Search results

  1. C

    Gender neutral washrooms

    I am planning to go to a football game tomorrow and noticed that all of their public washrooms are gender neutral. I did some research into this and discovered this is actually a trend that started some time ago. Has anyone tried those types of washrooms? I can't wrap my head around seeing...
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    If you fap on a lady you like, do they act differently with you the next day?

    ....or is it just a looks issue, and if I had chad-tier looks they would be behaving the same? It's like this wierd thing, that they pick up that you did something strange with them and act more coldly or distant afterwards. Like if you do some secret thing in your headspace, they know about...
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    New UK law calls you a terrorist if you don't approach girls

    Damned if you do, damned if you don't. The net has been cast wider than just's not going to include volcels, MGTOWs and virtually everyone who single: Here are a couple of videos for discussion:
  4. C

    Katy Perry's New Song "It's a Woman's World" -- Real or Parody

    This was just released 2 days ago, has 4 M views and it all the talk on youtube and elsewhere online. Is this a mockery or is it sending a serious message?
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    Was this an IOI?

    I was on a crowded train riding home from work as it was late at night at the end of a baseball game and the trains were packed in. A PAWG with dyed hair got up from her seat to offer it to another eldelry passanger, then stood infront of me with her a$$ so close that it was like less than an...
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    Stock tip from Redacted - Atha Energy Corp

    Atha Energy Corp, penny stock, but it's planning to dig up for Uranium deposits in Canada. Russian Uranium exports are banned, and investors have pumped $ 40 Million into this company. Has a potential of going up to $ 3 /share. Currently at 56 cents per share but could go up to 75 cents...
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    Are these Selena fans like closet lessies?

    This is Selena's concert back in 2015. The music video she made with the music seemed like some sort of soft core porn. You would have expected it to have been more guys that would have been into a song like that with an actual live concert, but was surprized that it's mainly hot young women...
  8. C

    Fact check: Is this video accurate about PIED

    Nearly got an anxiety attack watching this video. I felt a surge of energy by the time I reached the middle of the video and felt very uncomfortable. I think it's time to fact-check what might be a hocus pocus video. I normally discount these videos personally because they usually steer...
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    Movies/Music videos in the 80s that would never be created today

    Can you imagine a music video like this being made in today's climate? Or how about a movie with these type of scenes: In today's climate, one would say that these people would need to see a shrink, lol! What is crazy today was normal a few...
  10. C

    So, this Tyrone looking dude struggled on Tinder and hired a professional cuddler?

    (Anything Else given the subject matter / intended as a fun Locker Room type thread) How could guy who looks like that have struggled to find any woman on a dating app? Is this video for real? Comments? I see a price point of $ 500 on the video. When I did check online locally (ie...
  11. C

    Break-up with Imaginary-OF "Friend"

    (Posted on "Anything Else" as it's not a "real woman, in the sense of discussion of this board") I sent a break-up letter to the OF Filipina girl, yesterday night, that I was subscribed continuously to since late January, and where we had this back and forth chit-chat since March 8th to...
  12. C

    Cringe Lunch or personal Social Experiment?

    I honestly don't know what to make of this. I approached a lady I think I have a crush on in the cafeteria, asked her if I could sit next to her for lunch, after a brief small talk and sat the next seat next to her. We didn't do much talking at all. I ended up watching something on my Tablet...
  13. C

    Civil War 2024 (trailer)

    Really excited about watching this movie. Will be also released on IMAX. It's an independent non-Hollywood movie (ie released by A24) but it sounds like a crazy premise of a formal theatrical release movie. Sort of looks like Olympus Has Fallen vibe (2013) with Gerald Butler, but this one...
  14. C

    Dating advice from ChatGPT

    Went to a Real-Estate seminar and re-discovered ChatGPT. It was recommended to use this for ads relating to Real-Estate. However, I decided to toy around with this thing a bit and ask it some questions: 1) how to get laid ChatGPT It's important to approach relationships and intimacy...
  15. C

    50% of "happily" married women have a backburner relationship

    You can't make this up. Perhaps the % of this is higher today as this is a 9 year old video. Imagine of they are not "happily married". This was before dating apps and social media. Maybe it's like 90% today. Some of the comments on the youtube section are interesting. One comment said...
  16. C

    Just had a nightmare

    Was walking through a delapidated building with vagrants around. A lady approached me from the left and in a soft but firm feminine voice, asked me if I wanted to have a good time? I yelled out this blood curdling no!!!! at the top of my voice. Woke up my folks and I had to explain to my...
  17. C

    304 Alert Files #1: Lady regularly sleeps with 22 guys and manages to brag about it like it's normal

    Most people on here probably wouldn't even touch her because she's not really that hot. This is how "not so hot" women SMV are doing in the dating marketplace. Would you have got involved with her? She might be mentioning you on the internet for the world to see.
  18. C

    10 foot aliens showed up in a mall in Miami and 60 cops called They are getting more brazen in their approach. First they snatch up random people in national parks. Then they show up in Las Vegas. Then they attack an isolated village in Peru. I think they are stepping up their game and...
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    The last hour of full time job

    After a month of working at full time job, it has been an interesting experience so far. All I can say is that I'm beginning to appreciate the last hour of working on a shift and I am now beginning to get how it's like to be in the grind. I've heard this music video below and it now has a...
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    Wheat Waffles got banned by security for harassing women in campus - it's over

    If you cold-approach you can be accussed of harassment. OLD only works for 10% of guys and 90% of guys have no hetro-social circle (ie it's mainly either mostly women, or guys). He goes on this rant on this video that I've never seen and has basically said the dating market is doomed by both...