someone who is a mess?