6 Month Aniverary Coming Up

Maurizio 2.0

Don Juan
Oct 4, 2003
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Hey guys, my girlfriend and I are about to have our 6 month aniversary in about a week and a half -- and I'm not sure exactly what I should get her... and don't tell me it's AFC to get her something. This is a serious relationship, with things going well, and I'm getting the respect that I feel I deserve, and am satisfied, so all is good.

On the actual day of the aniversary, we will be flying to Italy for a three week vacation together, but that is non-aniversary related, and I want to get her something separate. I mention the Italy thing only because it would cancel out any "date" ideas on the day itself. And although we have a fair amount of photos together, it's not quite enough for a photo album, which was one thought I had -- I'm probably gonna save that for the one year. Obviously flowers is kinda stupid if we're gonna be gone for the next three weeks.

Some past gifts have been a tifany's bracelet, and a pink Dior purse. But I'm thinking about something LESS expensive this time. (Please save the lectures on buying her expensive things.) She's 19 and I'm 20, in case that matters.

Any ideas?

Thanks guys. - MAURIZIO


Master Don Juan
May 21, 2004
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you're taking her to Italy AND you're buying her a gift?

I don't know man, does she like sandwiches?


Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
set up a nice romantic setting in your hotel.

cmon man! you know what she likes and doesnt like!! start thinking here!!!!

do you think she wants a material item or a awesome night?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 21, 2005
Reaction score
Originally posted by nonstop
what is she getting you? :confused:
Which raises the question. Women never seem to buy gifts for their boyfriends on these special occasions. It's not just the guy's job to buy gifts for his woman, so what's up with that?

Hopefully someone can contradict me and tell me that he/she knows girls that actually buy gifts for their boyfriends.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Give him a break, he's 18. I did the same stupid 5hit.

Women look at the 6 month mark very much the same way (especially when they're younger and less experienced in dating). It's a milestone to them as well, and it wouldn't be a bad gesture to celebrate it. You don't necessarily have to buy her something, just take her out for a great night of fun! Take her out for some mini golf, some ice cream, the place you went on your first date, etc etc. Just make it fun, and she'll love it!

As women and men get older, they tend to care less about the whole six month mark.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by nonstop
er....you need to be in the womans forum not here http://www.pinkbible.com/

what is she getting you? :confused:

have you read the DJ bible? http://www.jbspencer.com/djb/
I agree. This guy is stupid. He thinks he can actually buy a womans love. Can anybody say what a Trick! 6 months makes it a serious relationship just because this guy has bought her expensive gifts already?

What a sucker. What a maroone. I do hope she doesn't get bored since he has been conqured and domesticated already and find a real man to cheat on him with...geeeze!

Maurizio 2.0

Don Juan
Oct 4, 2003
Reaction score
What the fvck?....

I mean seriously, why all the bashing just because some cash has been thrown around? I'm not some stupid retard like your implications suggest. Just because you guy's see that I've done nice things it's not fair to assume that I've "bought" her love, or that I even think I could do something like that. Again, I'm smarter than that, I know that real feelings in a relationship can't be fostered with gifts. We love each other irregardless of the things the cash we've spent on each other, and I've been in other relationships, and this one is definately very advanced for having been together for only 6 months.

This is the main problem with this site: people start calling "FOUL" when you tell them you're in love, or that you're in a serious relationship. It happens guys, and sometimes (believe it or not) people even get married and are happy.

First of all, I'm not paying for the trip to Italy, the parents are. And YES, she does buy me things too. Very recently she bought me a portable DVD player with an 8" LCD screen so that I can watch movies on flights.

And finally, yes, I read the bible... four years ago. I've been here a super long time, and don't really post anymore these days, but do attribute this site to helping me sort myself out back when I was a senior in high school. If any of you guys were here about 3.5 years you might remember Maurizio (... not Maurizio2.0) as I posted a lot more back then. I'm not 18 anymore, I'm 20, and am finishing up my sophomore year in college.

- Maurizio

Maurizio 2.0

Don Juan
Oct 4, 2003
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Flyingshark: I also wanted to add that at our three month aniversary she gave me gifts when I gave her nothing. She had planned for previous week with my roommate at the time for him to let her into my room while I was in class. When I came back from class, she had made my bed and left on it a box of chocolates, a teddy bear with our names custom stitched on it, and a card professing her love for me. So there, a contradiction.

MrHarris: Do you really need to be so hateful? You jump to so many conclusions in your post, and make some ignorant hurtful remarks. You call me, stupid, a maroone, a trick, and a sucker. I had my woman telling me she loved me, that she wanted to marry me, and that she wanted to have my kids. I also had her telling me (despite being with a few guys before me) that the sex was so good that if I left her that she would join a nunnery. This all before the two month mark, and before I gave her a single thing -- I think that at that point in the relationship I had only taken her out to eat ONCE. Her friends all like me and want me so bad for themselves that my GF worries about the posiblity that I could cheat on her with one or more of them. The thought of her going elsewhere doesn't even enter her mind because if it did, she knows that I could go and sleep with dozens of posibilities.

Clearly you still have a lot to learn about how the game is played.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
i wish gio was rich and could just buy me dream stuff like that. wowie.

well, second thought, i would never wear something that would cost more than my car.

Giovanni Casanova

Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2002
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Hiding in Penkitten's Linen Closet
Originally posted by penkitten
i wish gio was rich and could just buy me dream stuff like that. wowie.

well, second thought, i would never wear something that would cost more than my car.
Your engagement ring cost more than your car.





Don Juan
Jun 24, 2002
Reaction score
6 months c'mon mate you dont need to buy her anything at all. Give her a fukking 15 min massage or something similar.

Maybe when the big 1 year youve been together comes around then get her something small

Seriously if you keep getting her stuff on important dates, it will never end and you will have to do it forever.

But it seems like your hell bent on getting her something so go ahead.

Like supergigalo said "You have been warned"


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
You have set a precedence with your actions that is more dangerous than you are willing to admit. Go and get her the photoalbum and just fill it with what pictures you have so far. Tell her that she can fill in the blanks with pictures from the trip.

As an aside, how the hell do you get the money to pamper a girl when you are 20? especially as a student? If you are getting yourself in debt over her than seriously reconsider what you are doing.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
Originally posted by Maurizio 2.0
Flyingshark: I also wanted to add that at our three month aniversary she gave me gifts when I gave her nothing. She had planned for previous week with my roommate at the time for him to let her into my room while I was in class. When I came back from class, she had made my bed and left on it a box of chocolates, a teddy bear with our names custom stitched on it, and a card professing her love for me. So there, a contradiction.

MrHarris: Do you really need to be so hateful? You jump to so many conclusions in your post, and make some ignorant hurtful remarks. You call me, stupid, a maroone, a trick, and a sucker. I had my woman telling me she loved me, that she wanted to marry me, and that she wanted to have my kids. I also had her telling me (despite being with a few guys before me) that the sex was so good that if I left her that she would join a nunnery. This all before the two month mark, and before I gave her a single thing -- I think that at that point in the relationship I had only taken her out to eat ONCE. Her friends all like me and want me so bad for themselves that my GF worries about the posiblity that I could cheat on her with one or more of them. The thought of her going elsewhere doesn't even enter her mind because if it did, she knows that I could go and sleep with dozens of posibilities.

Clearly you still have a lot to learn about how the game is played.
I can't believe that you actually read the bible and still are acting this way!