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  1. R

    "The art of seduction" perfect storm for affairs.

    In the past 2 years I have known or heard of 5 couples where men/woman was having an affair. It seems All of the affair people were "in love" with their new soulmates. After reading the art of seduction I can see how the love feeling is created in an affair without even being conscious of...
  2. R

    Manipulation books

    Can anyone recommend a good book on manipulation. I am not looking for this in terms of relationships. But more for business and getting people to do what you want.
  3. R

    Women getting seduction advice too!

    I stumbled onto this websites that sell seduction advice to women. Much of it seems like the same thing they give men. BS From website "Your Seduction Mindset - Being a Seduction Diva has less about how you look and more about how you think, feel and act...
  4. R

    Date my ex? WTF???

    I was at a girlfriends house the other day and she was watching a show called "Date my ex". I couldn't believe it. This barely average girl who's the ex of some AFC (who's obviously still in love with her) is now dating other guys after their break-up and he's helping her. The girl looks much...
  5. R

    35+ women really past their prime?

    I'm still in my 20's but seeing and hearing about "cougars" all the time. It seems to be a new phenomenon I can't understand. But I read guys on this forum quoting studies and saying older women are past their prime and not having as much fun as men their age. Is that true or is it what we...
  6. R

    Interesting link about physical attraction
  7. R

    Average girl tried to neg my friend

    We were at a friends house today all hanging out. There were a few cute girls there too. A friend who was there is a little older than the rest of our group. But he's ae good looking guy. Anyway when I walked in with him, we had noticed one of the least cute girls looking his way. He sort of...
  8. R

    9/11 rabbit hole post deleted. WHY?

    I noticed my post on 9/11 rabbit hole is gone. Can anyone tell me why?
  9. R

    Mystery is he all he is cracked up to be?

    Found this on a forum while checking out thoughts on "The Pick-up Artist" This letter is associated with the following article: Read other letters about this article The artful seducer Erik Von Markovik, aka the pickup master "Mystery," chats about the "Venusian Arts," sexual psychology...
  10. R

    confidence and looks =unbeatable!!

    I have a friend I've known for years. The guy looks a lot like this guy, but actually better looking. Very blond tall German Sweede mix. He gets stopped all the time with people asking if he;s a model or soap actor. Anyway, he is what...
  11. R

    It's all about ME! Why women date ugly guys

    Reason women go for ugly guys is low self esteem and the need to be worshiped. Yes "It's all about me" to them. A good looking guy with oppurtunities will not cater to them like a desperate puppy and that scares them! Amy Sohn...
  12. R

    Pessimist to optomist? Is he delusional??

    This Post is from Winston: He is banned yet from another forum. He is the original poster of "From pessimsit in the U.S. to Optomist in Phillippines" . This is proof you need to get your S**T together, physically,mentally,career wise.otherwise, you can run to foreign countries and find poor...
  13. R

    soe guys just habe BAD taste!!

    Out of all the hot Chinese females, Yao Ming picks this one to marry.!
  14. R

    Most girls are afraid to approach is it our fault???

    I've seen a few girls approach buddies of mine which seems great. but in talking to these guys they never have had a LTR with a woman who approached first. Last week I was at a bar-b-que with some friends when 2 girls who live near me began talking about a guy who seems new in our neighborhood...
  15. R

    7-8's in comaprison to 9's and 10's

    It seems everyone wants those 9's and 10's. How many HB9's and 10's have great personalities PLUS don't care about money or looks? Personally, I think a majority of 9's and 10's are a little messed up and have personality flaws. A minority have both looks and personality. Now there are...
  16. R

    radio telecast talking about what is wrong with "the Secret"

    A radio teleseminar between motivational speakers talk about the positive message part of the secret brings. But they also think it's nothing new, preached forever in books and religion. Brilliant marketing ,but so much of what the book says is mean(avoid looking at what you find...
  17. R

    Bigger male cowards

    Cowards watch as female bartender gets beat up by a guy twice her size. Wait for video to load.
  18. R

    Forget FW and get your act together

    Lately I have been reading this board and others about guys without game thinking about Foreign women. First off there are tons of FW in this country to go after. But I think many of these guys realize once the girls are in the U.S. even for 1 day,their power of the green card does not apply and...