Search results

  1. N

    San Jose and Santa Cruz: Let's Get To Work!

    NorpacWolf here. I've recently relocated to Cali. I'm looking to hit up San Jose and Santa Cruz. A bit further south on the central coast too. I've posted a ton, but looking to get back in the game with a quality wing. PM me or send me an email: norpacwolf at yahoo dot com Let me know the...
  2. N

    When Girls Choose Me...

    This is a follow up to my previous post on the wing's girl who chose me. This is a persistent issue. Read on... I'm often in the situation where women are willing to drop their male companions in favor of me when I go out. These may simply be loser orbiters, boyfriends or some guy the girl is...
  3. N

    Wing's Girlfriend Wants Me: What To Do?

    I've got an interesting situation involving myself, one of my wings and one of his "girlfriends." My wing K is a good guy. We have "men's group" type talks frequently, and I generally find him to be a good person to hang out with. He's involved with two or three girlfriends who rotate in and...
  4. N

    Wolf's New Adventures

    Sat. Feb. 24. 12 PM-2:30 AM. Venue: Country/Western club/bar I'll try to keep this concise. There were some hot sets which fizzled out since I did not lead aggressively. Chick Approach #1: Walking with my wing C, to the country/western joint, I'm opened by a hot gal (early twenties...
  5. N

    Did I Inadvertently Tease This Girl?

    I think part of becoming successful in seduction involves being a social person in general. For example, I go to the shoe store recently and chat up the entire staff. There's one girl in there in particular who I thought was very sweet, a little shy and we chit chat for a while. She had been...
  6. N

    Six Month Progress Report

    Inspired by a recent progress report post on masf, I am posting my own progress report. I have been actively involved in studying and practicing seduction techniques since April 2005. I started night game in July 2005. I am not completely satisfied with my results so far. Here is a summary of...
  7. N

    Keeping Guys Off You

    I've noticed an interesting and unexpected phenomenon in recent weeks. Actually I've been dealing with this ever since I started gaming. Guys are becoming sexually interested in me also. I *believe* these guys are straight. Here are some examples. 1. Last weekend, my wing says of me: "isn't...
  8. N

    IOI Or Emotional Tampon?

    Here's a snippet from a recent FR. Did I become this girl's emotional tampon, or was she telling me to make a move because she's now single? My wing and I recently met up with three girls (HB8.5 blonde, HB8 brunette, heavy set girl) we had number closed recently. We all meet up at a bar (meat...
  9. N

    Read These Two Books And You'll Never Need This Forum Again

    1. Mystery's Venusian Arts ebook. 2. Juggler's How To Be A Pickup Artist. These two books, in conjunction with the DJ Bible will answer 99% of the questions posted on this board and others, and 100% of the useful questions. Plus, you won't have to wade through the b.s. posted by pimply faced...
  10. N

    "You're Cute!"

    How often are you complimented on your appearance? As in you're: "cute," "pretty," "beautiful," "adorable," "fantastic (looking)," "hot," "gorgeous," "sexy?" I'm not talking about from friends/family, but from girls you've just met. Either girls you've approached or girls approaching you. OK...
  11. N

    4 Approach Invitations In One Minute

    I'm posting this FR, inspired by a couple of threads in which guys have asked the age-old question: "does this chick like me?" Let's put it this way: if your curiosity is aroused enough to ask, she almost certainly is. Even if she isn't, just assuming that she is will give you a boost of self...
  12. N

    Girl Embarrasses Herself Chasing Me. What To Do Now?

    This example is from a conversation with a girl I find strikingly attractive. However, I think she's embarrassed at her behavior since she might have telegraphed a bit too much interest the first day we met. In essence, she began running after me down the street to talk to me. I was caught off...
  13. N

    Is This A Fyck Invitation Or Is She Just Being Polite?

    There's a woman I've seen around town every so often over the course of a few months. She's quite pretty, and I've been nervous about the prospect of actually trying to meet her. About a month ago, I worked up the nerve to actually start up a conversation with her. It seemed to go well, with her...