Everything You Read Here About Bipolar Girls Is True...Take The Advice


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2008
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I've been reading this stuff for years, seldolmly post and let me first say that 90 percent of the stuff here is true. If you read it and practice it you will meet women and when you meet the one you want to date you will have the skills to do so. I knew all of this, but when I read about Bipolar chics after I started dating one I didn't take the advice, I got sucked in.

Long story short for the past 6 months I've been with a mentally ill girl. Our relationship is great for like 3 weeks and then **** for like a few days, repeat cycle. When girl is mad I hear some of the worst, the worst insults I have ever heard. Then all of a sudden she's back like nothing ever happened. It's been hard with this one b/c we both make film, music and are into the same hobbies. It was almost like I met my soulmate and I don't even believe in that kind of stuff. It was too good to be true.

Ok so we've had a few break-up, space fights...everyone who has been with one of these girls knows this. The thing is now she knows me well enough to know how to push my buttons and she does so to start **** at some points. Last week she hit a good one and all of a sudden we are in a fight, the fights get worse too as the relationship progresses. The highs are really high, but the lows...damn those lows are rough. We fought and took a few days off.

On Saturday we talked on the phone for the first time since Wednesday, this is after I was dumb and sent her an email where I was honest about things and how happy I am when things are good, but how miserable this relationship can be. We talked for 2 hours and then she wanted to take me lunch. I went, we had a great lunch...was a little awkward at the beginning but we ended up having sex...even with her doing some kinky dress like I like. Upon leaving she grabs me, kisses me and says "this is all fixable...just be patient".

We both agreed to meet up at a concert last night, a small 200 person show. We are there, both having a good time with my friends. About halfway through the show she looks at me, shakes her head and then gets her distance. She went like 20 foot in front of me and when she had to go to the bathroom or pass me she would ignore me completely. At one point her ex, who is a hanger on and I'm sure she leads him on came out of the crowd and started dancing with her. She looked at him and smiled...she know I was watching the entire time. I was supposed to ride home with her after, but on the way out I hugged her...not my best hug ever...but a hug. She says "weak hug. it was nice knowing you, have a good life". She then looks at my roommate and says "take care of your boy". These comments I don't understand...guessing she wanted me to explode in public or something? Can someone explain if these were just simple cuts to me. I really felt like I know her well enough to know that she was trying to ignite me.

So while I was standing there looking at her I had a moment of clarity. I realized that this girl has melted me into a mush. I am not the man I was just six months ago. I laughed about it and realized this is not me at all. In the past when we would break up I would call, send her an email...do things on her terms. Today I came in deleted all of her email addresses, phone numbers, etc. It is time for me to disappear completely b/c it's obvious she has no respect for me.

I don't know how this is going to work out, I would love it if she would just leave me alone for good. Does anyone have any advice on what it is like to leave a bipolar female and what I should expect in the next two weeks?

Thanks guys, sorry I didn't listen to you.


Don Juan
Sep 17, 2008
Reaction score
What up man?, I think you already know the answer for yourself. Most likely she'll try to contact you, to talk about sh!t, you know the drill. Just don't answer, then you'll see her pass through anger, sadness, acceptance, anger again. Eventually she'll leave you alone, just stay strong, remember that she doesn't respect you, and most importantly DON'T ANSWER HER CALLS, TEXTS, ETC.


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2008
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The moment of clarity was great. I stood there, watched her dancing and it just hit me that she is ruthless and cold. It is like she flipped modes on me. Earlier in the day we passed a pub, she said "i don't like that place, last time I was there I got into a fight with my ex". I replied "really, why the f**k would you fight in public...that's not me at all". I honestly felt like she was trying to make me do that last night.

Funny, she says one of the best parts of our relationship is that she can count on there being a funny and honest email every morning in her in box. Well that is the first thing that has been taken away by me. I have also blocked her from my gchat window, something else she would do is hit me up at work to say hi. It's retarded really, she can be the sweetest and most hyper person on the planet one week...then it's just insanely cold for a few days. She went out on Friday without me, then couldn't leave her apartment on Saturday at all. She says **** like "the sex is nothing but a good time to me, nothing emotional...you are just good at it...that's why I come to you. You make me come harder and know how to touch me in ways nobody ever has". I get it and that shouldn't have stung, but it did a little b/c I was sucked into thinking this thing was great.

Last night she was actually punching me like an immature girl does to a guy they like. I also have to note that in a certain music scene I am known by thousands of kids, so the options are there. She is in this scene and I met her at one of my shows. I know that is going to come into factor in her head when she realizes I'm not around. I don't know anything right now except I see it for what it was...just a way for her to pass time.


Master Don Juan
May 30, 2006
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Jesus Murphy, get the hell away from this girl.


I'm not saying bipolar girls can't be in a relationship, but it seems to me that it should be with another person who's bipolar. At least that way there's mutual understanding of the problem.


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2007
Reaction score
wow, this girl sounds like abit of a head case. But for future reference, you need to set stronger bounderies of what is and certainly is not acceptable. By the end of your relationship its clear this girl didnt feel no way about speaking to you in a harsh and horrid mannor, nether did she feel it was wrong for her to be as disrepctful as you leave you hanging at a venue you both went to together. im guessing, but in the early days of your relationship when you pushing her luck, you didnt set her straight and communicate to her hat she stepped over the line.so she did it again (and again), because you in effect by not acting on it was saying to her it was acceptable.

There are many ways to let a person know what they did was not cool, freezing them out, pinching or playfully poking them, 'the look' and so on. These are at your disposal each and every time your girl is that bit too cheeky and needs reminding what the bounderies are. Your girl will respect you countless times more when you let be known what's cool and what isnt. It need not be over the top, but if done playfully she'll know what's what and buck her ideas up.

As for what you do from here with her, if she isnt adding value to your life and making it better remove her. Don't talk to her, dont ring her dont e-mail nothing. You wouldnt tolerate this nonense from anyone else on the planet, so dont make her an exception. You deserve to be treated with respect and thats the bottom line. In time of course she'll holla at you, or do things to get a rise out of you, but you already know this is going to happen so prepare for little games and ignore them. She cant play them if you don't engage in them.

Look at this experience as one to learn from and how you can grow from it as an individual. Going out with this girl wasnt a waste of time, rather a valuable learning experience. Onwards and upwards. Godbless


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2008
Reaction score
Thank you for that reply, very wise man. She just stopped by my work, said she was out walking. We live in a city where both of us live like 8 blocks from where I work. She brought up **** from a week ago and said things like "maybe you should find..." every time she'd say something like that I would reply with "you are right, I should"...then she'd change to something else. She then said I was crowding her last night and I was really taken back b/c in no way did I chase her or follow her around. I was really wow'd by that, even rode with my friends home not to crowd b/c I got she was doing with her crazy space thing. I mean Jesus, that's all you got? So she kept talking about space and us and how good some things are, but how bad other things are. It finally ended with me calming saying "seriously, take your space, take all you want...if this doesn't work out then it's perfectly fine". And I walked back to work. Seemed like a good response as of right now I doubt she will want to come back from space and I don't want her. Seemed like the best response to not start anymore drama.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2008
Reaction score
I feel your pain bro.

I was in a very similar situation. My only advice would be to get out while you still can. The relationship I was in was just like yours, only 3x longer. She'd get mad at me for the DUMBEST reasons (ie not putting my dinner napkin in the right spot, dancing too much with my grandma at my brothers wedding etc....)

We were 90 days from getting married and she says how much she hates her parents, and says how we need to move to the other side of the country, and we had to move in 3 days. Obviously this made like no sense to me and I was fed up with her, so I told her to go without me. She was obviously very upset about us breaking up, and cried TONS.

She packed up her stuff, moved out of my house, but had a HUGE breakdown right after moving out. She was distraught over how we broke up. She told all our mutual friends how great I was, how she was scared she had already lost me forever etc..... When I tried to have lunch with her to talk, she responded to me that she couldnt because her feelings for me were too strong.

This is 7 months ago, and I am still trying to wonder at times wtf happened. Nothing makes sense. The good times were GREAT, but the bad times were F'ed up.

Moral of the story is, it is never too late to get out bro. The longer you let yourself be caught up with this, the longer it will take to get out, even if you are NC with her. I still find myself wondering wtf happened.

Get out bro, we are all here for you. It will take time, but it is def worth it.


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks for sharing. I hope with the last conversation a little while ago that I am out of it. She was really bringing up the dumbest ****...the dumbest ****. So I am hoping that when I told her to take her space and if she doesn't come back that it's fine with me that was the last conversation we will have. Trust me, 2 weeks ago I would have been sad...now not so much. Really hope she just leaves me be.


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
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I think you mean she has boderline personality disorder, not that shes bipolar.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 25, 2008
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rocket said:
Thanks for sharing. I hope with the last conversation a little while ago that I am out of it. She was really bringing up the dumbest ****...the dumbest ****. So I am hoping that when I told her to take her space and if she doesn't come back that it's fine with me that was the last conversation we will have. Trust me, 2 weeks ago I would have been sad...now not so much. Really hope she just leaves me be.

No matter what she does, go NC with her. You are better than this. You may have loved her with all of your heart, but let me ask you this. Would you EVER have put her through this much ****, EVER?

You can try every excuse in the books, but when two people love each other, they don't deal with this drama. I'm speaking from experience bro, you can and will do better. The sooner you get out and cut all ties and decide to move on for the better, the sooner you can start healing. The longer you stay in her mess, the longer the healing process will take.


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2008
Reaction score
i agree, NC from here on out...nada. every time we'd get to a spot in the conversation where she'd tell me to "find someone else" or where we'd get to a walk away for good part she'd change tones and say "listen we can work on this". i mean even the interaction a bit ago was up and down.


Don Juan
Jun 9, 2005
Reaction score
Man this sh1t gives me the chills. Im in a very similar situation except mine is a little more complicated. Im with this girl whom I dated over 2 years ago and lived with for a year. Now she lives fvcking 30 seconds doen the street I only found this out cause I drunk dialed her for the first time in 2 years. She's fvcked up. The first time around she was crazier she has calmed dowen since but still brings up random sh1t. Like we fvck for days hang out everyday sleep togewther every nifht she says she loves me then well go to her work party and say hey this is my friend mks. I don't say sh1t cause I know she wants something out of me its weird. Or shell say sh1t to get me goin but I don't I jusr act calm and tell her that she's turning me off. Then when she starts talking abvout space or infers we should stop or she's unsure about is I say well if u can't decide ill decide for u. If I walk out that door right now im done forever. Shell stay silent then when I havemy clothes on walking out shell say something then apologize. She's almost 28 and acts like a child. Pretty soon she's going to get a nice talking too just like a little kid does and fijnd out why she thinks she's entitled to act the eay she does. These girls are a headache but bfun when times are good. But when its down geez sorry stupid.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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For the 50 billionth fvcking time...


Not Bipolar Disorder.

Bipolar Disorder is simply a mood swing disorder where sometimes you float on the clouds and other times you are depressed as hell and switch from mood to mood in a matter of hours.

BPD which BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER stands for is a whole nother can of worms.

Its 10 thousand times worse.

Its really really fvcked up.

Anyone here just do a forum search for BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER to find more information about it.

There's a ton of threads about the condition this topic poster is posting about under its correct name BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER IE BPD.

"I don't know how this is going to work out, I would love it if she would just leave me alone for good. Does anyone have any advice on what it is like to leave a bipolar female and what I should expect in the next two weeks?"


If she still wants you, you should be receiving 50 billion phone calls, text messages, drive bys of your house anytime now.

She will prey on your emotional vulnerability in the most cruel and despicable and effective ways.

She will cry like a little girl for you to take her back and that she's sorry and she'll go on and on and on with it until you break and you will break if you listen to that sh!t for any length of time.

The only cure to deal with a Borderline or Histrionic is going cold no contact and stay no contact no matter what they do.

Don't react to what they do.

Hang up the phone, do not talk to or acknowledge them in public.

They only want your attention and validation.

There is no real girl inside that ever loved you or cared about you.

They are predators to the core and as selfish as any human being can possibly be.

They're kind of like that old fable about the siren's and their deadly song.

Lure you in with their seemingly beautiful perfect for you personality and appearance only to kill your soul.

For a long time anyway.

They can be recovered from but once again it takes no contact to do that.

Got it?


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
KontrollerX said:
For the 50 billionth fvcking time...


Not Bipolar Disorder.

Bipolar Disorder is simply a mood swing disorder where sometimes you float on the clouds and other times you are depressed as hell and switch from mood to mood in a matter of hours.

BPD which BORDERLINE PERSONALITY DISORDER stands for is a whole nother can of worms.

Its 10 thousand times worse.

Got it?
Either way, its sounds very profitable if we can sell people drugs to "manage" it but not cure it...LOL *oh wait its been done*


New Member
Mar 25, 2015
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dating a bipolar chik

i dated and lived with a bipolar girl almost 4 years. i can say that the first year was the only good year. the rest of the years were miserable. she would fight for anything little like me pretending to sing in chinese, or for talking to my sister's chik friends at a christmas party trying to socialize with people or because food didnt taste the way she wanted to. it was 3 years of hell. my advice to u, get out of that **** it dont matter how much u guys have in common just get out of it. this girls are only trouble and can do alot of crap to hurt u and your family and even your own kids.


What a demented heffa. Kontroller X said it best. I did 4 years of this crap brother. I survived (not without almost going over the edge many times) and am a MUCH BETTER MAN with the knowledge I have now.

Fortunately we now live over 1,000 miles apart. We occasionally text but this is largely a non factor in my life now, and my guard is always up.


Don Juan
Nov 4, 2014
Reaction score
If she stops by your work, texts you, calls you, randomly bump into each other. Just say "Sorry, I'm not interested in you or talking to you about anything. Leave me alone. Goodbye."

DO NOT I repeat DO NOT talk to her man! It doesn't f*cking matter if she's out on a walk or whatever excuse.

Your relationship is like a hot water tap, she turn it on and turns it off whenever she feels like it. As a result she has been disrespectful to you and learnt that she can get away with it and so it's continued and got worse. How the f*ck can you allow her to dance with her ex in your presence? That is cheating in my book. There's nothing to f*cking discuss about the relationship anything she says is overrided by the fact that she cheated in your face and disrespected you in public. At most you could tell her that and then go cold.

Best thing for you to do now is find new women to talk to.