a sosuave relationship equivalent?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 13, 2007
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i'm looking for a forum where there's a bunch of level headed people who arent plugged into the matrix that want me to try to live a disney movie life, but where they'll give real advice on how to maintain a real relationship. anyone know of any?

no offense to sosuave, but people here appear to either be good at attracting girls or not, and very rarely mention their deeply committed relationships...


Master Don Juan
Jul 23, 2009
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Desdinova said:

There is relatonship game here. We tune into more LTR and general mindset related discussions.

Its less seen because LTR guys dont have so many problems. Solid LTR game is about being a solid alpha in general, so there isnt so much noise created. You get the small things fixed and start looking at the bigger picture. Its stops being about understanding women and using the principles, because you internalize and understand them.

The guys that are constantly crying and talking and changing are the ones without solid game. Their LTR's dont last very long. Every man needs advice and wisdom with something once in a while, but theres generally less to cry about when you have yourself sorted. You start looking more philosophically at life and the game, and less about 'what i should do next'.

One thing i would say is follow blogs of good writers about this stuff. There is a whole D.C. clique of people like roissy, roosh etc. that write about game and life. Thats about as close as you can get to a levelheaded talking environment on how to lead a life.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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My posting slowed down here when I was in my last relationship simply because of time. I had to drive to get to her place, so weekends were always spent either there or at my place. I started posting more when I lost my job last may, sure, but in a happy relationship I had nothing really to say. Girlfriends take up time, and there just isn't much to say.

Basically ease nailed it, you don't need to make noise when things are going well. This forum, as with any forum has good advice but one must understand the community and know where to get it.


Don Juan
Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score

"Author: Athol Kay is a innovative thinker, humorist and family man with a one track mind.

He combines a variety of relationship approaches from evolutionary psychology, PUA Game, sociology, biology, life experience, romance novels, crappy women's magazines, far too many books, behavior modification and cheap porn. He has distilled all this research into a few outstandingly effective tactics for gaining happiness and sex in marriage."