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  1. F

    Bad Teeth

    This is abit of a sensative topic. I know guys should get their teeth fix as much as you can. To be honest my teeth are crooked. Still somewhat white but ought to be whiter. Not missing any teeth. But I feel abit self concious of it if you understand where I am comming from. Dental work can be...
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    Gaining Muscles but Gaining Weight (fat)?

    Is it a myth that when you go on a program of weight lifting you are also gaining alot of fat weight? I want to start weight lifting but I also want to lose abit of my beer belly. I'm not sure if I should burn off the fat first over the next few months and then start weight lifting after...
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    The Age Gap

    So what do you think is the "appropriate" age gap of an older guy going out with a younger women? 5yrs-10yrs-15yrs-20yrs-(lol! dont go there :nono: :p ) What do you think the age gap should be if you want to marry a younger woman? 5yrs-10yrs-15yrs-20yrs---- (depending on your current age...
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    Trouble Sustaining A Conversation

    Hey Bros! I need some good tips here. I'm having trouble sustaining a conversation with girls. I could start the conversation but then it suddenly dies. My fear kicks in and my mind goes blank. I'm struggling like crazy to come up with words or things to say. I feel like crap. :kick:
  5. F

    Kiss (dry or wet?)

    I want your opinion on this. I have a hole in this area of my game. I know someone who often kisses a girl on the cheek after getting her number and closing with her. Now I am wondering if this is a good move and whether you have done it yourself. I personally have mainly given a good...
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    Merry Christmas

    I know this is off topic. But MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all. Good luck with the sarging. News Year comming around the corner so get ready to meet those chicks! :up: :D
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    Older Guys and Younger Women Question

    Yeah so I'm curious: How many younger women did you have? What was the age gap between you two? I'm sorta of wondering if you get alot of stares from people when your out in public with her. I sorta felt odd and unsomfortable when I went out with this much younger women. Our age...
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    Is it ever okay to apologize to a girl? Would it display lower social value if you did? :confused:
  9. F

    Understanding Negs

    I'm having some difficulties developing and understanding negs could someone provide examples. From what I have been reading on the board it seems often that instead of negging a girl they end up insulting her instead. There seems to be alot of confusion in this area. Also is there a...
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    Mystery Method problem

    I'm having some problems with Mystery Method's dvd's. In particular with stories that display higher value (DHV). I'm a horrible story teller and it shows (I already bombed out with this girl badly). Mystery in his DVD only gives a sample like "how his girlfriend got her car stuck in a ditch in...
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    Merging Threads

    I'm just wondering if its possible to merge threads that are of the same topics. It would sure make searching information easier and less duplication. :whistle:
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    Your Teeth

    I think this is very important consideration. If you have bad looking teeth no matter what its somewhat still a turn off with women. Its hard to smile and feel confident if your teeth sticks out like a sore thumb. I wouldnt mind hearing some input from others about it. Is good looking teeth very...
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    Lance MAson

    Anyone has his material? Is it good? :confused:
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    Dynamic Tension

    I dont know if anyone have heard about the old "Charles Atlas" body building method lessons. Does that stuff works? I was wondering if it could be used as a subsitute for traditional weights or maybe as an add on.
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    Girls into Paganism & the Occult

    Have you encounter any of them? Would you mess with them? :nervous:
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    Many people have difficulty speaking up in conflict situations. Others may feel intimidated by pushy people, or have low self-esteem and regularly put aside their own desires in favor of what others want. This can result in a variety of psychological problems, especially depression, with...
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    Younger Women vs Older Women

    What are the pros and cons? What do you prefer and why?
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    AFC Bad Date (video)

    If you were in this guy's shoe how would you respond? (What would be the best response?)
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    Encounters with Hostile Alphas

    Im just curious if others had run in with alphas who has exhibit rather hostile or unprovoked behaviors? How did you deal with it or what is the best way to deal with it. -I had this happen to me a few days ago. I was on the public transportation system. Minding my own bussiness. When some...
  20. F

    Things to Talk About on a First Date

    I thought this might help some of the guys. Sometimes my mind goes totally blank and its quite odd when theres long pauses in a conversation. Even the most conversational of people can find it difficult to find something to say on a first date. Nerves can be at an all time high. Heres a few...