A website that seems to celebrate both marriage AND divorce


Master Don Juan
Apr 30, 2006
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I was looking at this webpage, and it got me thinking ...


The primary article is about how divorced women can easily find younger men that will want to have sex with them. On the side there are a bunch of links to articles about the "perfect wedding" and even about engagement pics, as well as other articles about divorce.

These are huge mixed messages. It is almost as if women should be entitled to demand marriage when they want (and of course complain when there aren't enough "good men" around :rolleyes:), while at the same time encouraging women that they should divorce, and how they can have a great time after they divorce. I mean, it looks like women just like the whole cycle of dating, engagement (with the great photos), marriage, and then divorce. One of the side links even purports that women get better at marriage by going through a divorce!

W T F ? :eek: :eek: :eek: :box: :down:


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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I suppose from a woman's perspective, demanding the perfect wedding AND being able to play the field, divorce, etc, get paid, is the ideal.

Kind of like a guys ideal would be to bang endless 10's without ever committing.

Both genders have their angles. Whoever is best as getting theirs wins.

Date accordingly!


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Women profit more from divorce than men do, so it's no surprise they would celebrate it.

I will never marry again, but I do think that relationships do not need to last forever for them to have value. It's like going on a long vacation - you're excited when you start out, you have fun while you're on it, and at the end of it you're glad to get home.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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taiyuu_otoko said:
I suppose from a woman's perspective, demanding the perfect wedding AND being able to play the field, divorce, etc, get paid, is the ideal.
I don't think that's necessarily true. In their heart of hearts I think most women want the perfect wedding AND having all needs met by the same man: resource providing (which the 'perfect wedding' falls under, display of wealth), emotional support, companionship, child-bearing, great sex, etc. Divorce in our modern era is simply cashing out on his resources when other needs are not being met. In our gynocentric, women=men society, women want men to believe that playing the field and divorce are part of their ideal scenario, but that's just leveraging so they don't walk away with nothing. A divorce payout is a consolation prize for her loneliness. She plays the field because she has to and still has the attractiveness to pull it off.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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samspade said:
I don't think that's necessarily true. In their heart of hearts I think most women want the perfect wedding AND having all needs met by the same man: resource providing (which the 'perfect wedding' falls under, display of wealth), emotional support, companionship, child-bearing, great sex, etc. Divorce in our modern era is simply cashing out on his resources when other needs are not being met.
I think one of the problems is that a lot of women have an unrealistic view of marriage. They expect it all to turn out to be like some fantasy novel, with non stop romance. Then they find out they still have to buy toilet paper, scrub the dishes, deal with the car getting a flat, the washer breaking down, getting into bad moods, etc. In other words, marriage is just like life, and they blame the guy for it.

That and because they receive cash and prizes for divorcing, they have incentive to file. Since there is no more "shaming" involved with divorce, our modern society is set up to encourage them to file.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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samspade said:
I don't think that's necessarily true. In their heart of hearts I think most women want the perfect wedding AND having all needs met by the same man: resource providing (which the 'perfect wedding' falls under, display of wealth), emotional support, companionship, child-bearing, great sex, etc. Divorce in our modern era is simply cashing out on his resources when other needs are not being met. In our gynocentric, women=men society, women want men to believe that playing the field and divorce are part of their ideal scenario, but that's just leveraging so they don't walk away with nothing. A divorce payout is a consolation prize for her loneliness. She plays the field because she has to and still has the attractiveness to pull it off.
Are you on drugs? Are you serious?


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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YawataNoKami said:
Are you on drugs? Are you serious?
I probably didn't explain it well. Single women are generally not happy women. They fear loneliness and solitude more than men. Divorce cash-ins are one thing but a woman would rather have an Alpha for life. Any woman who says she enjoys "playing the field" is either 16 or full of it. "Slvt Pride" is feminist posturing, part of the big equalist shyt test on men.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I've certainly known women who enjoy spinning plates. Especially the AW types. That's not to say all women do, though.

Most women I know settle down with one dude. Of course with hypergamy, they can always dump him if they find a better option, or just get bored.

I don't think being an "alpha" is a guarantee against divorce. A women can get tired of an alpha's sh!t just as much as anyone else's.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
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If you are a man I do not care how "Alpha" you are the system is against you.


Don Juan
May 26, 2014
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women live for the wedding - its the fun/reward before the work.. and if they don't want to work - you get a divorce. Been there- done that.


Master Don Juan
May 3, 2013
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IMO women who marry alpha, especially tough, rugged, manly alpha get bored when said guy hits 40s, doesn't stay in shape and she's left with a porky *******. A guy who never had to develop skills as he got women easily due to attractiveness etc, we all get old and ugly and if there's nothing else, she will bail.

Ditto rich guys marrying women too hot for them, which is where, I believe, including the above, a lot of fanatical red pill comes from.

The long term success I observe is with people who don't date up or down significantly. Divorce is usually due to thinking with ones crotch when you're younger, men and women.