A nerd with 3 inch thick glasses could score more ONLINE lays than me


Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score
I am completely and totally useless online. This doesn't really matter since I meet enough women in real life.

However I have some credits left on LavaLife that I'd like to turn into a few on-the-side lays, so I'm experimenting with random nerdy/C&F messages.

(That's right, Im using techniques, those things I always say are useless... but what the hell else am I supposed to use when all I have is text?!)

Although I'm typically the one GIVING advice for in-person interactions and inner game things, I am fully willing to admit that I have a HUGE WEAKNESS when it comes to online, text based approahes.

So I post here with a sample of the sort of message I'm using, and I hope you can critique it.

I rely so much on tone of voice and other non-verbal cues that this is really hard for me since those things aren't present in a text message. Really, I just have trouble getting girls past the hook point and actually on MSN. I can take it from there quite easily. I just typically can't differentiate myself in the first message or two.

So one HB8 says her cat is a "knight in shining armor"... my experimental message to her follows. I think I come off like a bit of a confident dork. I've tried playful, arrogant, funny... for some reason, what works in person just doesn't work at ALL for me when it comes to text messages. Sigh.

SUBJECT: I think I can take him.

Your cat, that is. Exactly what kind of shining armour does he have? I need to know so that I sharpen the right kind of sword before we fight.

I'm not on LL much, but I do have pictures to share over MSN at <EMAIL> I look like one of Santa's elves bred with a reindeer. Typically, I find that girls LOVE this look.



Senior Don Juan
Aug 4, 2005
Reaction score
Doh, lol, this girl lives an hour away. This really IS for practice only. Only a few credits left to play with, too, >sigh<


Senior Don Juan
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
Austin, Texas
Sounds to me like you got the better of the 2 skills ... in person pimping is by far better than doing it the online way ....

You just gotta be brief and to the point while online .... then disappear ... Dont stay on that IM too much though .... it does you more harm sometimes than good - the more available you are, the WORSE

Game on bud ....



Senior Don Juan
May 30, 2005
Reaction score
To get them on msn, I just write:

'Hey, hows it going? You have msn?'

Its so much easier to chat on msn than via website message systems, and they know it. Plus what harm can come from msn? If you don't like the person you block them. Works for me. Make sure your profile is decent though.

I have trouble with going from msn to meeting in person.. In fact, I've never really tried it so I have no idea of even what to do. The two times I've met girls from online they've initiated it.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
Guys let me warn you, don't rely on using chat systems to communicate with women online. The pitfall that so many guys fall into is chatting with a woman for days or weeks at a time without ever meeting her.

The truth of the matter, the women are getting their instant gratification of holding your attention without ever having to leave the house or her meeting you. More times than not they will just fall in love with the romance of chatting with a guy online and letting their imagination run wild. Understand that as easily as they fall in love with the romance of chatting online, they can get bored with it.

So if anything, understand that if a woman is truly interested in you, she will want to meet you. Let me make the caveat that she will meet you if she isn't carrying a ton of baggage and is using chat in hopes that she will eventually trust you because how couldn't she trust a guy she loves? Oh wait a minute; what is the chances of her falling in love with you through chat?

Just something to think about.