A lot of the advice is outdated because it has not caught up to modern day game.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
I see so much frustration on this board and so many guys who are just stuck. The guys who listen to traditional "dating" or "game" advice yet they still don't have much luck with women at all. I am talking about the kinds of guys who actually listened and read some dating advice and posts, actually put it to practice, but are still coming up empty handed.

Because a lot of this advice is outdated.

The advice of massive cold approaching and trying to run "game" might have worked many decades ago because those were the social trends at the time. In the 90s you could run day game at a mall in a big city and have a lot of success. You went out to bars and clubs to score and you often could score because that is what they were meant for.

But we live in an age of technology and image where it has all changed.

Most girls above a 7 do not really need to entertain going out as much because they can simply get the kinds of men they want through dating apps and have more than enough men available. A lot of hot girls above a 7 are spending their time on social media rolling through Instagram pages until they see a guy who gives off the image of their dream guy, that is the guy who is sleeping with most of these hot girls.

In this day and age, giving off the image of being a high status guy is more important than ever.

Women 20 years ago could have entertained being picked up by some normal guy who had "game", that isn't the case anymore.

When you have better things awaiting, you don't settle.

Back in the 90s, women were in a city and not as connected to the scene because what they saw on a daily basis was what they had in their lives.

Now women are in a situation where they turn on their phones and tons of guys await them.

When a hot guy on Tinder or a guy that gives off the image of being high status on social media is a click away, there isn't much of a need for women to entertain some random guy approach them at a club or bar.

Traditional pickup advice was gimmicky, not for the long term.

Canned pickup lines and tricks, it doesn't last but we all know that.

Red pill advice was somewhat decent but it pushed men to be social outcasts and loners instead of raising their status.

The whole society is evil, everyone is a loser, and "MGTOW" nonsense was not as helpful either. Even if you do lift and have a salary, you still have not accounted for status or presenting yourself to women in the modern world. This is why so many men with decent salaries and decent looks either have to settle for girls below their league or struggle with being single.

Instead the advice should center around being attractive in today's world, which mainly includes maximizing status.

Whether it is top tier hobbies, 10k Instagram followers, or whatever it may be; the advice should actually center around creating a life where you build an image that gets you hot girls.

Because we're in an age where that it is what it is about and guys who do it successfully date hot girls.

Dash Riprock

Master Don Juan
Sep 16, 2005
Reaction score
Mile High City, USA
I see so much frustration on this board and so many guys who are just stuck. The guys who listen to traditional "dating" or "game" advice yet they still don't have much luck with women at all. I am talking about the kinds of guys who actually listened and read some dating advice and posts, actually put it to practice, but are still coming up empty handed.

Because a lot of this advice is outdated.

The advice of massive cold approaching and trying to run "game" might have worked many decades ago because those were the social trends at the time. In the 90s you could run day game at a mall in a big city and have a lot of success. You went out to bars and clubs to score and you often could score because that is what they were meant for.

But we live in an age of technology and image where it has all changed.

Most girls above a 7 do not really need to entertain going out as much because they can simply get the kinds of men they want through dating apps and have more than enough men available. A lot of hot girls above a 7 are spending their time on social media rolling through Instagram pages until they see a guy who gives off the image of their dream guy, that is the guy who is sleeping with most of these hot girls.

In this day and age, giving off the image of being a high status guy is more important than ever.

Women 20 years ago could have entertained being picked up by some normal guy who had "game", that isn't the case anymore.

When you have better things awaiting, you don't settle.

Back in the 90s, women were in a city and not as connected to the scene because what they saw on a daily basis was what they had in their lives.

Now women are in a situation where they turn on their phones and tons of guys await them.

When a hot guy on Tinder or a guy that gives off the image of being high status on social media is a click away, there isn't much of a need for women to entertain some random guy approach them at a club or bar.

Traditional pickup advice was gimmicky, not for the long term.

Canned pickup lines and tricks, it doesn't last but we all know that.

Red pill advice was somewhat decent but it pushed men to be social outcasts and loners instead of raising their status.

The whole society is evil, everyone is a loser, and "MGTOW" nonsense was not as helpful either. Even if you do lift and have a salary, you still have not accounted for status or presenting yourself to women in the modern world. This is why so many men with decent salaries and decent looks either have to settle for girls below their league or struggle with being single.

Instead the advice should center around being attractive in today's world, which mainly includes maximizing status.

Whether it is top tier hobbies, 10k Instagram followers, or whatever it may be; the advice should actually center around creating a life where you build an image that gets you hot girls.

Because we're in an age where that it is what it is about and guys who do it successfully date hot girls.
A coupe thoughts on this:

What OP says is probably true for the under-25 crowd in terms of how most younger people meet.

But...using Tinder, Bumble, Match, POF whatever, fine, but at some point you actually have to meet the person in-person, not just over some app. That's where DJ techniques come in where not too much on SS is "dated." Women are still motivated by the same things they were 20+ years ago. They cannot change their DNA or wiring any more than a man can. We get turned on by hot women and women get turned on by real men. Just because a guy is a "pretty boy" on Tinder doesn't mean he's masculine nor does it mean he possesses any DJ game at all.

THAT is what this site is for.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2010
Reaction score
Canada, eh?
Most of the game is mainstream nowadays and is easily accessed online or through the word of mouth. Everybody I know goes to the gym or at least keeps in shape. Where I leave a lot of younger people have discovered that having a good job and above all money at an early age is worth more than being masculine. Even the simps have evolved in their ways.


Aug 22, 2017
Reaction score
this will end up with a debate what is more important gym|maleness|good job|handsome face|or status. someone might come with conclusion that we need ALL to score. damn what

Who Dares Win

Master Don Juan
Jan 16, 2012
Reaction score
Sorry I dont need a second job that pays me in pvssy instead of money once I worked more than my real job.

I switch market if the cost-benefits ratio doesnt match my standards.

Im not turning gay of course, just going to hunt on greener pastures where being a decent man grants me a decent woman.

There is a moment where work and self improvement push you to be a better version of yourself but passed a certain point it becomes a rat race.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Online dating and using social networks is something people are moving away from. The question is not if they work, because they can, but how well this is working for most people? Are you getting what you want? That of course depends on what it is you want—to hook up or have casual sex, to date casually, or to date as a way of actively looking for a relationship. I think if you are in your mid-to early 20s, online dating and social proof is something that you will embrace. But the longer you use these things, the more you realize it really doesn't get you what you really want. It's just a medium... the truth is tha for men to be happy and successful with women there really is only a couple of things you need to do.

1. Be the very best man you can.... Always strive for self improvement.... never stop growing and learning. Work hard and create a compelling life.

2. Approach and date as many women as you can... be it online or in person, it really doesn't matter. Online is more efficient suppose, and it takes the least amount of effort, but the quality of women is not as good as going out and meeting them in person. However, with dating apps you are surrendering the one thing that women value from you more than anything else.... your attention. And you are giving this up without getting anything in return.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2016
Reaction score
However, with dating apps you are surrendering the one thing that women value from you more than anything else.... your attention. And you are giving this up without getting anything in return.
This is exactly the reason why I personally give them as less attention as possible once their intentions start to show and I have an old school way of making their intentions show LOL which is: I show my intention first. No matter how hot or nice she is, I start quickly teasing her sexually from afar. If she responds to it in a teasing way back, we go on a bit further. Because you are right, you have to give her the most valuable thing you have, attention, but the way you give it and whether you take it away or not at signs of lack of sexual interest are quite important in this "game". Most guys prolong conversations with these women on and on even though they got nothing. They give these women attention and don't get ***** in return. If there are no signs leading to the *****, I'm gone.


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2014
Reaction score
I dont necessarily disagree with OPs assessment, but I will never become any woman's instagram orbiter.


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2015
Reaction score
Human nature never changes. By all means market yourself thru social media. Or market yourself face to face. Either way being masculine will always trigger attraction. Women need that polarity.

And yes I have LinkedIn, Facebook and a million bloody messaging apps. But it's for people to contact me. I hardly use them. And i still catch girls and gigs. Y do u need so many excuses?


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Human nature never changes. By all means market yourself thru social media. Or market yourself face to face. Either way being masculine will always trigger attraction. Women need that polarity.

And yes I have LinkedIn, Facebook and a million bloody messaging apps. But it's for people to contact me. I hardly use them. And i still catch girls and gigs. Y do u need so many excuses?
Coz it's easier to point blame and live in despair, then to face your issues head on.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
The core of advice on how to successful with women doesn't change over time and always stays relevant, because its based off characteristics that women find attractive. **** ain't gonna change now that you have Snapchat or Instagram.

This is why so many men with decent salaries and decent looks either have to settle for girls below their league or struggle with being single.
Examples and proof please.

If guys are still failing at game, then its something to look at externally as well as internally to sort the problem.

Blaming technology & women is not an excuse for poor game.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
I see so much frustration on this board and so many guys who are just stuck. The guys who listen to traditional "dating" or "game" advice yet they still don't have much luck with women at all. I am talking about the kinds of guys who actually listened and read some dating advice and posts, actually put it to practice, but are still coming up empty handed.

Because a lot of this advice is outdated.

The advice of massive cold approaching and trying to run "game" might have worked many decades ago because those were the social trends at the time. In the 90s you could run day game at a mall in a big city and have a lot of success. You went out to bars and clubs to score and you often could score because that is what they were meant for.

But we live in an age of technology and image where it has all changed.

Most girls above a 7 do not really need to entertain going out as much because they can simply get the kinds of men they want through dating apps and have more than enough men available. A lot of hot girls above a 7 are spending their time on social media rolling through Instagram pages until they see a guy who gives off the image of their dream guy, that is the guy who is sleeping with most of these hot girls.

In this day and age, giving off the image of being a high status guy is more important than ever.

Women 20 years ago could have entertained being picked up by some normal guy who had "game", that isn't the case anymore.

When you have better things awaiting, you don't settle.

Back in the 90s, women were in a city and not as connected to the scene because what they saw on a daily basis was what they had in their lives.

Now women are in a situation where they turn on their phones and tons of guys await them.

When a hot guy on Tinder or a guy that gives off the image of being high status on social media is a click away, there isn't much of a need for women to entertain some random guy approach them at a club or bar.

Traditional pickup advice was gimmicky, not for the long term.

Canned pickup lines and tricks, it doesn't last but we all know that.

Red pill advice was somewhat decent but it pushed men to be social outcasts and loners instead of raising their status.

The whole society is evil, everyone is a loser, and "MGTOW" nonsense was not as helpful either. Even if you do lift and have a salary, you still have not accounted for status or presenting yourself to women in the modern world. This is why so many men with decent salaries and decent looks either have to settle for girls below their league or struggle with being single.

Instead the advice should center around being attractive in today's world, which mainly includes maximizing status.

Whether it is top tier hobbies, 10k Instagram followers, or whatever it may be; the advice should actually center around creating a life where you build an image that gets you hot girls.

Because we're in an age where that it is what it is about and guys who do it successfully date hot girls.
There's a bit of truth here, but for the most part it's off base. Yeah you can attract a girl on social media but you'll still have to have game and a life to keep her attracted. That's not done through social media and dating apps. If your high social media status is what got her, then that likely means she's extremely liable to get bored of you pretty quickly until the next shiny new guy comes along.

Go ahead and post IG and Snapchat updates to thousands of followers, but if you meet in real life and she finds out you're a dud and your cool, adventurous life is all a charade then it's game over for you.

Good Gao

Jul 11, 2014
Reaction score
I love this thread I posted it really shows who is in touch with reality and who is a basement dweller living in lalaland.

Ya uh but but but if she finds out you're a dud bro you're screwed.


The so called dud with a plain personality is getting way more hot girls than you because of his image, get real, this isn't pre-school, this is real life.

The same tough guys and tough talkers on here who want to spread the "red pill" are the ones who switch back to coping harder than a 300 lb feminist trying to convince herself she is hotter than a supermodel.

If you want to wake up, wake up, this is the truth and your last chance to really accept it.

All these spreading garbage about "being the best you" and "it's all a facade", they're either fossils from old decades or copers who know they cannot compete yet waste countless hours on this forum.