2 Choices


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Men have 2 choices when dealing with women:
1. Master the principle and SWALLOW the red pill (men are better than women)
2. Fake it (with varying degrees of success).

Let me tell you-it took me 10 years even after being exposed to the duplicity of women to accept the truth-to bank everything on it. Now, I'm in a relationship, I finally swallowed the red pill, and let me tell you-it changes EVERYTHING.

I was given the biggest and most subtle **** test every dreamt up by man on the phone from an HB10 this morning (remember the term **** test from the classic Pook posts and etc.? They are real). I passed it effortlessly. Before I fully committed, I wouldn't have passed it, and I would have lost the lady.

Let me also say that if you do accept the "red pill" you will be in the vast minority, the club of Cary Grant and Sean Connery. The club where people say, "Of COURSE he got that woman! He's Sean Connery" and etc.

Faking the fact that you truly have that belief in your soul, on the other hand, is where techniques come in. Wait this number of hours before calling, do this on the date, don't do this on the date, etc. But remember this-depending on how good the girl is, she might sniff you out and discover your ACT...aka you're the one who gets dumped.

Look, I'm not telling you which way to go-I'm just saying that I just took the plunge and I feel great. If you're looking to jump into the water, don't hesitate!

That's all.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
I notice nobody has commented and the top 2 threads are about getting prostitutes, so I'm going to say it again:

Read the classic Pook posts and so on. Internalize what they are saying. Immerse yourself with it. Eventually (and it may take 10 years) it will finally go down. But it's all about your SOUL (inner game).

Or you can put a lot of effort into faking. May get more results short-term, so it may be desirable to many guys for that reason.

But my personal opinion is that there's nothing better then RELATIONS with other people, especially beautiful women, who like who you are DEEP DOWN, and not your "game".


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
I'd rather not give out the specifics on a public forum. Suffice it to say, I would have badly flunked it just 7 days ago. It finally went down. After 10 years (I started reading on this site at age 15), it finally went down-the whole truth.

Which means this is probably my last post or at least thread on this site. I completed the journey.

It even makes me a little mad-if I wasn't brainwashed to think that men and women were equal as part of my upbringing, so many hours could have been saved. Oh well. Better late than never.

My parting gift to everyone is to make them realize getting women is about who you are. Who you are MUST CHANGE. Or else, play games like women and do tricks.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Darth said:
I notice nobody has commented and the top 2 threads are about getting prostitutes, so I'm going to say it again:

Read the classic Pook posts and so on.
I studied Pook in 2011. His main theme was to screen out the women who would hurt you, to put women through tests and choose the ones who like you. He also said dating strippers was the final frontier and required mastery of seduction. Since later that year I have applied his principles directly to many beautiful women and have had great success, with only 2 out of the last 11 and 1 out of 10 being the one to dump me.

The keys are to work hard in your daily life, eat right, stay strong, find women who are attracted to you, and to be generous.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
Darth said:
I notice nobody has commented and the top 2 threads are about getting prostitutes, so I'm going to say it again:

Read the classic Pook posts and so on. Internalize what they are saying. Immerse yourself with it. Eventually (and it may take 10 years) it will finally go down. But it's all about your SOUL (inner game).

Or you can put a lot of effort into faking. May get more results short-term, so it may be desirable to many guys for that reason.

But my personal opinion is that there's nothing better then RELATIONS with other people, especially beautiful women, who like who you are DEEP DOWN, and not your "game".
Darth............listen dude.....

Sosuave HAS CHANGED. It's not the same site you joined up to 10 years ago,or even I joined back in 2008.

Back then it was about being a MAN.....about getting YOU and YOURS in order first......then women came secondary. Back then,a person would get shamed off the forum for talking about going to prostitutes.....now it's encouraged. Members today don't want to hear what you're talking about. All they care about is getting sex....NOW.

Nobody cares about "Pook" or innergame. And while what you say may be true,if it doesn't equate to sex NOW!!!,they aren't gonna listen.......they're too controlled by their d!cks to exercise patience.

Transforming yourself by innergame takes time. Sex via prostitutes is just a phonecall or text away. It's not real,there's no substance to it,but it's INSTANT.

You're talking to a new breed here. They want what you're saying,but aren't willing to do the work.

Anything you say that's not "sex NOW" is gonna be shut out.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Igetit! said:
Darth............listen dude.....

Sosuave HAS CHANGED. It's not the same site you joined up to 10 years ago,or even I joined back in 2008.
I'm getting that picture. Maybe everybody who actually mastered everything left because they have no need to visit anymore.

I remember back in 2005 there was a very strong, inspirational manly atmosphere on the site. A very positive, always-improving tone. The DJ Bible, especially Pook, was discussed constantly. There was never any doubt over what the right path was. I was helped by many old pros. As a teenager, I absorbed what I could but had to continue visiting articles and immersing myself in it for 10 years because I was just so damn brainwashed. Others could do it in less time, I'm sure.

But you have to put in the work.

Thanks for your reply, by the way, as a mod-I have always enjoyed your posts.

Edit: Word for the wise-sh!t tests are ALWAYS unexpected-so you can't plan for them. They can't be studied for. How you make out depends on how much of the right stuff you've internalized and how big the sh!t test is (and hopefully, you get to the point like I have where the core idea goes down). The best women like the one I've got spring the biggest possible sh!t test on you at some time. Luckily mine didn't do that until I had swallowed the red pill and completed my journey, or I would have no HB10 girlfriend right now.