200 approach journal.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
bay area
hi my name is collalife. :cheer: i have been a student of don juan for a while now. MY only problem is approaching. i know alot of stuff but approach is my main sticking point. Ive devised a unique plan and in honor of jayer i have decided to create my approach journal (200). ill probably go for 2 a day if possible.

i have set up a decent inner game program. ill recite my belief morning,noon, and night.
ill do my unstoppable confidence till the end of 3 weeks and beyond confidence and so on.

ill go for introing to girls at school then eventually start with unique opening, and then get creative.

fear: i might get rejected. but so what.:cool:
i might get laughed at so what:cool:

ive decided to bury my fear with confidence and courage. i will keep you all posted about my every approach or at least interesting approaches.

love collalife.


Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
Reaction score
Good luck bra, Yay Area stand!!!

Snow Plowman

Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
If your trying to get passed fear of rejection and getting laughed at...2 sets a day is no good. As a newbie you have to hit set after set, after set...that is the only way you'll get good...

Why, because if your stifled and out of state, especially if your alone, then opening 1 or 2 sets will be very random, especially as a newbie.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
bay area
5 approachs

today i went to do 10 but i got 5 in and it was getting late.

first: hb 8 moving target
me:excuse me
(she stops)
me:quick question who lies more men or women? me my friend are having this debate.
(she didnt hear me and i repeat)
her:mmmmn uh(gives the iono face) iono
me: aw you dont know thanks anyway

second:hb 7 moving target
me: quick question who lies more men or women?
her: mmmn id have to say women.
me:eek: thanks.

third: hb6 on the phone
i decided to use jeffy sh%t from rsd.
(girl walks by on the phone)
me:did he call! did he call! did he call!(she smiles)
i moved on.

fourth: hired gun at the mall hb 10
me:which way is it to the mall
her:this way(points)
me: o how long you been working here
her:4 months
me: o im trying to get hired how can i?
her: well i just become a manager
wing: you look a like mean manager like you wanna yell and stuff.
her:no well i work cosmetics and you got to apply online to get the job
me: o really
her: they check everything
me: o well thanks.

fifth: hb 4(lol)
me:ay excuse me
her:(blank walking face like i dont exist)

debrief: i learned today on moving target lean out a little more when approaching maintain the bouncy leg. When approaching sets try to get eye contact and smile(big tooth griin). come in with distinct higher energy and a smile. memorize some more canned material and just play around because this sh*t is fun.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Good stuff man, I'll be following your progress.

If you don't make it to 200, I'm gonna smack you, then ban your account!



Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
bay area
ouch. lol i will.


Master Don Juan
Nov 17, 2003
Reaction score
Good start. I'd recommend you lose those canned openers though. Just be real instead.... "hey my name is collalife i wanted to meet you". Your goal should be to say that to 200 chicks.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
bay area
fananime/valleyfair approaches

today was a good day. honestly I don't know how many sets I approached. ill just write the good ones.
7 set
me:ay what are yall posted to be.
hbs:(some cartoon)
me: that's cool. quick question though me and friend are having this debate. what's a better anime, bleach or naruto.(fananime convention)
guys:i don't know its all made different
me: from your opinion which one?
guys: naruto
me: what about yall
girl: I don't know, we dont really watch anime
me: awww(look of like wow sorta a neg hit
me: well yall have a nice day
(wing comes)
(lol it gets funny because I was ejecting)(i worked the set well only two girls though)
2 set
me: ay what are yall dressed as?
hbs: we are just dressed upm
me: so yall aint nothing???
hbs: naw
me: well nice costumes have a nice day
(hbs were a little startled since I rolled up so direct and they were kinda young)
2 set
me: ay do yall know the way to the mall.
hbs: no we aren't from around here.
me: o where yall from
hbs: central valley
me: o wow that's far yall was not playing yall are fans
(hbs smiling)
me: so what are yall supposed to be
(ff characters)
me: o (such and such)
me: well ill let you go now yall go have some fun.
(a good set I controlled well. I completely stopped moving targets and had them engaged.)
1 set hb 8 whoooooh
( I was standing above her she was sitting at a table and I leaned..(i know not good)
me: quick question did you happen to see an old guy walking around reading palms?
hb: no
me: that's funny well he's my dad. he kinda taught me a little bit would you mind if I read yours?
hb: no thanks
(me walking off damn I leaned).
debrief: overall it was a good day. I stepped out of myself close to 20 times just talking to random people. I opened about these four juicy sets. the rest were cool. so I'm up to about I'd say 10. personal things to fix: more smiling, more eye contact, no leaning, just being more natural and alert and pausing.
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Daddy The Pimp

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2007
Reaction score
Great man . Great to see that somebody grabbed his balls .

First approaches were great , but you should have transitioned to routines and try to keep conversation a little longer .

I see that you're FAN of canned routines and i got something for you . Check your PM .

Canned material is good stuff to begin with .

Good luck , at the end of 200 approaches , youll become a lot more successful with women . Try to finish these approaches within 3 months .


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
bay area
BERKELEY VENUE.* i went to berkeley and i was a little off or kinda edgy* i approached like maybe 4 sets. ONLY one counts i approached and got a positive interaction or more than a one answer response.

12 set
Me: quick question me and my friend are having this debate(i point with thumb sideways) we need a female opinion( i glance around the group). Who lies more men or women??*
group:two people said women, mostly said women.
me: yeah its women thank yall.

on two sets(one:3 second set:3)
me:yall going the wrong way

three set:
me:* i run up and jump a little* your going the wrong way.
group:what and the rest silent.

the rest were hi how your duins to hbs and random people.
i realized the your going the wrong way is just a attention grabber and used to grab them, then immediately throw a opener.
soon ill just push for putting out routines and openers. ILL study all my material over and over, honestly people this is fun. TIP: always be talking to your wing and then go toward a set. A awkward silence then eject to a woman is really predatory. Develop signs and codes to signal for incoming sets, do not look at the set longer than noticing value.

IM at 12 approaches.


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Why do people still use canned openers?

I've found that just ADAPTING to the girl and your surroundings works a lot better. I thought the manager one was the best (out of the first five), even though she's PAYED to be friendly to you, atleast the opener was a little more natural.

The anime convention made me laugh. Deffinately not my first place to try and pick-up chicks but more power too you.

Honestly, I wouldn't approach a set any bigger than 4 people. With sets, you basically have to get EVERYBODY to like you before you can go isolate that one target. Unless you're just naturally charming, I wouldn't try it as a beginner.

Throughout reading your approaches, I'm not really suprised you got the reactions that you did. Even just reading them I fealt kind of creeped out. I would of thought you were a creeper too. You should deffinately just try more natural approaches, and don't ask such personal questions right off the bat. Ask questions that are relevant to the situation, if it's not then it just sounds canned.. example: You're at a music store.. "Excuse me, I couldn't help but notice you were looking at the new RHCP cd. Have you ever seen them live? They're amazing." Maybe not the best example.. but I've used something like this quite a few times.

But in any case.. great job for having the balls to even going up and talking to these girls. Major props. And good luck on you future approaches man, good job!


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
bay area
i admit canned openers arent the best. But dude ima beginner and its not what you say but how you say it.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
bay area

what should i aim for? opening/transitioning/then routine then eject? or burn baby.

what yall think of this?
me: hi how you duin my nameis obatori im justout meeting people realquick.
her: hi im hb.
me: whats your sign?
her : (sign)
me: (give astrology reading and our sex relationship)

then go into esp or do you spells work etc.(just a idea(


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
bay area
im bACKKKKKKKKK. ive been recently doing alot of inner game and dude it is paying off. The old me is like swiss cheese and the new me is undescriable. Ill be out sarging more frequently and ill definitely go past 200.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
bay area
honestly ive been doing alot of approaches but alot have been hit or miss here.

in total i have 40.

but i will document more of my adventures with more juicy facts.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
bay area
berkeley evening sarging...

THIS day i had a blast(july 24 08)

i met up with exfed and berkeley fam, and we decided to rip it. SO heres my approaches no holds barred.

1st set
(mixed asian hb 7)
me: omg that is a cool shirt. where did you get it?
him: guess.
me: guess??
him: yeah like guess.
me: so yall go to the uc?

male: no but well she does.
me: well ill be on my way.

2nd set. mixed set 2 hb 6s (asian)

me:quick question can yall tell me where the library is?
them:(directions and so forth)
me: do yall go to this school?
them: well we are international students.
me: o cool from where?
them: japan(i think lol)
me:well yall have a good one.

3rd set(hb 7 asian)

me :quick question, i was at home and i realized im bored with all music, so i figured id asked some people what there listening?
her: black eyed peas,
me:whats the song.
me: well thank you.

4th set.(asian) hb 5(lol low huh)
me: are you by chance a dancer?
her: yeah
me: well i noticed the dance banner are you in a group/
her: yeah im in (something) and we partcipate in competitions and cheography dance.
me: o thats cool did you get paid?
her: (chuckles) no we do it for free.
me: thats interesting cause im interesting in getting a dance group(i pop lock my arm (dhv) )
her: nice. so if dont wanna compete we have a nother group that just does hip hop, and dance.
me: no i wanna compete.
her: so your a incoming freshman?
me: yeah(at another school lol)
her:well hi my name is (ill use britney)
me: hi my name is collalife(which i dont use lol)
me: welll see you around.

2 hb 7s

quick question do yall happen to know where the library is at?
them:what library?
me: the one with the biggest library with the juicyest books?
them: (directions and so forth)
me: well thanks(high five motion)
(two high fives. yeah i know it rocks.:crackup:

hb 8 and hb 6
(old people like 30s well i kind afelt like she read me like a book well the black lady did).

me:quick question, do you know where the libaraRy is?
hb8: this way and that
me: wow thats a nice scarf i love the color.
her: yeah(but looking sorta quizitive if thats a word)

seated set.
me:quick question where is the library?
the,: what library,
me:the most juicest, main libarary.
them:directions and so forth.

older black lady(25) 1 set

quick question is this the whole campus?
her: yeah
me: nice are you a student here?
her: no international?
me: o from where?
her; virginia
me: o down south, my family is from there.
her: yeah (etc)
me: well have a good one

moving set.
me: is that the iphone?
her: no its etc
me: o a motorolla o? t-mobile i respect it i have t-mobile.ayyyyy.
her: (baffled with joy)
me: well yeah.

debrief: well i still seem to have level of approach anxiety but thanks to my chakra training and holding myself back from self love(lol/palmela.) im returning to old me, i expect to number close next tuesday. Most of the sets were hb 6-8 no major hotties. I seem to shy awaya from truly beautiful a bit, but ill teach myself to walk toward and have nothing but fun on the mind.
overall the whole day i did 12 sets. And if anyone has a books with day game or mall openers etc( a nice routine book and not savoys its all nightgame) recommend it.
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Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
collalife said:
THIS day i had a blast(july 24 08)

i met up with exfed and berkeley fam, and we decided to rip it. SO heres my approaches no holds barred.

1st set
(mixed asian hb 7)
me: omg that is a cool shirt. where did you get it?
him: guess.
me: guess??
him: yeah like guess.
me: so yall go to the uc?
male: no but well she does.
me: well ill be on my way.

2nd set. mixed set 2 hb 6s (asian)

me:quick question can yall tell me where the library is?
them:(directions and so forth)
me: do yall go to this school?
them: well we are international students.
me: o cool from where?
them: japan(i think lol)
me:well yall have a good one.

3rd set(hb 7 asian)

me :quick question, i was at home and i realized im bored with all music, so i figured id asked some people what there listening?
her: black eyed peas,
me:whats the song.
me: well thank you.

4th set.(asian) hb 5(lol low huh)
me: are you by chance a dancer?
her: yeah
me: well i noticed the dance banner are you in a group/
her: yeah im in (something) and we partcipate in competitions and cheography dance.
me: o thats cool did you get paid?
her: (chuckles) no we do it for free.
me: thats interesting cause im interesting in getting a dance group(i pop lock my arm (dhv) )
her: nice. so if dont wanna compete we have a nother group that just does hip hop, and dance.
me: no i wanna compete.
her: so your a incoming freshman?
me: yeah(at another school lol)
her:well hi my name is (ill use britney)
me: hi my name is collalife(which i dont use lol)
me: welll see you around.

2 hb 7s

quick question do yall happen to know where the library is at?
them:what library?
me: the one with the biggest library with the juicyest books?
them: (directions and so forth)
me: well thanks(high five motion)
(two high fives. yeah i know it rocks.:crackup:

hb 8 and hb 6
(old people like 30s well i kind afelt like she read me like a book well the black lady did).

ill continue in a minute.

colla whats up man. You remind me of myself when I first started.... I just said anything just to feel good that I talked to a girl.... but dude why aren't you going for # closes? Believe me once you start going for it it will be become instinctive. Don't be afraid of rejection dude... just use my line on like the next 5 girls you approach...

Hey listen I have to get going but it would be cool to talk more. Give me your number I'll give you a call.

Just try it....

Worse case scenario you'll get the boyfriend line or she'll say she doesn't give her number out. Best case scenario, you have a potential plate!


Senior Don Juan
Feb 15, 2008
Reaction score
bay area
thanks for the advice i appreciate it.