7 out of 10 married women cheat


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Excellent news, great wake up call for AFC's who still think marriage is the be all and end all of his problems, probably not so good news for women, theyre kind of phucking themselves in the ass by being loud and proud about the whole desperate housewife crap considering theyre the ones marriage is really for.


Don Juan
Aug 15, 2009
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( . )( . ) said:
Excellent news, great wake up call for AFC's who still think marriage is the be all and end all of his problems, probably not so good news for women, theyre kind of phucking themselves in the ass by being loud and proud about the whole desperate housewife crap considering theyre the ones marriage is really for.
Amen brother been saying this to anyone who would listen for years!! Made the woman marriage counceller we had bust out laughing till she saw i was dead serious:up: Puzzy aint worth shlt in todays economy anyway!!!


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2008
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While I don't doubt that infidelity is on the rise, I suspect that 7/10 figure is nowhere near representative of average folks. That number comes from a couples therapist who only deals with people having troubles, so any numbers she has about cheatin hores are gonna be skewed on the high side.

Still, though, it's just another example of why you need to qualify the fukk out of any woman you're going to enter into any kind of relationship with.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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You gotta be careful of those "_ out of 10" statistics. They rarely cite a source, and when they do it's usually some online self-reported Cosmo poll of about 200 people. Hardly rigorous or representative of the larger population.

I think we all know women cheating is on the rise, thanks to shows like DH and Sex in the City, and men being too pvssy to call them for the slvts they are.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Excellent news, great wake up call for AFC's who still think marriage is the be all and end all of his problems,
This is yet another symptom of the moral decay of our society. Hardly a cause for celebration, I would think.

I don't live in Australia, but 7 out of 10 sounds a little high to me. I live in the US, and I would guess the actual number as being closer to 5 out of 10. I suppose I wouldn't be shocked if it was 6 out of 10. But 7 really sounds high to me. If they were just counting the really hot women, 70% wouldn't surprise me, just because they will likely have more opportunities and temptations.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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Like I said, the 7 out of 10 figure is likely BS, but it's how the article addresses it. They don't seem to care at all that it's insanely high, but that women have now surpassed men in that regard. Empowering!!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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The question is, what is the Aussie male response to this behavior. How many more women not get married or be forced to marry lesser betas and omegas. How many Aussie men will be going over to foreign women?


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
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I'm not sure what the stats are regarding marriage here, but just from observing people in my city (one of the two major ones in Australia), it appears that the top guys are pumping & dumping (prompting a lot of whining from women), the betas are spending their time & cash on themselves (travelling, various hobbies) and the rest withdraw into video games, porn and alcohol - which also make women constantly whine about some Man Drought.

A lot more guys are aware of the downfalls compared to 5 years ago. Enough in number to cause problems for women.

I don't think women are "forced" to marry lesser betas or omegas. They'd rather have cats than even acknowledge these guys exist.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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Jitterbug said:
I'm not sure what the stats are regarding marriage here, but just from observing people in my city (one of the two major ones in Australia), it appears that the top guys are pumping & dumping (prompting a lot of whining from women), the betas are spending their time & cash on themselves (travelling, various hobbies) and the rest withdraw into video games, porn and alcohol - which also make women constantly whine about some Man Drought.

A lot more guys are aware of the downfalls compared to 5 years ago. Enough in number to cause problems for women.

I don't think women are "forced" to marry lesser betas or omegas. They'd rather have cats than even acknowledge these guys exist.
Ha. Sounds about the same as here, except you still get those in the old boys club who still get married because it's expected, they just all cheat (men and women), then you have the betas who continuously get married. In the southern united states (the parts that I have lived in) it's still this mentality of getting married. I've met men my age who are on their third marriage and still refuse to see the truth. Those who do see the truth, depending on their status are acting accordingly. The top guys pump and dump, the thugs pump and dump, the average guys or betas focus on themselves and the rest just wallow in games, drinking, weed and gambling with the hopes of getting lucky occasionally.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 10, 2009
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It's all right........ if u have a good time!
Jitterbug said:
I'm not sure what the stats are regarding marriage here, but just from observing people in my city (one of the two major ones in Australia), it appears that the top guys are pumping & dumping (prompting a lot of whining from women), the betas are spending their time & cash on themselves (travelling, various hobbies) and the rest withdraw into video games, porn and alcohol - which also make women constantly whine about some Man Drought.

A lot more guys are aware of the downfalls compared to 5 years ago. Enough in number to cause problems for women.

I don't think women are "forced" to marry lesser betas or omegas. They'd rather have cats than even acknowledge these guys exist.
You have it just about right. At the top of the pile the guys seem to go in one of two directions once they get in a relationship, they either amp up the beta or amp up the alpha, even if they seemed non-AFC beforehand.


Don Juan
Jan 22, 2010
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I know the above data comes from Australia, but a buddy of mine works for a health insurance company. We had a conversation about this a few years ago. A lot of women get their child's DNA tested for genetic disease analysis. He says that around 20% -- think about this, guys -- 20% of the children who are tested are NOT the offspring of both claimed parents. That's one kid in five. This is in America.

I would have called bull**** but I remember when I was a kid in the 70's a whole firestorm over blood type genetics being "wrong." There was a national sampling of blood types to determine how blood types are being handed down. About 20% of the kids tested did not have the "right" blood type.

Along comes genetic testing, the test is repeated, and genetic incompatibilities show up. . . in about 23% of the kids. This was in the 90's. I remember reading the article in college and discussing it with my buddies.

2.7 kids per married couple in the USA. Nearly 1 in 4 kids misattributed to their father. That's every other woman in this country, by my math, that's not only having affairs, but getting corked up. By the time you figure in birth control, pregnancy rates, etc? I'd believe 7 in 10 women in America cheat. Hell, I'd believe 8 in 10.


"Actual figures range from 1 percent in high-status areas of the United States and Switzerland, to 5 to 6 percent for moderate-status males in the United States and Great Britain, to 10 to 30 percent for lower-status males in the United States, Great Britain and France. Moreover, the men most likely to sexually hoodwink the lower-status males are men of higher status."

This is about pregancy, mind you. Birth control availability and rates are considerably higher for "higher-status females" in the U.S.

You bet your @** they cheat. For me, this was like discovering the great buffalo herds. Go get some.


Master Don Juan
Apr 6, 2004
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taiyuu_otoko said:
While I don't doubt that infidelity is on the rise, I suspect that 7/10 figure is nowhere near representative of average folks. That number comes from a couples therapist who only deals with people having troubles, so any numbers she has about cheatin hores are gonna be skewed on the high side.

Still, though, it's just another example of why you need to qualify the fukk out of any woman you're going to enter into any kind of relationship with.
Yeah that makes sense. It's not 7 out of 10 women cheat.

It's 7 out of 10 women who are in couples therapy have cheated. The next question is, what is the ratio of people in couples therapy? 3 out of 10, 5 out of 10?

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
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I can't believe the article chose to laud women for 'catching up with their male counterparts' by cheating. Obviously written by a %^%@^)(%^ female journalist.
That's what's wrong with society. Women, in the search for equality, have mistakenly been led to believe that they have to be like men to be equal.
No thanks! Men want women to be women, that's why we want to be with them!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Marriage is just a couple of rings and a piece of paper to show the tax-man.

What matters is what's behind it.

Men who think they can "tie down" a woman whose heart is elsewhere by marrying her...they deserve what they get.