A shocking truth

joe henny

Senior Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
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A Message to those who have trouble getting women
Women Want To F*ck.

Just like all you guys who post here. So stop coming up with all these advanced theories and reading all this complicated a2 + b2=c2 sh1t and bone them. It's not that hard to get vagina. It has been happening long before you were here and will continue happening.

The thing is, women do the choosing. So give them something to choose. If your a fat slob, you better be a well dressed well built fat slob. If your a skinny little dweeblet you better be either well dressed or rich/famous. If not then get your asz to the gym! Improve your body, take care of your hygiene. Dress nice. GIVE THESE B*TCHES SOMETHING TO CHOOSE UP ON!

Once they do choose you by giving you eye contact or some other form of flirting man up and talk to them. If they are looking it's because they see something they like! Half the battle is won now you just got to make sure you don't fvck the rest up by doing something stupid. Don't think about the effin dj bible, wheather your displaying higher value or whatever the f*ck else you motha fvckas stress bout just focus on getting to know the ho. If you can do this and continue to escalate with the ho you will get somewhere at least.

You might not get laid the first or second date but you will get a hell of a lot closer than if you did nothing but continued to sit back and theorize on how to get laid. The best way to really discover "game" as you people obsess over is to go out in the field and learn your own. Yes there are some good books and tips out there to help you get ahead but, when you sit back and constantly read all this extra sh*t you tend to over complicate the simple crap and that is why the laying never happens. So just focus on the basics before you try all the advance stuff.

Keep it simple stupid.:trouble:

If you must read something then read the book of POOK. There are other's but since your on this site you might as well read the sh!t hear.

Hit the iron (your puzsy meter will sky rocket)
Dress nice
Be a man and approach when she's choosing
talk like a normal human
get out of your head and flow

(Once you have landed your first woman just duplicate that same effort to get many women! It's simple the more women you get at the more your chances go up. Talk to a lot of women get a lot of numbers get a lot of numbers get a lot of sex. You won't catch em all but by putting yourself out their and diversifying you will catch a lot more than just being focused on one girl at a time :D)

Get out in the field and

joe henny

Senior Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
Surprised there aren't any comments yet

Cry For Love

Senior Don Juan
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Wrong. Going out unprepared, you will humiliate yourself! You will have low productivity! It is a must, to learn theory, MM, to ensure reliable responses!


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
In our days and age without the game one wont get anywhere. One wrong thing comes up in a convo or a wrong move, and you are done for good. Been there, done that. You have to manipulate the b!tch once you start dating her.

I ve upped my looks - it wasnt enough!
then upped my game - doing pretty good!
I'll up my income/job - I am all there!


Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
joe henny said:
The thing is, women do the choosing. So give them something to choose. If your a fat slob, you better be a well dressed well built fat slob. If your a skinny little dweeblet you better be either well dressed or rich/famous. If not then get your asz to the gym! Improve your body, take care of your hygiene. Dress nice. GIVE THESE B*TCHES SOMETHING TO CHOOSE UP ON!

Once they do choose you by giving you eye contact or some other form of flirting man up and talk to them. If they are looking it's because they see something they like! Half the battle is won now you just got to make sure you don't fvck the rest up by doing something stupid. Don't think about the effin dj bible, wheather your displaying higher value or whatever the f*ck else you motha fvckas stress bout just focus on getting to know the ho. If you can do this and continue to escalate with the ho you will get somewhere at least.
This can be added to my sig for a nice ass thread that should go in the tips section! Women have to choose you unless you're rich, famous, or handsome. I'm glad there are more people here living in the real world.

joe henny

Senior Don Juan
Aug 23, 2010
Reaction score
nismo-4 said:
This can be added to my sig for a nice ass thread that should go in the tips section! Women have to choose you unless you're rich, famous, or handsome. I'm glad there are more people here living in the real world.

Yea you can tell who are the people who get laid on this site. obviously that fag preaching the MM doesn't lol


Senior Don Juan
Nov 2, 2006
Reaction score
i agree with the first half, but it still takes much game (for me anyway) after a girl gives me IOIs. Im pretty well dressed and have a OK body (working on it)

But yes, every aspiring DJ needs to get in the gym. Testosterone is your friend.