A new hoop (discussion tip)


Master Don Juan
May 7, 2006
Reaction score
Hey DJs,i recently discovered this small technique i implement in my discussions.Lately while building rapport i was getting the "so what kind of girl do you like?" question and seeing how no answer was really the "correct" one i devised a little scheme.

Thing is that you could c+f your way around it but what about using it towards your benefit?
If i would start to describe her as my "dream girl" it would be cheesy (depending on her IL) and if i started describing some really other-wordly perfect girl i would get a drop in IL.So what i devised is this hoop i constantly use now (hoop is when you test a girls IL by asking/implying to do things she normally wouldn't)

So here it goes.Let's say we are dealing with a brunnete,average height girl who is a good cook

Girl: Sow what are you looking for in a girl?
GI: Knowing how to cook is a must,and i must say i prefer brunettes over blondes (now it's kinda cheesy at this point and she's smelling im describing her)..(pause for effect)..but you know what really turns me on? A girl that can x,are you any good at it?

Now in x i used "massage" which is not only a way to get some good kino going but if she actually did it (she did) i would now for sure she was hooked.
Subtle SOI , hoop and showing you know what you want in a package.

Any critisism accepted.
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New Member
Mar 19, 2007
Reaction score
I kinda do something like that but different!I aint been in to the PU stuff long but if im worng some one enlighten me? when a chicks asked me ‘what kind of girl do you like’ or ‘what kinda girl you go for’ i shot back with ‘the ones that are barefoot and hand cuffed to the cooker’ that all ways get a shocked laugh . If they really want to no there be like ‘no seriously’ at this point I would say iv got her!

Shes trying to building rapport with me? so I don’t really **** around much with C&F!This is where she trying to see if she up to my standards ?So I describe her but focusing more on the personality side of things , but I don’t go to deep .

Lately iv started adding a part about looking for a chick that has no hang ups about sex that I can share amazing sex with! Then are be like ‘you know any one like that ?’ I all ways get a shy smile or ‘yeah I can hook you up if you want’ some times but rare I get ‘do I look like a dating agency’ lol.

After that I go in to my routine about my last relationship being bad and has put me of relationships. (A lot of the chicks agree with me and understand I thought that was kinda weird!) so I aint looking for nothing serious and that works pretty well for me i got my current **** buddy from basically doing that.