A little tip on REJECTION.

Tear Gas

Don Juan
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
EVERYONE faces rejection at some point or another. Some more than others, but don't take it so hard. It doesn't matter how good looking or smooth you are, everyone faces rejection at one point or another. Never let one *****y or unresponsive girl change your out look on things. Women are VERY fickle and moody. It just might be something as stupid like hair color or she just doesnt like guys that are really buff or skinny guys...don't take it so hard. just brush it off and go hit on some other HB. I can't tell you how many times i felt like i was talking to a wall, but then to walk away and game some other hottie and be getting head at the end of the night. I know soo many guys that let rejection ruin there day/week even MONTHS :cry:

The funny thing is that i might get rejected from some hb7, but then some hb9 would be digging me. It's just the way it goes..YOU CANT GET THEM ALL. Not EVERY girl is attracted to Brad Pitt, but a lot are..keep on sarging boys, keep your head up :up:

Tear Gas

Don Juan
Dec 30, 2005
Reaction score
DonGorgon said:
If your rejection rate is over 95% its hard to stay positive...LOL
true, but you're supposed to learn from rejections. Look at what you're doing wrong, don't just keep on doing the same routine over and over again. Also try changing up your look a little. See what girls dig and what they dont. FAIL, LEARN, IMPROVE. not FAIL FAIL FAIL x10 :crackup:

Lord Shinra

Senior Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
Tear Gas said:
true, but you're supposed to learn from rejections. Look at what you're doing wrong, don't just keep on doing the same routine over and over again. Also try changing up your look a little. See what girls dig and what they dont. FAIL, LEARN, IMPROVE. not FAIL FAIL FAIL x10 :crackup:
Dont use anything canned, ever. Mystery killed routines for every DJ in the world with that show, and Style aint too far behind.

Create your own game and your success will improve greatly.