Can a loner get a girl?


New Member
Aug 9, 2007
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What's going on guys?

Well, let's just get it out of the way - I am a loner. Haven't always been, but that's how it is now. All I can do is focus on the future, and improve myself, which is why I signed up to this site.

I met the most perfect girl a few weeks ago, and I wanted to ask her out so badly. That didn't happen though, not because I'm scared of rejection, but because I have no friends.

So, do you think a guy like me should even ask out a girl, or is it pointless?


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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You'll never know what she'll say until you try.

So ask her out already but avoid putting her on a pedastal.

After all like you and me she is only human.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
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Rejection is Better thn Regret.
If you want to live a life of bitterness,and guilt, don't ask her out. But if you want to die in peace, knowing that you found out for SURE...then ask her out.

Since you postye nothing of your interaction here about her, we don;t know how to help you interact with her.
You do know that you need to build some comfort, rapport, and trust with her, don't you?
You know that you must be confident, sexual, and lead her in your interactions, rioght?
You know how to interact with her, with body language, eye contact, kino, and conversation too, correct?
And you know that you have a ghigher chance of getting her number and going out with her, if you apply all these things to your interactions with her, right?


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
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in your case it sounds hopeless :D
just kidding.The point that you're a loner has little or nothing to do with it,you -lack- the ability to go after the girl brazenly.

Thats where the real issue has little or nothing to do with having a dozen friends or 2 really close ones,because in the end it's always going to be YOU approaching,YOU doing all the right things and it's between YOU and HER.

Don't just ask her out..whisk her off her feet and sweep her away
(she'll thank you for it! ) :cheer:

As in the 'how'? dude,do we have to walk you through all the steps ?lol


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Aug 9, 2007
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Interceptor said:
Rejection is Better thn Regret.
Well, with me, it's always been the opposite. I've felt like **** with rejection for a week (maybe more) and regret goes away for me after like... a day.

Anyway, most girls don't like loners unless she's a loner herself. Women see that as weird. I mean, I hate to admit it, but it is kind of weird to not have any friends and hangout with yourself. I am a loner at heart and I still struggle with it. I started to change because you need to meet people to get ahead and network.

Do you have friends EFFfear or what? Or do you have friends and like to be by yourself most of the time?

I say ask her out. Her accepting won't have anything to do with being a loner. The problem is whether she'll want to stick around after she finds out.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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A loner with social skills and confidence, yes. Otherwise probably not.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
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Cage said:
Well, with me, it's always been the opposite. I've felt like **** with rejection for a week (maybe more) and regret goes away for me after like... a day.

Anyway, most girls don't like loners unless she's a loner herself. Women see that as weird. I mean, I hate to admit it, but it is kind of weird to not have any friends and hangout with yourself. I am a loner at heart and I still struggle with it. I started to change because you need to meet people to get ahead and network.

Do you have friends EFFfear or what? Or do you have friends and like to be by yourself most of the time?

I say ask her out. Her accepting won't have anything to do with being a loner. The problem is whether she'll want to stick around after she finds out.
she'll leave because you're an idiot or a loser :D..but having 2 close friends or 2000 so so friends really makes no difference if you know how to psuh the right buttons and make her hot for you :up:

You can be the life of the party and mr.popular but if you're tounge tied around girls with your tip between your legs then good luck to ya!

It all comes down to communicating your interests the correct way and in a way that will help you progress to where you want things to go ultimatly ;)
loner/socialite..if you got game then you got game,simple as that :up:

calling yourself a loner in the tone with limiting factor will only hurt your progress...


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Aug 9, 2007
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Street_Fighter said:
she'll leave because you're an idiot or a loser
Are referring to me?

And how many loners do you know with high self-confidence and game? I'm not saying a person like that doesn't exist, but I've never met one. Most of the loners I know my age are very, very shy and couldn't spit game to save their lives. EFF may be the total opposite, but loner = someone with issues when most people think about it.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
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Cage said:
Are referring to me?

And how many loners do you know with high self-confidence and game? I'm not saying a person like that doesn't exist, but I've never met one.
I am saying that if she leaves it's because the guy is a loser or an idiot and has nothing to do with them being a loner nor socialite.

You also most likely would'nt meet any other loner djs because they most likely want nothing to do with you in the first place :D

Besides,why measure your success or failure with someone elses?
it's merely a waste of time...:cool:

You seem to be a loner not out of choice but out of mere nessessity..
ask yourself this,if you knew alot of people..would you still rather be alone or the company of others? if you would rather be alone regardless of friends or not,without any lacks or flaws that you are insecure about that keep you alone- then you are a true loner,not just a loner by 'default'.

makes sense? :rolleyes:

Generalizing all loners as social misfits and outcasts makes as much sense as calling all socialites self-absorbed attention VVhores and ego driven...
both are clearly over-generalizations but if you choose to see it that way then by all means by my guest.No sweat of my back lol :whistle:


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
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Cage said:
Are referring to me?

And how many loners do you know with high self-confidence and game? I'm not saying a person like that doesn't exist, but I've never met one. Most of the loners I know my age are very, very shy and couldn't spit game to save their lives. EFF may be the total opposite, but loner = someone with issues when most people think about it.
you know the old saying,you're only as good as the company you keep.
It sounds like the loners you know your age are loners out of nessessity and default,I bet that if they were to have 100s of friends they'd be singing a different tune very quickly.

As far as what people think about loners..big deal,it can either crush you and defeat you or it can be like 'meh,who cares? no sweat off my back' lol :cool:

Looks like you already chose ...


New Member
Aug 9, 2007
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I said most people think of loners as someone with issues. I never said, I did. I just said it's kind of weird. Weird isn't necessarily a terrible thing. Although, some may see it like that.

Like I said before, I used to be a loner, but I realized I could never get anywhere being like that. Sure, I was happy, but I was stuck in the same place. Meeting people and eventually opening up got me to several levels of success I would've never gotten close to before.

You seem to be a loner not out of choice but out of mere nessessity..
ask yourself this,if you knew alot of people..would you still rather be alone or the company of others? if you would rather be alone regardless of friends or not,without any lacks or flaws that you are insecure about that keep you alone- then you are a true loner,not just a loner by 'default'.

makes sense?
My original point was that SHE may not see it in a good way. I know several women who have all x'd guys off because he didn't like to go out or had that many friends. He may get the girl, but again, from MY experience, not having friends isn't seen in a positive light.



Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
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Cage said:
I said most people think of loners as someone with issues. I never said, I did. I just said it's kind of weird. Weird isn't necessarily a terrible thing. Although, some may see it like that.

Like I said before, I used to be a loner, but I realized I could never get anywhere being like that. Sure, I was happy, but I was stuck in the same place. Meeting people and eventually opening up got me to several levels of success I would've never gotten close to before.

My original point was that SHE may not see it in a good way. I know several women who have all x'd guys off because he didn't like to go out or had that many friends. He may get the girl, but again, from MY experience, not having friends isn't seen in a positive light.

good for you :rolleyes:


Don Juan
Mar 17, 2007
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Nothing wrong with being a loner type...actually it might make u seem more attractive(If u have the confidence to go with it of course) that shows that u don't need friends to enjoy yourself. Girls don't care that much if ur with long as ur not a wallflower...they're more concerned about what they're doing.


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Aug 9, 2007
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DjDan said:
That's how I live my life. It might not be the best way, its my way.
No problem. I hope you didn't take offense to my posts, because I didn't mean anything derogatory.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
flash back : dylan 90210 loner got all the girls.


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
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penkitten said:
flash back : dylan 90210 loner got all the girls.
I think 90% of it was attributed to his wrinkly upper forehead and those dashingly dreamy side burns :p

he was a pimp though...I'll give him that :cool:


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2001
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at our house
Street_Fighter said:
I think 90% of it was attributed to his wrinkly upper forehead and those dashingly dreamy side burns :p

he was a pimp though...I'll give him that :cool:
i thought it was his "im all alone in this world "attitude