Jack Wealthy's Journal of Beasting

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
- Control my state and be genuinely happy and content
- Up my weight to 82kgs
- Do a single-leg squat
- Deadlift 2 1/2 times bodyweight
- Do a one-arm pullup
- Run 2.4 km in 9 minutes
- Up my overall ATAR to 91 and math 3a/b to 70
- Become more confident
- Become more relaxed AND motivated (previously an oxymoron)

I'm 16 and just finishing year 11, but I don't go to school at the moment because my mum moved towns. Now I just work and workout...
I've had sex with two girls but they were both very ideal circumstances. One is promiscious and came over to my house to stay the night with a girl my age I used to live with, the other random added me on fb and invited me over,
The first was gourgeous and at the time I was making good progress but I got obsessed with her and how 'great' I was at sex... Because I don't cvm it can last ages, so she didn't know she was my first. Anyway, the other didn't care about how shy and robotic I was, she added me with the expressed hope of a possible sexual encounter.
I've decided the secret to my first goal, for me at least, is to focus on being happy and giving that happiness out to everyone. Never restricting it by social group, hotness, etc... but restricting the type obviously.

I'm going to keep this running at least once a week
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Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
I've been expecting this for a while now. Glad to have you here as a regular poster :)

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
NorwegianDJ said:
I've been expecting this for a while now. Glad to have you here as a regular poster :)
Woah woah woah, judging me?

Anyway, I went to a party saturday night, my dads ex-best friends son invited me. He managed to get the host to let me stay the night. We'll call him Ken. Ken has very little game and is eternally friend-zoned by most girls, though he can talk to them, he is a quite guy who comes in with occasional comments when in a group and really lacks closing ability. I recently quit drinking so I planned (and succeeded) in not taking a single sip; although I probably did get alchohol through proxy ;)

I spent the whole day getting ready for this party, which was halloween themed so I went as a stab victim. I also bought some no-doze as I had no idea how my body would react to a no-chemical party.. I spent the whole day getting pumped, just grinning and chatting to shop assistants. I spent a lot of time laughing retardly like a fool because I found everything so entertaining.

His mum dropped us off about twenty minutes into the party. First up there's this group of 5-6 girls out front and I raise my voice and introduce myself to the whole group. They all smile, I nod. I'm smirking at this stage. We walk to the backyard and put our stuff in the tent, then come back out. We walk up to near the speakers and at first I'm quite, but I start introducing myself to everyone who comes near and after a while it's easy and natural. I introduce myself to the three best looking girls there at that time; a Russian, a Brit and an Australian... They all walked into a bar... :)

I hang with Ken, talk to him for a bit. He say's "Dude, that Russian chick seemed into you!" I reply "Yeah man, but I'm not Russian it." I start off talking to a group of guys, then after I've made eye-contact with the Russian girl a few times since I introduced myself to her and her friends, I go up to her as a guy I just met talks to her. I know, I should have gone up to her STRAIGHT AWAY. Very important. We make small talk and he and I both try and manipulate the conversation a bit. I try to use humour, but it's mostly falling flat as she is Russian so speaks English as a second language. After a while she goes off with some friends and comes back seeming much more into the other guy then me, which is a reversal. I walk away and talk to other groups.

I approach another group, and as soon as I start talking another very attractive girl comes up to me and asks me if I know her friend, "Chiara." I say I don't, then she describes her and reminds me I winked at her. "Oh, oh yeah, her." Still don't really know. Girl: "Well, she thinks you're *something* and hot. She called dibs on you."

Which explains why the Russian was talked to and stopped wanting me so much.

I talk to Ken again and he mentions that Chiara called dibs on me. I set out to find this girl.

I find her walking back to her group, I stop her but the conversation stalls. She's quite, not what I'm used to... Fvk, I realise I have to make my move. After a while she comes back around again- it's like a game of cat and mouse- and I put my arm around her waist and stumble out something about not being able to hear so she should come with me down the back. First time I've said that, last time it was "Take off your top... We.. should go somewhere more private... My room?.."

She agrees. We get down the back and she goes to kiss me, I freak out. Apparantly I'm gay or something... I tell her I burnt my mouth so this might hurt, then make a joke and she laughs. We kiss. We makeout. She stops me.
C: I probably should have told you this before we started really ...
J: ...
C: I don't have sex.
J: Why?
C: I'm saving myself for the right time.
J: (No real want for sex, want for makeout) It's alright, I don't feel anything during sex anyway.
C: ...
J: I just go numb. Positive, hella long sex ;)
C: Ku-dos :)
(Making out for about 30 seconds)J: You don't have a boyfriend do yu? (Irrelevant question.)
C: No no no.

People come down from the party shouting her name. It gets broken up. We walk back up, split apart. Later I grab her number, even later we come back down and make out next to some other couple. The guy in that couple is an instant friend, the girl is the one who told me Chiara was up.

Anyway, some highlights (in terms of entertainment):

(Chiara talkin about why we hooked up.)
C: Well we're just two people at a party, I don't have a boyfriend, he doesn't have a girlfriend...
J: Well, you didn't actually ask...
C: (OMG face)
J: Hahaha got you :D

(Ken trying to hookup with a girl using just verbal game.)
I walk up, put his arm around her.
I show her my forearm. She says it's big.
"You know what else is this size?... Kens penis."
"Ken went jogging with me once, his **** swing broke his ankle."
They have something in common.
(Deadpan) "You two have a lot in common. You guys should have sex."
She laughs really hard at this and moves closer to Ken.

(End of night, girl I was hooking up with leaves.)
I walk up to new girl.
"Hey, whats your name?"
I compliment her jeans, she tells me her jeans story. I reciprocate, she laughs (it reeaaaaaallly wasn't funny. "My mum bought them, I only just grew into them this year.")
We gather a little audience because people think we're going to hook up- this was explained to me later as I went to sleep- and she gets weird.
Someone asks for a joke.
"You tell one first (to the girl)"
We exchange jokes, third person is cut out but doesn't care and talks to his gf.
She offends me minorly.
Me: "You wanna hear a joke?"
Her: "Yeah."
Me: "Whats your name?
"Get it... :D"
She pretends to get pissed and walks off.
I follow her and we play with these nerf guns, she wins so I say "You know what's magic?"
"Hanging off a balcony."
"Yeah :)"
I move like I'm going to pick her up.
"Noo! :)"
"'lax, I'm kidding, weirdo."
We sit back down.

Obviously I felt great:) I felt really positive, thus the long post.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Todays Progress...

I came back to the city, from the much smaller city I live in at the moment- basically country, to do my exams next week. I went to school in a good mood, but well in my comfort zone which led to the eventual diminishment of my state. I just felt like blending in so much... I felt awkward.

After school a girl flirted with me and I chose to make no moves. I talked to a close friend and his friend on the train, started to feel better. THEN I met up with my best friend and his gf, who are both interested ina threeway. He left us alone for a bit. We'd been playfully flirting for a while, I grabbed her and dragged her onto me. We felt each other up and kissed, the kiss was the only real escalation.

Now, I'm on the train to meet up with my mum for dinner at a friends... Who has a hot daughter. Two kisses in one night??

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
I hooked up with that girl today. We texted and I told her I'd wreck her for every other guy. She came to meet me at the train station near my school, I walked her to the bushes and she gave me hand and a little oral. We had sex too, but I wasn't up for it so I stopped. I flirted with this chick from my school I used to talk to on the way, she seemed into me to.

We then went back to the train, I started flirting with this Asian girl and her friends who go to my school. I was in a great mood.

The early part of the day was crap, I got paid 160 dollars in the morning though, from the goverment as a study aid. I get a hundred next fortnight. I also drunk two coffees and had maccas for breakfast.

Oh, I only got one kiss last night.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
Jaedon you just escalated normally to sex in the bushes? No objections?

I'm from Georgia. Parties are amazing, but like he said, I get invited to literally none from my school. Have to explore other schools and social circles, which is weird because I'm a senior and friendships are really stable now.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Yeah I have to explore other schools as well.

The sex was sh!t and I stopped it after a second. I'm only starting to realise now I really, genuinely do not like sex physically. I'm prescribed Cialis and I'm going to try sex on that but if that's not nice... I don't know.

Yeah, I come across as very experianced (which girls find a turn on) because I'm really confident in what I say sexually. It has nothing to do with experience, it is all to do with my mindset once we're alone. She said 'I don't know' at first and I said 'I want you.. Bend over..' then position her. It's all about conviction and congruence- ie don't try this if you don't trust it.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Where to start...

I went to school late. Then I sat down at recess and a friend of mine's friend who isn't me took half a valium. Apparently they're addictive, they're just relaxing. I've heard it's similar to weed. I then spent most of the rest of the day laughing really hard and after lunch I actually started being funny because I WAS IN THE MOMENT! Thankyou Power of Now :D

So I flirted a lot with this girl I used to have a crush on earlier but I was obsessed with the right moment in the future and failed in the now. I had my whole english class in stitches, my essay draft did okay, I had all the kids in the year below me ltao :D at the train. Same in the train with my year and this random from a school near mine.
That guy got on the bus.

Got a girls number on the bus: ''I think you're attractive. Do you think I'm attractive?''
''Sure? Hehe''
''Can I have your number?''
*Recites number, kinda awkward.*

Met up with my best mate... Heres the bad part...

His gf didn't tell me he'd decided to make it serious and exclusive when she asked to meet up with me after we txt'd. Now I have a dillemma... I feel like I should tell him, but ****... Opinions? I feel I should.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
No, it already happened and we hooked up. Hawkward :/

EDIT: So yeah, I told him. He said if it was anyone but me he'd punch them in the head. I'm having a difficult time writing because I got high with him and it's really distracting. DXM and Caffeine is a good mixture and both ingredients are legal.

ATM I am sitting at home away from home, buzzed. My friend and I ain't talking for a while and he's telling her to **** off tomorrow...

Edited a third time to punctuate the following: Edited again for clarity.
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Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Renaming this journal "Me Being a Beast" to represent my ness.

For yesterday:
Started watching Blueprint, amazing. Not far through it but it seems really good, I'm watching Flawless Natural next.

Did my first exam, spent most of it giggling because I had no idea what was up. Math is HARD. Finished an hour early but wasn't allowed to leave so I drew a picture of a pear with pants and called it a Pearson. Hopeful that I can pick up marks with that. A girl from the year below walked out crying and I just remember thinking "I wish I could give her my casualness about this." After school I caught a train with a bunch of friends and a hot chick, flirted a bit in a very natural way. Feel I could lead more.

I worked out today, just pullups and dips because I only had five minutes. I did 6 wide grip, 8 dips, 4 chinups, 6 dips, 1 close grip, 3 dips. Turns out I'm really weak at dips. Did my second exam, Human Bio, did better than yesterday. Considering I didn't even answer 4/5's of the questions yesterday that doens't really mean much, so I did well :)

English exam is tomorrow and I feel confident about this one. Well prepared :D

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
English exam, did well. I wrote a story about me writing a story (meta) then went off on a bunch of tangents and described my first time. Interesting story. Then at the end I write, yeah, I think I have ADHD. Which reminds me, going to doctors tomorrow for referal to an ADHD specialist. And painkillers because fuark wisdom teeth suck.

So today and yesterday I felt great. Very loud, in the moment, hit state. Not much to say :)
Only really interesting feeling, besides feeling generally more is a conversation I got props for today:
Me to yr 9 girl: Hey, I know you from somewhere!
Yr9: I don't think you do.
Me: *Walk up beside her, look at her really intensely* I totally do. *Then I walk into her.* Seeya.
Yr9: Byyye
Me: *Adressing older woman* Hey, I don't know you at all!
Her: No, you don't
Me: Well, I'm Jaedon *Shakes hand*
Her: *whatever she said*
Me: Are you a subsitute teacher?
Her: No, I teach at the school across the road.
More boring crap. I say nice to meet you, leave.

It is amazing how easy it is to impress other guys with talking. They think I'm a pimp because I have casual conversation with strangers. Yeap, beast...
Felt really, really good. I feel like I'm more than I was yesterday, or the day before. I feel I'm advancing and taking in things. I literally feel my presence is constantly expanding, I feel I offer true value. I feel like positivity is the only response to me.

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Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Great day, hung out with my friend in the city and tormented this girl we both know. Got free choclate milks from these girls. Met some new people, had some interesting convos. Felt amazing.

Alright night saturday, low-key, chilled with friends. Felt a bit left out at parts as I no longer drink and these people have been hanging out together a lot longer then me and them since I moved towns. Ended up doing two shots.

Sunday rolls around, **** sleep compounds the same problem. Then BOOOM, we go out. New people. My element. I hit state, do some crazy **** and feel amazing.

There's a guy standing shirtless in KFC. My friends goad me to rip my top off to beat him. I do, then stare him down. He looks freaked.

Run to another fast food place and chill. Go to catch bus, miss it because one of my mates went of on a depressed sesh on his own. Hear a megaphone and run up the stares to see a raffle. First off, my friend (who I didn't like until today) pretends to have won. Then my friends play "Sexy and I Know It" an I dance. The chick annnounces another prize and I runup up and...
As soon as we leave, shouting seeya to the entertained crowd, they start playing "Sexy and I Know It". Also, most of that crowd were bigger then me and revheads, it was a motorshow.

My friend pulled out when we met up with some more people. I go a really bad headache. Started a convo with a girl at the bus stop, she freaked and I have a feeling I looked like a heroin addict. Straight after though I hid my face and two attractive girls I'd been checking out came and sat next to me. Honestly, my head hurt too much for my good mood to matter.

EDIT: More like this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aTZWpsz3D8


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
Finally I know where it's from! It's from that oh my gosh girl on Ray William Johnson a year ago! :D

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Skrillex is amazing but he couldn't stand up to that girl.

Feeling good lately, like my progress thus far. It is all about pushing in the right direction.

Yesterday I went to a store to get food. Met up with this chick who is alright but not attractive at all because she works there. Then one of my good mates came.

I felt threatened by him because he had all the attention. I fought this by becoming louder and louder, finally running out of the store (I used to work there) shouting "I DON'T WANNA WORK ANYMORE!!!!" Not very funny, my friends laughed hard but no one else did.

While I was on my own I calmed down and found the present moment.

Got some food, got a status posted about me and my mate. Minor drama with the money getting put in my mums account not mine, sorted today.

As we were walking out cops asked him what was up his shirt (a card he stole for his girlfriend) and I burst out laughing. His girlfriend seems to like me better now which is great!


First exam is PE studies. I do ok, miss a question. My friend asks a girl to the ball and she says yes, he is in bliss. then she says she only said yes because she was put on the spot BUT HIS HAPPINESS DOESN'T FADE. He took the shot, the pressure is gone and only happiness thrived.

Hang around school and lack state, head into the city with friends and lack state. Still pretty funny though.

Hit state coming back into school. Literally, I cross the threshold and feel like I walked through a sheet of cold water. Today was ~30 degrees Celsius so it was very pleasant. Then the energy radiated off and for the rest of the day I OWNED THAT SCHOOL!

This morning this kid in year 8 who thinks I'm really cool (weird, I'll explain later) comes up to me and starts joking about his sad love life. Ima help this kid because he could be a beast. He seems like he would learn. Anywho, he tells me about the hottest girl in his year.

Fast-forward to owning the school: I ask a year eight I know from my old train who she is, he points her out. I yell her name and call her over, she doesn't come so I walk over to her. We chat and chill, I own the group. She is gorgeous, if she was three years older... I'd drag her into the woods.

I'm literally oqning the school at this point, talking to EVERYONE. The this girl I've always been kinda scared of walks past. I ask her what's up, walk with her, she takes me to her group after lots of talking and touching. In the group there is another girl I used to be scared of (they both are hot but have permanent *****y expressions) and she makes fun of me. I roll with it and everyone is in stitches, then she tries to contribute to another convo I bring up and I ignore her accidently. I repeat this a couple of times until someone brings a go-kart and I leave.

Fail my second exam but the teacher says it is ok when I justify myself. Today COULD NOT GO WRONG!

Then this chick followed me around the city, we talked about Skrillex, Raves and drugs. I then went shopping, got bored and missed a couple of opportunities. I should follow right action.

Lastly, there is an unattractive girl who wants me to ask her to ball next year- Feb 24th. I will not. Easy way to break this? Not sure about the whole ball thing... Just in general.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
NorwegianDJ said:
Make sure you get into the university you want atleast :)
Speaking of uni... Come to Australia, we're way cheaper!

Today I sat around the house because it was hot. I did some washing and finished Le Blueprint. It was GREAT. I highly recommend it to anyone looking for something to push them over the edge.

I've got tomorrow off and I'm going to go see some people. Last exam is on Friday.

Just as an addendum to my last post, I also talked to a stranger on the bus. I talked naturally with that neutral/downwards inflection I read about in NDJ's journal. Props to you bro, reading the posts you first had when I came here a year ago compared to now... FU((K YOU have developed man =D

Get that subtle little joke there? Anyone? :rolleyes:

Really, really mundane day.

Oh, I've decided not to masturbate for a week. Just to see what that does. Which reminds me (oddly) that I started practising liquid last week after I saw this video on YouTube and started thinking about how cool it is. My ex used to love it also and I saw it at a party and thought "Damn that is trippy..."