7 years, 7000 posts

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Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
STR8UP said:
Lately it has become too "disneyesque" and P.C. (almost to the point of being [another acronym that ends in "C"]) for my tastes. I would rather spend a few minutes a day catching up on roissy and other bloggers who "get it" than continue to debate people here on the dozens of reasons why a man should never get married and other topics that never fail to strike an emotional nerve with the ego-invested masses.
I think this would be a classy farewell speech if it didn't insult everyone that doesn't share the same opinion as you.

Why can't we disagree on things? It's a discussion forum, after all, and for the most part, the posters here are reasonably civil in their disagreements. If you're looking to create your own cult of followers, then I can see why you aren't happy with the dissenters, but if your aim is just to share ideas and viewpoints, you should know it works both ways.

We're on the same team. We all enjoy women, and I'm sure we'd have a good time partying and picking up chicks together. That should be enough to keep anyone from taking things personally. I have friends that hold completely different political views than me, but they are still my friends. I will just continue to disagree with them. That's it.

I don't think anyone has been outright dismissive of your views on women, and it seems that there's a middle ground we all agree on. In the instances when you've mitigated your initial statements to something less absolute, people have tended to agree with you. It's only the more extreme stuff that people are disagreeing with--not because they don't want to "ruin the fantasy," but because their experiences have been different.

That's what this is supposed to be--discussing experiences.

It's just the internet.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
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taiyuu_otoko said:
Do guys that have been happily married for years believe men shouldn't get married?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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"Kx, com'n man... let sleeping dogs lie...

what does this have to do with anything at NLG..?

to be quite honest. the way Str8 is feeling. is the exact reason WHY I decided to take a break and join NLG.

sometimes you just feel as if you hit your peak and need to seek other sources of outlet

but this thread isnt about that.. so."

What does it have to do with NLG?


Thundermaveric and iqqi are verifiably from there.

Tacky Tokyo Taco the current Sosuave troll belongs there, you're from there, most of Sosuave's morality brigade is from there and what does this all have in common?

NLG members are overwhelmingly the corrosive effect that is driving a great poster that being Str8up who is a better poster than ALL OF THEM COMBINED away from this place.

Even though I've never personally had a problem with you DaveJuan I think if you guys would just stay over at your own forum this place would be 1000% better.

We don't need NLG's beta message over here.

We can and have done just fine without you guys.

NLG posts just stink this place up and keep us living in the past.

We can hardly explore any new concepts Rollo or Str8up or any other great poster wants to bring up over here without some NLG simpleton sidetracking the thread with protests, whining about a focus being on this or that or nitpicking or in iqqi's case peacocking for Str8up's attention in an extremely annoying way because she doesn't have the guts to ask the guy out.

So if you really want "sleeping dogs to lie" go tell your NLG buddies to stay on their own forum.

They don't belong here and don't like the player message of this place anyway.

They want to believe in the one, they want to view marriage as a goal state, they want to pretend they are GI Joe or Tom Cruise in the Last Samurai or pretend they are Pook.

Again they do not belong here.

I remember about a month and a half back Str8up was really busting out great threads and seeming to enjoy his time on Sosuave finally as you NLGers had been staying away but then the more great threads he posted eventually iqqi couldn't resist and then returned and then someother NLG bozos started funnelling in with her and magically every returning NLGer found themselves in Str8up's topics disagreeing, nitpicking and generally being a giant pain in the ass for the guy.

So look...

You guys are NEVER going to agree with what Str8up has to say because you refuse to think deeply or are incapable of comprehending the points that he makes or you do understand but REALITY is too hard for you to face so you fight him over it and he will NEVER agree with what you guys have to say because he's been there, done that as an AFC and saw firsthand that the NLG mentality doesn't work and thus is not for him.

So bottom line is NLGers need to go back to NLG and stay there this time and you Davejuan need to stop worrying about defending the unworthy.

I mean think about it, had you just stayed at NLG to begin with you wouldn't of been having to defend them from me now as you would of never seen my post.

That goes for all the other NLGers who are thinking about replying to my post here.

Stay on your own forum and you'll have nothing to defend and since you'll be at your own forum you won't have me posting about you guys being 100% of our problem over here on Sosuave since you won't be here creating problems.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
Yes, the two modes of philosophy would be best kept in their separate sanctums.

NLG has some perverse need to muddle SS'.

Rollo Tomassi

Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
STR8UP said:
I like discussing this stuff but it's reached the tipping point where you can't have a discussion about women without everyone breaking in "defending" them when they were never being attacked in the first place. It's like they hear what they want to hear and at the same time create a bunch of noise to keep them from having to assimilate the unpleasant truth.
Many times I've been where you are now; the "why do I bother trying to enlighten these ignorant people?" blues. In fact right around martini fest last year I was at the point of PMing Alan to tell him I was done with SS. Then I went to martini fest and we won people's choice and best of show, I'm getting interviewed by radio personalities, I'm surrounded by beautiful women tempting me with IOIs, and pouring drinks for guys who think I'm the bomb. You and DISH were there man. Then I got up the next morning with my beautiful naked wife of 13 years, had breakfast with my whip-smart, straight A's daughter, drove to the golf course in my pimped 300, and shot a round with some good friends who ask me for advice in person all the time. I got back and thought, "do I really give a sh!t WHAT these people think?" I know who I am, I don't have to prove a thing, much less say a thing, to know I'm legit and valid. You and KARMA and DISH are the only people from this forum I've ever met in person, so who cares right?

Then I go to clear out my PMs that day and I have like 6 new ones from guys desperately asking me for help, or thanking me for changing their lives, and I think "I can't abandon these few, the few who get it." I keep every PM I get from guys thanking me for helping them or changing the course of their lives that would've otherwise been ruled by a bad decision.

Yeah, you're right though, people love to start threads bemoaning how SS has "changed from the way it used to be", but if it has it's been towards a more apologetic shift in guys trying to identify with women. That's exactly what I'd expect at Love Shack, not here. But if you're not there to give a well thought, cogent, counter-argument you may as well merge SS into Love Shack.

Of course you're going to be accused of misogyny at any slightly disparaging mention of women's habits you observe.

Of course you'll be tarred with adjectives like "bitter" or "resentful" or a "complainer."

Of course you're going to have your moral integrity doubted for thinking that women may not be as others would 'have' them be.

That's all part of the Matrix, you know this. When I'm at a product launch party in Aruba do you think I give even an afterthought as to what IQQI or JOPHIL or any of my critics are thinking about my last post or who I am as a person? I realize that sounds conceited and bragging, but I know who I am and people can take it or leave it. For every one person who responds to a post or a thread I make there are tens of thousands more who'll read it over the years and go 'damn I never thought of it that way.' I almost never get PMs from people thanking me for my insight with user names I've seen before. I counsel people via IMs who I've never seen post because they hit me up privately.

STR8 I know who you are, and you don't have to prove a goddam thing. I know what you've achieved, I've seen or met some of the women you describe, and I know you're legit - honestly, if people want to call you into doubt, grant them the leeway of not really knowing you. If you're gonna bail fine. If you want to take a break fine, but realize that the real function of SS is that it's a forum; it's a place to exchange ideas (or should be). Sometimes I simply wont respond to post because I deem the counterpoint the author was trying to make was so weak that by my responding to it I then devalue my original point in defending it. I do that for the same reason I use $10 words in my posts, because I think people intelligent enough to understand my thoughts and the process I used to come to them can judge the merit of my point.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Galileo stuck to his message and changed more than a few minds.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
The Church forced him into seclusion, though.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
piranha45 said:
The Church forced him into seclusion, though.
Point taken.

I suppose we can all take solace in the fact that if we quietly hold true to what we know, we still have a huge advantage over AFC Nation.

I've actually engaged in the daunting task of trying to change a few male minds over at Love Shack. A real lost cause, mostly, but once in a while, I get through. I stopped worrying about all the angry noise from the chump and feminazi brigade over there. I figure if I can help a guy who's 16, or 20, or 24, to have that paradigm shift, it's a small victory. (Usually I tell them to come here on PM.)

Anyway, SS NEEDS critical thinkers like Str8Up. I admit, sometimes I've initially disagreed with what he's written, but it's usually my ego getting in the way of the truth. (See signature below.) This site changed my life when I was 23 (I had a similar screen name then) and has saved me more than a few times. There will always be defenders of the status quo posting here, but I say, bring it on.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
Reaction score
Rollo Tomassi said:
Of course you're going to be accused of misogyny at any slightly disparaging mention of women's habits you observe.
...or rather when he comes out with repeated and over-generalized disparaging mentions of the state of today's women...

Rollo Tomassi said:
Of course you'll be tarred with adjectives like "bitter" or "resentful" or a "complainer."
...when much of what he does IS complain and bemoan all the negative, gender-sweeping propensities women exhibit...

Ive never met Str8up, and maybe he's a cool guy in person, but he really brings alot of flak on himself with the way he presents his views.

I like SS, but I have to remind myself that it is a DISCUSSION forum and there will be people who find my views preposterous or even outright insult me. And you know what? At the end of the day I really dont give a fvck. I think responding to every tiny little arrow that is shot my way only weakens my foundation and edifies someone's case against me. If someone reps me or asks for help via PM--awesome, I am glad to help. I may take refutations or challenges into consideration, but I dont take it as an affront to the validity and manliness of my life. If I got tired of certain rhetoric here I would ignore it or leave. Saying you're going to leave after n number of posts is like saying you're going to quit after n number of cigarettes. If someone is truly ready to move on they will do it right f'ing now and not announce it's forthcoming.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
I don't understand what the big deal is with having 7000 posts.

You've been here 7 years,right?

Well,this member has been here 6 years,and has over 15,000 posts.

I hit a thousand posts a few weeks ago,and while I acknowledged it as a milestone,it wasn't anything "life changing" as far as being a member here was concerned.

I've been here for just over a year,and this is my first ever post here in the Mature Man Forum. While it is a first,in the grand scheme of things,it doesn't really mean anything.


Master Don Juan
Sep 26, 2004
Reaction score
There's only a few people here that can openly and honestly talk about the true nature of women (people), you being one of the main guys. It would become a pretty worthless board if you guys allow yourselves to feel pressured by some of these nay sayers.

All the crap these guys bring up over and over again is the same sh-t I've heard all my life. I came here to seek out the truth, I found it, I've used this knowledge in my life and it's never been the same.

I'll never go back to my former perceptions, it's impossible once you know the truth, but at the same time it's empowering.

I've become very good at not giving a f-ck about what most people say, you should do the same. I am human though, so I can understand where you're coming from.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
Rollo Tomassi said:
Many times I've been where you are now; the "why do I bother trying to enlighten these ignorant people?" blues. In fact right around martini fest last year I was at the point of PMing Alan to tell him I was done with SS. Then I went to martini fest and we won people's choice and best of show, I'm getting interviewed by radio personalities, I'm surrounded by beautiful women tempting me with IOIs, and pouring drinks for guys who think I'm the bomb. You and DISH were there man. Then I got up the next morning with my beautiful naked wife of 13 years, had breakfast with my whip-smart, straight A's daughter, drove to the golf course in my pimped 300, and shot a round with some good friends who ask me for advice in person all the time. I got back and thought, "do I really give a sh!t WHAT these people think?" I know who I am, I don't have to prove a thing, much less say a thing, to know I'm legit and valid. You and KARMA and DISH are the only people from this forum I've ever met in person, so who cares right?

Then I go to clear out my PMs that day and I have like 6 new ones from guys desperately asking me for help, or thanking me for changing their lives, and I think "I can't abandon these few, the few who get it." I keep every PM I get from guys thanking me for helping them or changing the course of their lives that would've otherwise been ruled by a bad decision.

Yeah, you're right though, people love to start threads bemoaning how SS has "changed from the way it used to be", but if it has it's been towards a more apologetic shift in guys trying to identify with women. That's exactly what I'd expect at Love Shack, not here. But if you're not there to give a well thought, cogent, counter-argument you may as well merge SS into Love Shack.

Of course you're going to be accused of misogyny at any slightly disparaging mention of women's habits you observe.

Of course you'll be tarred with adjectives like "bitter" or "resentful" or a "complainer."

Of course you're going to have your moral integrity doubted for thinking that women may not be as others would 'have' them be.

That's all part of the Matrix, you know this. When I'm at a product launch party in Aruba do you think I give even an afterthought as to what IQQI or JOPHIL or any of my critics are thinking about my last post or who I am as a person? I realize that sounds conceited and bragging, but I know who I am and people can take it or leave it. For every one person who responds to a post or a thread I make there are tens of thousands more who'll read it over the years and go 'damn I never thought of it that way.' I almost never get PMs from people thanking me for my insight with user names I've seen before. I counsel people via IMs who I've never seen post because they hit me up privately.

STR8 I know who you are, and you don't have to prove a goddam thing. I know what you've achieved, I've seen or met some of the women you describe, and I know you're legit - honestly, if people want to call you into doubt, grant them the leeway of not really knowing you. If you're gonna bail fine. If you want to take a break fine, but realize that the real function of SS is that it's a forum; it's a place to exchange ideas (or should be). Sometimes I simply wont respond to post because I deem the counterpoint the author was trying to make was so weak that by my responding to it I then devalue my original point in defending it. I do that for the same reason I use $10 words in my posts, because I think people intelligent enough to understand my thoughts and the process I used to come to them can judge the merit of my point.
It's not like you're dealing with rookies here, pal. Many of us who challenge Str8up's views have been around a good while. I'm not trying to have a "who's cooler on sosuave" contest - I think it's pretty understood that you are well respected here, I myself have used some of your advice - but there's a few of us here who really understand what's going on.

I defend marriage (good marriage, mind you) now suddenly I'm part of the matrix again. Yeah okay.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
Bertrand Russell said once that, "Human nature is so constructed that it gives affection to those who seem to least demand it."

Not a whisper in there of status, wealth or power.


Master Don Juan
Aug 10, 2002
Reaction score
Colossus said:
But, on the other hand, you have the benefit of some very intelligent and experienced Men here who will challenge your absolute arguments and positions, even if they agree in other areas.
Lets get this straight.

My views are the OPPOSITE of "absolutist". Absolutist is pegging a woman with the "quality" label.

I always say **MOST** or **MANY** because I know that things are rarely black and white.

I don't have a problem with intelligent and experienced men challenging my view; I have an issue with guys who refuse to acknowledge the toxic nature of the culture we live in.

FACT- this site would not exist if the culture of gender roles and relations weren't fukked.

You guys are so intent on holding on to the fantasy that you refuse to acknowledge the fact that women today are, for all intents and purposes, UNDATEABLE.

The fact that you even posted this says you want your decision validated. If you're gonna go, just go. Come back in a year if you want with some freshness. Start a blog. I have one, and I dont really care to advertise it. It's an outlet for me and if someone stumbles upon it and likes it, sweet.
No, my decision has been made. I just though it would be cool to bang it out on the 7/7000 mark. I'm a modern day P.T. Barnum of sorts. Might as well go out with a theme behind it.

Rollo Tomassi said:
That's all part of the Matrix, you know this. When I'm at a product launch party in Aruba do you think I give even an afterthought as to what IQQI or JOPHIL or any of my critics are thinking about my last post or who I am as a person? I realize that sounds conceited and bragging, but I know who I am and people can take it or leave it. For every one person who responds to a post or a thread I make there are tens of thousands more who'll read it over the years and go 'damn I never thought of it that way.' I almost never get PMs from people thanking me for my insight with user names I've seen before. I counsel people via IMs who I've never seen post because they hit me up privately.
I feel ya.

I don't ruminate over this sh!t in real life. Like I said....this board is a distraction for me, an opportunity for me to get my mind off of the serious sh!t I have to deal with on a daily basis.

It just gets frustrating having to listen to all of the static.

I know we haven't met up in awhile, but I'm actually sitting in a pretty good position myself these days. Got a new business that has the potential to be a multi-million dollar company with LOW overhead within the next couple of years. This sosuave stuff is great until it becomes nothing more than a venue for half-reformed AFC's to validate their worldview. That's why I think it's time to go.

STR8 I know who you are, and you don't have to prove a goddam thing. I know what you've achieved, I've seen or met some of the women you describe, and I know you're legit - honestly, if people want to call you into doubt, grant them the leeway of not really knowing you.
Funny you mention this because this is one of the reasons why I get roasted on here- because people don't know me, or rather they THINK they know me but have no clue.

I feel privileged to have an Orlando crew who truly "gets it" with you and Dish, a couple of the most intelligent posters on the board. Too bad sosuave gets muddled with information from guys who have only made it halfway out of the matrix.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
To the OP

Why are you on sosuave? It appears that you seem to become obsessed with becoming an authority - thus you become *annoyed* when others do not slavishly follow you.

The whole point is to continue to grow and share insights that you have gathered.

What you see, others might not see, or might not be relevant to their particular situation.

If people disagree with you, then it obviously means that they do not find what you are saying useful.

So be it.

With regards to your posts - some are completely pointless - like the threads that are more about moaning than anything else. No value added, well except for you since you get to blow some steam.

You do have some insightful posts about different situations and about the nature of women. But as another poster mentioned, you often over-generalize your individual experiences or take them to the extreme.

For example, you say all women are sluts. True, but the *degree* of slutiness in girls vary and is subject to a variety of factors (i.e. upbringing, interest level in the bf, amount of alcohol intake that night, etc)

Everything is context dependent - except for some basic basic truths, i.e. challenge is universally attractive, girls are sexual, etc

I think where you can add the most value is sharing your *weird* experiences. You always seem to get into ridiculous situations and so it is of value to share how girls react in that *weird context.* Focus more on describing the particular details and as much info about the girl as possible, so if a similar situation comes up, us guys might be better equipped.

Also, this applies to me as well as to you - you get what you are. So I will keep on attracting the *same type of girls* (until I improve even more) - and so I must be careful when I generalize from my pool of girls to ALL girls.

It's like a fat girl who can only attract beta males all her life - and so she ends up starting a thread saying: 'all men are weak.'

Bottom line: sosuave is a place to grow, if your goal is to become an authority, then of course it will no longer be any fun as you are only concerned about power and attracting followers

And as Pook mentioned, it's all about the fun, if you're not having fun, then best for you to leave


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear All,
Well,I bit the bullet,who is this Guru called Roussy? So Googling in that name out it comes,the first site is Roussy in DC,so here we go....Well what an anti climax,sure there is some wisdom there but the main theme is misogynistic,implying you are a criminal,bullets under their pillow,jars of arsenic,letters written in blood that's going to create unbridled lust and desire in a quality Lady?who are these guys kidding?...the sort of Lady to whom the Roussy philosophy appeals would be socially disfunctional,seems more like a training gound for the Manson Family than a dating site,so if you want to bed down with a BPD,Roussy has the magnet....Mencken has been quoted as saying those who can do,those who can't teach....there is a lot in this little Maxim,we can all get carried away with way out ideas and convince ourselves of the effectiveness,if it doesn't work,well you didn't try hard enough,or an essential part of the procedure was missing,don't kid yourself...
This site has a most remarkable range of Mentors,World wide, some with years of practical experience,others with remarkable academic expertise,all with the underlying motivation to prevent others having the bad experiences they have suffered so lets not get carried away with these weird anti social sites.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2006
Reaction score
South Carolina, USA
Hey. Wats up St8up? I was about to email Roosh about how this is the best board in the world and how he should get a user name here. In fact I will. BTW, there isn't a better place in the entire world to get ***** than the SOUTH. Yeah. We really aren't too PC down here. You can thank all the Obama drones for trying to make America PC. But you know what? The South is still not ashamed. Don't ever give up St8up.

Hooligan Harry

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
Why the fvck iqqi has not been banned yet I still do not know. Contributes next to nothing. A bigger attention ***** on these forums I cannot remember. Everything wrong with modern day women is embodied in this cow yet the mods tolerate her snide, *****y, condescending comments and open attacks on these forums all the time. Ban this b1tch from the mature man forum already and leave her post everywhere else until her fvcking heart is content. Seriously. I dont know whose **** she sucked to be given a free ride like this but its long overdue. She adds almost no value and no real conversation other than her fvcking lectures and shaming tactics.

As for Str8up, would be sad to see him go. I have been on these forums for a good 4 years, although only really started posting over the last 12 months or so. Wish there were more people as interested in social dynamics as he is. Im beyond game theory these days and I think he is too.

Thats half the problem here though. People dont see his posts as a personal insight or an attempt to better understand the dynamics of communication between the sexes. They see it as a complaint or they see it as bitter.

What a shame.

Hooligan Harry

Master Don Juan
Jun 6, 2008
Reaction score
jophil28 said:
Bertrand Russell said once that, "Human nature is so constructed that it gives affection to those who seem to least demand it."

Not a whisper in there of status, wealth or power.
No, obviously.

Although common sense would suggest that status, wealth or power would give you enough options as to appear that you dont demand affection at all. Although that wont suit your own outlook or what you were looking to achieve with that quote would it?

The best way to build your body in the gym is to leave your ego at the door. Concentrate, proper form, correct poundage.

Maybe the same could be said for those who dont have wealth, status or power and try to convince themselves they dont need it because their own egos cannot handle the fact they are at a disadvantage. And you dont need it if you are batting average and you want average. I just dont want average.

I wish the world worked your way too Jophil. Would not have to work half as hard for anything.
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