A Few Thoughts


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
A Summary of My Journal...

Hey, I decided to follow the advice of Sammo and Syncmaster and kept a journal for the past semester. I’ve been remembering a lot of **** that I wouldn’t have remembered otherwise, a lot of it from this site, and some from experience. I thought I would share some of it. You can learn some stuff from what I’m about to write, but my advice would be to make your own journal. You can write down all the **** that happens to you, good or bad, anything you realize along the way, and it helps you think through a whole lot of ****. Henry David Thoreau, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and a lot of other great people kept journals. Sorry if I steal some material from people without giving credit.

-Someone on this site once said that people are a dime a dozen, girls, “friends”, everyone. They were right.

-If you have the willpower, you can accomplish almost anything. And if you have no will or desire, then you won’t accomplish anything. Laziness is a lack of willpower.

-People say not to judge other people. That is wrong. Judge them, but keep your judgments concealed.

-It doesn’t matter what works in theory, only what works in practice.

-Be productive in everything you do. If you’re doing work, do it as fast as you can, and as completely and thoroughly as you can. Life is short, there is too much to do, so much time already been wasted. Don’t waste another minute.

-Stand a firm ground, stand by what you say.

-Conversation is the easiest thing in the world. All you do is start something, then think of something that is related to what you are saying but not exactly on subject, then expand on that subject, then think of something else that is related to what you are saying but not exactly on subject, then expand on that subject some more, over and over. It really isn’t that hard. As long as you have stories to tell, it isn’t hard at all. Think of interesting things that have happened, and just try to have fun. Act like a talk show host. Try that and see what happens. Think about Conan O’ Brien and what he would do. And whenever you talk to someone, you must be (or act) interested in them for it to go well.

-Heard a story I heard on the radio the other day. They were talking about an asteroid that would pass by the Earth in 30 years, and how scientists have been saying that it’ll come between the Earth and the moon, the closest that an asteroid has ever come to hitting the Earth. And then they went on to talk about how it was the size of Texas and would have been like the asteroid that hit in the dinosaur era, and how it would have knocked the Earth out of orbit. The weird thing is, the scientists probably saw this asteroid and thought that it would hit the Earth, but just didn’t tell the public about it. Any day could be the end of the Earth, don’t take things for granted and don’t live with regrets.

-Perfection and complete mastery is key. Don’t ever stop striving for that

-Don’t show it when you feel like ****. It leaves you vulnerable to other people. It sucks, but if you show your vulnerability to other people, they will exploit it.

-The phrase, “fake it till you make it” is powerful. I know it’s cliché, but it works.

-It is important to develop a solid foundation of oneself: values, beliefs, and a personality. That comes through education and experience.

-Learn how to read people and use it to your advantage.

-Placing anyone on a pedestal is no good. They aren’t better than you, nor are you better than they are.

-There really is no point in hating someone else. It's illogical.

-Don’t listen to people who try to discourage you. Never.

-99% of all people are insecure. And everyone likes a DJ.
In general, people are nice, unless you do something that pisses them off.

-No one is so good that they can no longer improve.

-In twenty years, what will you look back on and remember? These are the times that you need to start making. Or if you had to make a ten-minute summary of the best times of my life, what would come up? That is the kind of fun you need to be having.

-Thoughts actually do matter. Think positively.

-Forget the advice of others, unless you completely agree with it. Follow your OWN advice. (see Emerson's "Self-Reliance")

-Do EVERYTHING, and I do mean EVERYTHING, with 100%. **** half-assing anything. Work, play, sports, anything. And daydreaming is a waste of time.

-The feeling of accomplishing something, of doing ****, is a MUCH better feeling than the comfort of being lazy.

-The Golden Rule: Treat others as you want to be treated yourself.

-There’s a difference between being friendly and being a *****. Don’t be a ***** and don’t be an idiot. But DO be friendly.

-Competition isn’t such a good thing, because it is based on fear. NEGATIVITY isn’t good.

-People judge/react based on their limited perspective of what they know, not based on the full knowledge that you know. Intentions don’t mean ****, compared to action. So it’s what you DO and what you SHOW is what matters, not what you mean or what you think.

-The key is in not giving a ****. Interest signals, caring about how other people react, that’s all bull****. It’s all just an elaboration of insecurity.

-Don’t let anything or anyone hold you back

-Don’t be friends with people who don’t have anything to offer you. It’s selfish, but that is the bottom line. They can have anything to offer, interesting conversation, a good example, a partner in some activity, social proof, intellect, power, it can be anything. But it has to be SOMETHING. And the good has to outweigh the bad.

-Heard this on the radio. What would you do with seven minutes to live? Because that’s how long it would take for a missile from North Korea to hit Hawaii.

-If you ever get flustered, remember this phrase: cool and calm. Sounds gay, but I found that it works.

-AFC behavior comes from acting and thinking like a *****.

-I would rather live an exciting life with risks than a conventional, safe life.

-Always know exactly what you want, and picture yourself getting it. Conversely, don’t daydream. There is a difference between knowing what you want and daydreaming about it. Daydreaming is a waste of time, you are wishing it would happen instead of knowing that it will happen.

-Don’t hesitate. Just do EVERYTHING with confidence, with conviction, and it’ll all work.

-There is a strategy for approaching EVERYTHING. Meaning, in everything you do, there is some strategy that will guarantee better results. So try to find it.

-You can solve a lot of your own problems and answer your own questions by THINKING THROUGH THEM. I don't just mean wondering about it or thinking for a few seconds, I mean THINKING about it.
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AFK Protector

Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
United States of America
Hey October...this is great. I remember you as the creator of the test of will a while back eh?

Anyways, I was wondering if you used an online journal or a note book type thing. I have a public online journal that all my friends can read, but I'm not sure that is a bright idea considering wise things you said such as "judge, but keep them concealed." Which I think a little notebook or something would be good for. So yea...just wondering how you went about (i'm thinking a secret online one though).


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
Hey October...this is great. I remember you as the creator of the test of will a while back eh?

Anyways, I was wondering if you used an online journal or a note book type thing. I have a public online journal that all my friends can read, but I'm not sure that is a bright idea considering wise things you said such as "judge, but keep them concealed." Which I think a little notebook or something would be good for. So yea...just wondering how you went about (i'm thinking a secret online one though).
Yupz, ahh...that thread got way out of hand though. And I just use Microsoft Word and save everything into one huge folder. I think a notebook would work too, but yeah...writing by hand takes a freaking long time. But public blogs...I dunno, a lot of the stuff I write about wouldn't really make sense to other people anyway.


Don Juan
May 23, 2005
Reaction score
Helsingborg, Sweden

GREAT guide October!

This is like the golden rules of DJind :p


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
I have one more thing to add...

-Don't cling to false hope.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
October, I like it man. Very nice, gotta review through it later. :up:

Oooo i gotta go get out my little journal :D (puts down guitar and goes gets journal) I used to do this too yo...record what happened analyze...I found it made me motivated but depressed a bit too. Man, I've been out of the "Game" for about a month. I've been " I don't give a ****." But I really didn't, I didn't really even try to for the girls I was interested in. They came to me occasionally, oh well I'll get back into. **** yo. Alright here's my ( i made it)quote:
Your life cannot be filled with many missed oppurtunities or else your whole life will just be one big missed oppurtunity.


Master Don Juan
Jul 2, 2004
Reaction score
bumpin this for helping me get back into it:cheer:


Senior Don Juan
Dec 5, 2004
Reaction score
Well...I have to come back to this because I have some **** to add after reading a few books. And I have to remind myself because I haven't been doing this stuff lately. It's a long post...but read it anyway. I think it'll help a lot of people.

First, from Maxwell Maltz, I learned that you can only learn to experience. This advice is repeated over and over on the board, but I don't know if many people know why. I think this metaphor has been used somewhere before, but it's like driving a car. Just because you read **** about driving a car, reading all the rules and how everything works, you cannot learn how to drive a car until you actually get behind the ****ing wheel. That's why you need experience, and that's why you need to keep your own journal. It's about yourself, and how you can improve YOURSELF.

That's also why technique doesn't necessarily work. You are learning to rely on something other than yourself to tell you the answers. So you forget how to find the answers yourself.

That's also why a lot of the advice on the board is unuseable. When I first wrote up this post, I thought it would be good because I thought that a lot of people could learn from my experiences. But, I later realized that unless people experienced it for themselves or actually implemented the advice, they wouldn't learn the lesson as well as they should have.

Another thing, there is a lot insecurity on this board. People who either think they know it all or who need advice on every little thing. I think that both are forms of insecurity, because people who think they know it all are only trying to mask their insecurity. That's why I think arrogance and bragging are pointless. You're only deluding yourself if you think you know everything.

-"You can never become a master through imitation." I don't remember where I read that, but I think it's a good reminder to rely on YOURSELF. I said above that you don't rely on the advice of other people unless you ABSOLUTELY agree with it or you completely trust the person. Emerson said that "A Shakespeare can never be produced by studying Shakespeare." You have to rely on yourself. Why? Because what is true for you, is true for everyone. That's why, even when you feel insecure about yourself, don't feel bad, because you are not alone.

On the other hand, when you DO learn to rely on yourself, someone once said "You cannot transcend what you do not know. To transcend yourself, you must know yourself." That's important, because again, you don't want to delude yourself into believing false knowledge.


The last thing before I go is my take on television and video games. Some people think it's bad, while others think it's okay. Television and video games are like living in a fantasy world. It's just like daydreaming. You aren't living in the real world, it's like an escape for most people. I'm not saying to cut it all out completely, but if you're bored, you could be doing many, many other things. Read a book, play a sport, go to sleep, exercise, anything. Video games aren't good for you, in my opinion, because it won't help you in the real world. It's something to do for fun, but it shouldn't be an addiction.

Just thought I'd add this to the first post.
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