A letter: Please comment and criticize


Don Juan
Jan 24, 2003
Reaction score
Louisville, Kentucky
Hey A-

I just got the urge to write you another letter. I actually was going to write it out on paper, but then I realized that if I tried to actually deliver it to you in my car I would probably get stuck in the snow and have to do something stupid like walk four miles in a blizzard :D. So, considering that, I thought it would be better to write you an email instead.
To start off with, I wanted to tell you that you are good enough to be able to share deep feelings with somebody. Think back to that time when you felt that feeling of closeness with someone. Did you feel butterflies in your stomach? Did your face start to tingle? Did your throat tighten up a little and make it hard for you to speak? When you experience a sense of incredible attraction to somebody, isn't it one of the greatest feelings you can have? I know that you definitely deserve to feel like that about someone again. I'd like to know what it's like for you to feel really close to somebody.
Also, I can see why you would fear getting hurt in a relationship. In the real world, you can't trust everyone. I know that firsthand myself. But when you can feel really attracted to someone and also be able to trust them with everything, it makes the feeling a hundred times greater. You really shouldn't trust someone absolutely at first, but as you get to know someone better who really turns you on, it's great when you start to feel a sense of infinite trust in them. Like you know that you could literally trust him with your life, and that you would never have to worry or fear anything from him, and that all your feelings would be safer in his hands then in your own. That type of trust can be really hard to build.
I really think that someday you and I might share something special. But for now, I think that I need to date other people, and you probably feel the same way. I haven't really gotten much of a chance to talk to you lately except when I'm distracted by driving or when a bunch of other people are around. Write me back.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2002
Reaction score
I like it. I asked a question a few weeks ago about patterning in writing. I haven't tried it yet.

Did you send this? What was the response?