A quick tip concerning pook's school

Al Moh.

Senior Don Juan
Jan 15, 2008
Reaction score
Since I am pretty much a follower of pook's school and many people seem to have trouble applying his stuff here is a quick tip for you:

Pook is about ACTION, not about PLANS.

That's why he doesn't seem to write "practical" stuff like what exactly to say and do, neg-hits, compliments, whatever.

You see, if you really want to try his stuff you have to adopt a certain mindset:

- I don't care about the outcome
- I want to have fun
- Take it easy, the game of love is easy so it doesn't really matter
- I am the great catch so naturally every girl is or will be attracted

Then you forget about anything else, just go out and ACT.

Don't think about neg-hits, DHVs, when to give compliments, when to kino, whatever.

Just DO!

It's so powerful because you are being YOURSELF without fears of messing up and doing something "inappropriate" and with lot's of confidence and a playful and positive state of mind.

Many people see the girl as an opponent. They must overcome her "defences", convince her to sleep with them, make her sexual (she is already so it's kind of stupid^^)

I see it this way: The girl and me are playing a game and I set the rules. But naturally she just plays the game as long as it doesn't get boring. The game of love is like writing an exciting novel. You don't want both to know who's the murderer from the beginning. You both want to guess what happens. You want to have rising tension, a climax, some turning points etc. Make it fun and exciting and she'll work with you because she is exciting about what is going to happen.

That's when everything become easy, fun and exciting. Don't just surprise her, surprise yourself! And that's the point where you WANT TO BE BLOWN OFF from time to time, because if you'd always succeed, it wouldn't be exciting anymore, would it?

Girls are smarter than you think. I think, sometimes they don't tell you they aren't in the mood for sex because they really aren't but rather to build up more tension for the next time. Trust me, if everything always goes your way life would be rather boring!