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  1. M

    Working out without any fancy equipment

    Alright, I apologise if this has been asked before, and if it has then you can just link me to a previous topic answering this, but I want to ask this. I'm a skinny guy, not too skinny, I consider myself fit, but i'd like more muscle in my chest and arms. So i've started doing pushups and...
  2. M

    How do you make it into the music industry?

    Hey guys, I've got a band, we've recorded lots of awesome songs, and now we want to sell them... but we have no idea how to go about contacting a record company nor are we aware of the process or anything involved, we just make music. Does anyone have any tips? We're in Australia if that makes...
  3. M

    Getting condoms?

    I always find myself in sex situations without condoms. A girl wants to have sex with me but I don't have a condom on me so I say "well i'd love to but I don't have a condom on me". If I want sex everyday does that mean i'll need to buy condoms everyday? That sounds expensive, where do you guys...