35 and a virgin, is it best to give up?

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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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They all say different things. Two of which mention how they are already married. One says pretty much the same thing that was already said but in different words (sort of defeating the purpose). One mocks the forum for being bitter as ****.

Who said I was taking their advice? None of them "seem" to be single. I'm assuming they don't want to start an argument and pollute the thread?

Sweet Christ, you do NOT hold back.
Seriously, we don't need to keep revisiting the tight-fisted, angry and domineering "god damn it you better listen!!" dialogue. We're already there, the point was made. I wouldn't be even asking about craigslist or speaking about the Bunny Ranch otherwise.

And I have to ask again, WHY is there a swear filter on a forum where people can just circumvent it? Do the very creators of this forum still come here? I see that this forum was made in like 2000/2001.
You are trolling us.

Haha great job! I almost felt like this was real!


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2023
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No, all legit. Stop it.

Gotta love when people dart straight for the "it's a troll" dialogue option.
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bat soup

Master Don Juan
Apr 10, 2020
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School was a boiling hot nightmare for me. I never got noticed, while everyone around me did. No matter how good I took care of myself, how charming I was, how funny I was, etc. it was a battle I could never win. Also, I noticed that every time I tried to approach or impress a girl, the universe throws an extremely embarrassing moment at me, like there's a cloud over my head.

Now, the last time I was at this forum, every member here would type like they were ****ing angry teenagers. This was back in 2007/2008. The members here were horrible horrible horrible back then, and so far, it seems to have improved greatly since then. A girl I liked flew over from Canada to see my best friend, and it messed my head up baaaaaaaaaaaad. And no one here cared, no one helped me, no one gave good advice, everyone just threw around bad advice as if it was good advice. It made me angrier and want to stay single forever.

Is it best to just stop eternally and focus on everything else in life? Should I save myself the embarrassment of trying? I'm a pretty creative liar, and I have successfully convinced people that I'm not a virgin. So maybe I could lie for the rest of time? Though I'd love to have sex, I don't seem to crave it as much as everyone else.

I don't know if it will help, but I can post a picture of myself if you guys want, so you can tell me what my chances are.
Doctor Skankypoon prescribes a trip to the Philippines.


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2023
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Not getting why everyone mentions that place. And I thought I was scared of getting a disease before...


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2021
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Not getting why everyone mentions that place. And I thought I was scared of getting a disease before...
Stop being so scared, take a risk and live life.

Just came back from Thailand which is pretty much the same thing. I know exactly what Brad Pit feels like now, a perfectly memorable experience which I can highly recommend. Over there your SMV is basically a flat 10.


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2023
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Wasn't the Philippines idea just mocked on the first page? As much as I wanna object, I do love that Thailand idea. The question is... how affordable are they?


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
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No, all legit. Stop it.

Gotta love when people dart straight for the "it's a troll" dialogue option.
Because you dont seem to listen and pester people here about keeping your facial hair.

From what i have read, it will not mather what you do with your hair for the next 12+ months. So you can put that question aside.

Why are you still arguing about your facial hair and hookers when you allready should be on your way asking questions on how to get money an muscles?

Focus on the important things.

My old man talked about flying me and my friends to Vegas, so we could go to the Bunny Ranch. What the **** ever, I'll do it.

Start being a man and go fvck that biatch without your daddy and boyfriends holding your little hand or dont go fvck a biatch at all!

We dont care if you are a virgin but YOU seem to have a problem with that fact and i can tell you that there is no easy solution for you like "shaving and putting a new shirt on - done" to get yourself laid.
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Don Juan
Jun 14, 2021
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Wasn't the Philippines idea just mocked on the first page? As much as I wanna object, I do love that Thailand idea. The question is... how affordable are they?
Why do you "want to object". 2000 baht is the going rate from what I heard. PM for details.


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2023
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Why are you still arguing about your facial hair and hookers when you allready should be on your way asking questions on how to get money an muscles?

Focus on the important things.
I have money. Also... "arguing"? I already brought up what my workout routine is, and no one seemed to have objected to it.


Start being a man and go fvck that ***** without your daddy and boyfriend holding your little hand!
Wooooaaahhhhh... slow down there, and let me add some context. Let me reiterate what's really going on. No, there is no... "hand holding". No. He just came up with the idea, and that's how I found about the existence of this ranch in the first place. I got money and three jobs. I can take myself, god damn.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
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I have money. Also... "arguing"? I already brought up what my workout routine is, and no one seemed to have objected to it.
Well you seem rather reluctant to let go of your Rasputin style.

I have objected to your workout routine.


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2023
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Well you seem rather reluctant to let go of your Rasputin style.
Uhhh not exactly. I just wanted to throw out some questions about it, and was stating that people had conflicting views about it. Someone did say to not use only this forum for stuff like that.

I have objected to your workout routine.
You said to lift weights and run. That's what I was doing. You also said "only women, fags and old farts" use the stairmaster. I'm actually surprised that word is allowed here. You say that on any other forum and you get banned instantly. Not that I give a ****.

I was gonna work out, lose this weight, and then post a full body picture of myself a month or two later and move on from there. Didn't expect the whole "get a hooker bro" thing to drop, but uhh sure, we'll work that in too.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2021
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Didn't expect the whole "get a hooker bro" thing to drop, but uhh sure, we'll work that in too.
You're 35, its too late for compromise, its exactly what led you into this position. Don't mock the advise that will work, mock yourself for being in this position.


Don Juan
Oct 16, 2023
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Okay, see... we started this thread with working out, getting better clothes, getting better glasses, etc. Now, so that we don't run into argument circles and word-twisters, what should come first? The hooker thing, I presume?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2023
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Get over yourself, you are literally the person standing in the way of your ability to achieve what you want. Gamish had good advise. It takes a deep issue to get to 35 and not be laid once, time you understood the gravity of that situation and stop f'ing around.

The fact you started this thread shows you are willing to put yourself out there for public critique, good first step. Next step get laid, if that sounds daunting (which it should, given your situation) get a hooker to minimise the walls you have built for yourself.

Your moral standing (read arrogance and whitenightery) is not going to assist your outcome. Woman dont give a stuff about your moral quandry or complete lack of life experience. You only get one life, you have wasted the majority of your best f'ing years so get on craigs list now start living. Or go to a swingers party, do something ffs.

Also given your lack of experience be prepared for a complete fail on your first time, sexual disfunction (no erection, premature ejaculation, clumsy action) these are all yours to overcome and to be honest it takes years of good f'ing to get any good at it.

Buy viagra just in case and have it ready for your first crack, it may just be the thing that sets you up for a second round.
Gamisch had sh1te advice to be fair. Staying in America and using pros? Pathetic guys. I'd love to know how many of you are riddled with STDs.


Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
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Gamisch had sh1te advice to be fair. Staying in America and using pros? Pathetic guys. I'd love to know how many of you are riddled with STDs.
You throw out a better advice for him please sir. Let me geuss: hit the gym, get a haircut pay AMS 2000bucks for a videocall, cold approach untill you get arrested.

You really think I don't know there are better ways for the AVERAGE man to go by? But here the thing: being 35/36 (nearing 40 ) and having zero experience with women is far from average. Hey, its been mentioned before: that random 304 he'll meet on __ name dating app_ and picks him over Chad/Tyrone..is probably also riddled with diseases.

There's a reason why prostitution is named the oldest profession in the world...because at the end of the day it's a shortcut for men who dont want spent time OR dont know how to make a woman submit.

There's more to life than women. If i had a magic wand I'd give OP an hb7,6 who'd "love him dearly ". Meanwhile in reality he'll follow your advice,lose tons of money and time only to end up here again.

What's your advice? His quickest way to get laid is hookers. Period.

Lets see if your advice is better. I'll be the first to admit whenever another man has a betted idea..
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Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2023
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I'm stepping out of this conversation. @Anom has all the information needed to improve his life, it's up to him to take action now. Good luck.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2020
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I am a writer, had a journalist job and am currently more or less in the game development scene and graphic design. I'm to assume that's nothing that would impress a woman?
Not in the slightest bit. Video game stuff is considered nerdy and dweeby to women.

I am 5' 11". I am a manager at Walmart, what do I make? $14 an hour, which is also translates to "not enough",
There are guys that make a lot more than $14/hour (in a 40 hour workweek, that is $29,120/year). Men who make in the $75,000 - $125,000/year range are getting feedback from the female marketplace that their incomes are insufficient to impress.

That face is the face of a sub-5 man on the looks tier.

There are three tiers of men: Sub-5, Normies, and Chads. Women auto reject the sub-5s. Normies (typically around the 5-7.9 looks range) might have a chance but it's a struggle for them. Many normies get friend zones. 7-7.9 might be upper tier normie. Chads have abundant options with females. Most women are chasing the top 10-20% of men.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2020
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You said to lift weights and run. That's what I was doing. You also said "only women, fags and old farts" use the stairmaster. I'm actually surprised that word is allowed here. You say that on any other forum and you get banned instantly. Not that I give a ****.
I'm already doing the gym for 1 hour. I do the stairmaster for 30 minutes, then 100 sit-ups,100 push-ups and do 30 heavy lifts. I don't know if that's enough. On the alternate day, I do the stairmaster for an entire hour, but not do the lifts. I still do the sit-ups and push-ups all the same. They do stay on a 300-400? calorie deficit, I don't remember the exact numbers.
THIS is what you said. I am not a native english speaker but i am pretty sure there is a big difference between what you describe and what you are supposed to do to build a body that attracts women. Thats why i recommend that you get educated by some pro´s on youtube on that topic.

But i get the feeling you allready know everything, while your attention is fixed on hookers and your facial hair.... which are the least of your problems right now.

Are you sure you are not a troll?

Fags yes..... maybe you are a social justice troll? Your picture would fit that character.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 22, 2023
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I'm listening to a non-stop barrage of loser attitudes. Game is ineffective, now you need money, looks and a car to get a woman? WTF is this? Why has this bullsh1t doomer attitude been allowed to infest the manosphere? I'll tell you what man, I picked up the majority of my women wearing baggy old jeans, a hoodie, k-mart brand sneakers, no muscles and with a minimum wage job. They did not give a fck about my income, my job, my status, my car, my face. I had something the nerds didn't, I have a personality. FFS If you're relying on that other sh1t to get you women, you're not much of a catch. If all that garbage disappears, what are you left with? A bunch of hours worked staring at 4 walls in a cubicle. More often than not women bought me gifts, took me shopping and paid for my stuff. Money is just one way for them to impress ME. My wife who was piss-poor at the time, bought ME dinners.

This is why women will pick thugs over nice guys. The thugs have a personality, something that adds VALUE to their boring existence. Women will clamber all over each other to get a shot at an ex-con, a guy who plays by his own rules. Women like interesting, exotic, epic level men, period. Half the guys claiming their $$$ can't get them women are right, NO AMOUNT OF MONEY IS ENOUGH. Jeff Bezos chick probably fvked off on him for a guy who works at McDonalds. I had a buddy who lost his hot wife to a construction worker. It's not hypergamy, thats a bs concept, women want a guy who stands out. My buddy was a boring computer programmer, played games, drove a ferrari and never broke the law or went against the grain. Back and forth to a job, day in, day out for years. He was manager at his company, made a high 7 figures a year. Couldn't keep his wife at home. She was a boring dweeb scientist making 6 figs too. She threw it all away for a whirlwind romance with a guy in a hard hat and a flanel sweater... she was so BORED. Another nice guy friend married a chick, this guy was a fat little dude who lived a happy little life of sports, chess and TV while she was banging hard dudes behind his back. His kid probably ain't even his. The catch here, neither guy had the balls to call these women out, tell them to stfu because their lives were boring by the book. They never stood up for anything, they just let daddy gov tell them how to act. Never took chances, never travelled, never engaged the human experience beyond the 1st world. They had NOTHING to say, no value to add to a conversation and lived like little basement trolls, jerking off into kleenex boxes.

If you need hookers, your game is weak and you have no business giving anyone advice on a PUA forum. Who f'n cares if your hobbies are dweeby, they are YOURS and you make the rules, YOU are what's cool. If she doesn't like them, she can get stuffed. There are millions of women in places other than America that think that games are fun, you just have to haul your ass out of the dumpster and look for them. I have 4 VR headsets, 3 Handhelds, 400 board games and I just bought a pair of freeline skates. If my girl objects to ANY of that, she can carry herself out the door and I'll have another girl in here by the end of the week. If anyone here disapproves of my hobbies, get jacked, you're probably a cuck. If you're interesting to a girl, you could be a mass murderer, she will justify it in her mind.

I'm ugly, deformed and an a$$hole and I get constant offers from women right infront of my wife.
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Master Don Juan
May 2, 2022
Reaction score
I'm listening to a non-stop barrage of loser attitudes. Game is ineffective, now you need money, looks and a car to get a woman? WTF is this? Why has this bullsh1t doomer attitude been allowed to infest the manosphere? I'll tell you what man, I picked up the majority of my women wearing baggy old jeans, a hoodie, k-mart brand sneakers, no muscles and with a minimum wage job. They did not give a fck about my income, my job, my status, my car, my face. I had something the nerds didn't, I have a personality. FFS If you're relying on that other sh1t to get you women, you're not much of a catch. If all that garbage disappears, what are you left with? A bunch of hours worked staring at 4 walls in a cubicle. More often than not women bought me gifts, took me shopping and paid for my stuff. Money is just one way for them to impress ME. My wife who was piss-poor at the time, bought ME dinners.

This is why women will pick thugs over nice guys. The thugs have a personality, something that adds VALUE to their boring existence. Women will clamber all over each other to get a shot at an ex-con, a guy who plays by his own rules. Women like interesting, exotic, epic level men, period. Half the guys claiming their $$$ can't get them women are right, NO AMOUNT OF MONEY IS ENOUGH. Jeff Bezos chick probably fvked off on him for a guy who works at McDonalds. I had a buddy who lost his hot wife to a construction worker. It's not hypergamy, thats a bs concept, women want a guy who stands out. My buddy was a boring computer programmer, played games, drove a ferrari and never broke the law or went against the grain. Back and forth to a job, day in, day out for years. He was manager at his company, made a high 7 figures a year. Couldn't keep his wife at home. She was a boring dweeb scientist making 6 figs too. She threw it all away for a whirlwind romance with a guy in a hard hat and a flanel sweater... she was so BORED. Another nice guy friend married a chick, this guy was a fat little dude who lived a happy little life of sports, chess and TV while she was banging hard dudes behind his back. His kid probably ain't even his. The catch here, neither guy had the balls to call these women out, tell them to stfu because their lives were boring by the book. They never stood up for anything, they just let daddy gov tell them how to act.

If you need hookers, your game is weak and you have no business giving anyone advice on a PUA forum. Who f'n cares if your hobbies are dweeby, they are YOURS and you make the rules, YOU are what's cool. If she doesn't like them, she can get stuffed. There are millions of women in places other than America that think that games are fun, you just have to haul your ass out of the dumpster and look for them. I have 4 VR headsets, 3 Handhelds, 400 board games and I just bought a pair of freeline skates. If my girl objects to ANY of that, she can carry herself out the door and I'll have another girl in here by the end of the week. If anyone here disapproves of my hobbies, get jacked, you're probably a cuck.

I'm ugly, deformed and an a$$hole and I get constant offers from women right infront of my wife.
Damn , glad you got that off your chest huh.

So your advice TO OP ,I repeat TO THE THREAD STARTER (yeah lets forget the OP is a 36 y.o virgin and act like the responders are the OP...) is to become a criminal, because that's what women want. Yiu do understand that the gap between being married and losing your virginity at 35 is like a a few 100 miles ,right?

You can't be this simple ...

This man just want to get his d1ck wet ASAP. This thread ain't about you, it's about a man who wants to get laid so he can get some experience.

Calm the feck down .
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