A New Kind of Problem for me


Master Don Juan
May 20, 2016
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I've been seeing this girl and we haven't made anything official but recently she blew up and made a scene while we had guests over because she thought one of the female guests was flirting with me. The guest very well might have been TBH, I'm still not always good at picking these things up especially when drunk. We made out for the first time that night and had sex with each other for the first time the next morning. Still, she kept complaining about me flirting with other girls and said I was just going to go flirt with other girls when she wasn't around. Now last night she discovered I have the guest from the party as a friend on Facebook and she is complaining about it again, and saying she is upset and I have to choose who I like. That's ridiculous because I wasn't flirting with the guest or tried DMing her. Anyways, the girl I'm seeing acts jealous and possessive but we have all kinds of common interests and she is really good in bed. On top of that I live with her cousin who might screw me over somehow if I break her heart. I'm sure I can manage in that scenario but I am torn, because I like this girl for the most part except she has a kid and she gets jealous if I talk to another girl at all. I'm 30 now and have always been bad at scoring dates and lays. Should I stick with this crazy woman?


Master Don Juan
Apr 9, 2021
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This depends on your ease of acquiring new housing if nec


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
All of my past toxic relationships started with some light conflict similar to yours and I put it to the side after sex was had. My advice is to end this now because this is just the drink before the appetizer. Op you got sex out of this, so right now you are winning. Continue this relationship with this girl and you will switch to the losing position.

My 2 cents


Dec 30, 2022
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I often have to catch myself and remind myself to not take my life for granted. The experiences people post on here seem like hell of mediocrity or worse.. Meanwhile I got girls flying themselves out from places like London, France to see me, wearing Hermes and Goyard bags, who rock nothing but high end designer and look like dolls and some of these dudes out here can't even find a girl that behaves /isn't nuts.


Master Don Juan
May 20, 2016
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All of my past toxic relationships started with some light conflict similar to yours and I put it to the side after sex was had. My advice is to end this now because this is just the drink before the appetizer. Op you got sex out of this, so right now you are winning. Continue this relationship with this girl and you will switch to the losing position.

My 2 cents
But what if I want to have more sex? Like I said, she is good in bed.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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You were bad at scoring dates and lays before getting social proof from your gf? She made you better at it by providing social proof so you should be blaming her for other women flirting at you.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Damn OP...

Just end it now, say you had sex with her because you were REALLY drunk and you are confused yadiya . SOFT next her. I dont know how to do it best ,perhaps say she is the type of gurl who just dumped you and you feel like she is out of your league?? Anything to keep her scorn away from you! GET RID OF HER!!!

I dont understand how your living situation is depending upon her family or friends or whatever, and yet you ..get in to this rollercoaster ride, this predicament. You must hate your life and yourself !

You love drama dont you??

But what if I want to have more sex? Like I said, she is good in bed.
Here we go. Pathetic, disgusting and laughable at once

You wont listen. Imma get me some popcorn and watch this shyte show from afar.

Ill enjoy the crash, sorry not sorry.

Wtf OP. Are you 16? How special can sex be ??? Get rid of her NOW!!!!


Master Don Juan
Apr 7, 2023
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Nashville, TN
But what if I want to have more sex? Like I said, she is good in bed.
At the end of the day, you are going to do what you want to do. With that said, I am just giving you the most wise and rational decision. Go ahead and do it and I will bet that you will make another topic about this girl within 6 months.


Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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We made out for the first time that night and had sex with each other for the first time the next morning. Still, she kept complaining about me flirting with other girls and said I was just going to go flirt with other girls when she wasn't around. Now last night she discovered I have the guest from the party as a friend on Facebook and she is complaining about it again, and saying she is upset and I have to choose who I like.
Insecure women require constant validation. One of my kittens is like that, but they actually have mixed feelings: they like that their man is desirable to other women, but they don't want you to treat them like 'just another woman'. Telling you you have to choose between them is a test, don't fall for it. Choose now and every time another woman expresses interest you will be 'forced to choose' by her or she 'will leave you', which is bull**** because if a woman would leave you over that, she wouldn't warn you, she would just up and leave.


Master Don Juan
Aug 1, 2013
Reaction score
I've been seeing this girl and we haven't made anything official but recently she blew up and made a scene while we had guests over because she thought one of the female guests was flirting with me. The guest very well might have been TBH, I'm still not always good at picking these things up especially when drunk. We made out for the first time that night and had sex with each other for the first time the next morning. Still, she kept complaining about me flirting with other girls and said I was just going to go flirt with other girls when she wasn't around. Now last night she discovered I have the guest from the party as a friend on Facebook and she is complaining about it again, and saying she is upset and I have to choose who I like. That's ridiculous because I wasn't flirting with the guest or tried DMing her. Anyways, the girl I'm seeing acts jealous and possessive but we have all kinds of common interests and she is really good in bed. On top of that I live with her cousin who might screw me over somehow if I break her heart. I'm sure I can manage in that scenario but I am torn, because I like this girl for the most part except she has a kid and she gets jealous if I talk to another girl at all. I'm 30 now and have always been bad at scoring dates and lays. Should I stick with this crazy woman?
Your naming her "crazy woman" yourself, inherinatly you understand something is off.

I'm not going to hard push you to drop her.. it's upto you.

But like others have said, it's very likely more drama and chaos is heading your way soon!