A funny pickup I saw today


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
Awhile ago I was sitting around eating some food at a restauraunt after I got back from the gym and I was facing a group of 3 girls all about 18-19 and they were all about HB4 or so, nothing special at all. As I was sitting there this weird looking guy comes in with these funky glasses, he looked like a dork and he almost did a full turn around to look at this chubby girl sitting there. All the girls were like "omg he just was checking you out haha".

Then heres the funny part, as I'm sitting there I see this guy come out of nowhere and he goes up to the girls table and hands them each a paper and I took it that it had his phone number on it and he tells them "if you ever need anything let me know" and gives them a little wink. I was just sitting there trying to hold in my laughter the entire time. This just had to be one of the funniest things that I have seen lately. I had a weird day though, earlier that day I saw a retarded girl on the toilet because she didnt lock the bathroom door at a place I was eating, ew.

Sorta reminds me of all the "if you have confidence you can get her!" threads, yes what he did was kinda lame but he did have the balls to go up to her. I'm not saying confidence or whatever doesnt help, it does but if you don't have the looks it doesnt matter how much game youn have it wont help.

Of course the girls had a good laugh while I was sitting there holding my laughter in.

Then on the other side there were a group of 3 guys and they were all joking around thinking they were cool and they made a comment about a waitress there who was good looking and then she comes up just to take there order and before they wouldn't shutup and when she comes up they don't say a word and start acting all funny and get nervous. I thought that was funny because she was only a waitress and they thought they were something else making jokes then some decent looking girl comes along and they choke, they wouldn't even make eye contact with her.


Master Don Juan
Jan 15, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by dillin
was facing a group of 3 girls all about 18-19 and they were all about HB4 or so, nothing special at all.
How can a 4 be a HB - Hot Babe? Surely you mean UG4 - Ugly Girl.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 27, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by dillin
I'm not saying confidence or whatever doesnt help, it does but if you don't have the looks it doesnt matter how much game youn have it wont help.

I'm not sure what to make about that comment because when I read it, it seems to contradict itself. At first you state that you think confidence might help and then you go on to say that if you don't have looks then no matter much game you have won't make a difference.

I think that's wrong based on the chicks I've seen with guys in public.

I've seen some real hot chicks with guys that didn't really look too special.

Also, based on what I've read at fastseduction101 and DJ Bible, having 'game' can make a damn big difference..i.e if you have other qualities like confidence, conversational skill, good friends etc...and you run good game then you can get ****ing hot chicks (some people don't even approach hot chicks coz they think they don't look good enough)..that's the whole point of DJism and SS IMO...to recognise that sometimes looks can be a factor but in the end it's not the only factor that women look for and other qualities when combined can far outweigh looks for many chicks.

In fact, according to MASF, women don't rate looks the same way guys rate looks...women are more into how you can emotionally affect them.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
Reaction score
Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Going up to girls and passing them a note with your phone number on it does not show a great deal of confidence. It's tailor-made to avoid expected rejection.

By just handing them HIS phone number, he doesn't have to go through asking them for theirs and being turned down.

Now, it's certainly better than nothing. But it's not exactly behavior to strive for.


Master Don Juan
Apr 21, 2003
Reaction score
Indeed don't. Maybe as one of your first steps to beat your fear to pieces. But I still have to find that one good looking or smart girl that is impressed by a man that gives her his number on a piece of paper then says a line, and takes off.


Don Juan
Mar 7, 2004
Reaction score
I'm not sure what to make about that comment because when I read it, it seems to contradict itself. At first you state that you think confidence might help and then you go on to say that if you don't have looks then no matter much game you have won't make a difference.
They both matter, but if you don't have the looks your never going to get your foot in the door. I mean come on, how often do you see ugly dudes with extremely hot girls? I'll be honest and I can say I have never really seen it before, sure I've seen average guys be FRIENDS with a hot girl but thats it.

Also, based on what I've read at fastseduction101 and DJ Bible, having 'game' can make a damn big difference
Running little "games" wont help, you just have to have the right mindset it's not so much what you say. Plus everything you read on those sites are not true, sure it does help at first though.

I made this thread to be more of a joke though.