A straight forward, non-gimicky opener that works well


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
This is a play on the typical pick-up line, "dont I know you from somewhere?" or "Havent we met before."

So after you open her with this generally lame pick-up line, and she says "no" You extend out your hand and say, "well nice to finally meet you, I'm _____"


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2007
Reaction score
I was actually thinking really hard of a good opener that suits me and isn't considered to much of a pick up and this came to mind. I think this can work really well. Its so easy and breaks the ice. Good job pointing it out


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brent" <>
To: "Zero2" <>
Sent: Thursday, December 06, 2007 11:38 PM
Subject: Do You Know A Lot Of People?

> Hey Zyzyx,
> To sign yourself up for this
> complimentary e-letter, visit
> www.absolutepowerdating.com
> Do You Know A Lot Of People?
> When guys go out with me, it seems like I know a
> lot of women. I do know a lot, but not THAT many.
> What's my secret?
> I pretend I know them.
> How do I do it?
> Five little words.
> 'Nice to see you again'
> Like everything else I teach you, it's simple and
> very effective.
> Try it next time you're walking through a crowd.
> I usually don't even wait for a response. I keep
> moving and it drives them crazy and causes
> them to seek me out.
> When I do wait for a response I usually get,
> 'Good to see you too'
> Sometimes I'll throw in,
> 'How have you been?'
> I know what you're thinking:
> What if they say,
> 'Do I know you?'
> Of course I have the answer for you. Just say,
> 'I can't believe you don't remember. It WAS kind
> of dark and we WERE kind of drunk.'
> If they have this confused look on their face like
> they still don't get it say,
> 'I'm just messing with you, I'm Brent.'
> Then start with the usual questions.
> Why does it work?
> * They don't want you to think they don't remember
> you, so they'll pretend too
> * They don't like the 'getting to know each other'
> process; they'd rather fast forward
> * When they already know you, their defenses come
> down
> I make them feel comfortable immediately. It's
> like we've known each other forever. This
> is one of the reasons I can accomplish things in minutes
> that most guys spend hours, weeks and months
> trying to do.
> Try it and let me know what happens.
> Oh yeah, nice seeing you again!
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> E-mail me ASAP at brent@absolutepowerdating.com
> for details.
> ***Texas Boot Camp***
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> February 7, 8, 9 in Dallas.
> E-mail me ASAP at brent@absolutepowerdating.com
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> 1) Keep it short and to the point. Two paragraphs
> max.
> 2) Tell me what's working for you before you ask
> your question. I appreciate all of the 'Your
> stuff is great' and 'I don't need to tell you how
> well your stuff works' comments, but the fact is
> that I DO need to hear all of the specifics...
> because this helps other guys to see what's
> working in different situations.
> 3) If you have a Success Story, write 'Success
> Story' in the subject line of the email. I read
> these first.
> 4) At the end of the email, give me your initials
> and tell me where you're from.
> 5) Send it to me at:
> Brent@absolutepowerdating.com
> ...don't just hit 'reply' to this email. Thanks!
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War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
> How do I do it?
> Five little words.
> 'Nice to see you again'
Brilliant opener, I'll make a mental note of this to try out in the field.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
It could start a conversation well enough, but I don't really like it. Starts things off immediately with a lie, which you then have to then tunnel out of sooner or later.

Give it a try and let us know how it goes. I'll test it too.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
War Against Betaism said:
Brilliant opener, I'll make a mental note of this to try out in the field.
Are you talking about Zero2's or the one I posted. I'm sure they have both been used before, but that doesn't necesarily mean that they're common knowlege. They're both worth a try.

BTW Zero, that's alot of adds in you post :crazy: I got shyt for having 1.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Boschy said:
It could start a conversation well enough, but I don't really like it. Starts things off immediately with a lie, which you then have to then tunnel out of sooner or later.

Give it a try and let us know how it goes. I'll test it too.
You guys need to specify which opener you are talking about. The one I posted does not start with a lie. It's a question. Zero's open's with a lie, which I also felt isn't quite my style. But I think it would work none the less.


Don Juan
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
Clear your PM please!

PM me for a free copy of Supersize Your Sex Life

One please! :woo:


Add? That isnt from me man, I just copied and pasted from the email brent sends us, cos I thought that might be similar with your style bro, and I thought it might actually strengthen and help to increase the effectiveness of your post.

Props to you and brent, not me bro. ;)

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
Reaction score
Dongfu said:
Are you talking about Zero2's or the one I posted. I'm sure they have both been used before, but that doesn't necesarily mean that they're common knowlege. They're both worth a try.

BTW Zero, that's alot of adds in you post :crazy: I got shyt for having 1.
Honestly I haven't heard Zero's opener before, I was referring to that.

[edit] Actually, on second thought, I've heard it about a billion times in comedy movies with corny love relationships in different variations.


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2007
Reaction score
It works okay but it's so well worn/well known that the girl will just roll her eyes.


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii
Zero2 said:
Clear your PM please!

PM me for a free copy of Supersize Your Sex Life

One please! :woo:


Add? That isnt from me man, I just copied and pasted from the email brent sends us, cos I thought that might be similar with your style bro, and I thought it might actually strengthen and help to increase the effectiveness of your post.

Props to you and brent, not me bro. ;)
Thanks. Just pm me your email and i'll send the book. PS I'm not david d, i wont send you 50 million emails afterward. Just the book with no hidden fee's. :D


May 22, 2007
Reaction score
Wherever the Dong guides me, but mostly Hawaii

I used a spontaneous opener yesterday that worked well. But I'm sure this one's been around since 500 BC. :rolleyes:

Anyway, here it is.

As I was walking into a restarant I passed through the outdoor seating section. As I walked by a girl, who was sitting with another girl smiled at me. I smiled back and said, "hold that smile." This created immediate suspense for her. Now she is waiting for me to return.

When I got my food I went outside and noticed that she had a condiment on the table that she brought from inside. I sat down at the table next to hers and said, "I'm gonna have to steal that from you."

Initiated convo, set up plans to hang and exhanged #'s. Going to a dance party tonight where these girls will be there, as well as a few others I've met in the last few days. I'll have to arrive at a descision at some point tonight.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 11, 2006
Reaction score
This opener in the original post works. I have used a variation of it many times in the past. It's simple and not too intrusive.

Dongfu said:
As I walked by a girl, who was sitting with another girl smiled at me. I smiled back and said, "hold that smile." This created immediate suspense for her. Now she is waiting for me to return.
This one is also a good idea, and although I haven't tried it, it seems like it would fly.