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  1. J

    Friend just broke up with her BF

    This female friend of mine, whom I've known for about a year, told me today she broke up with her boyfriend of 2 years. Admittedly, I developed a crush on her when I first met her...found out she had a boyfriend and since then have been seeing other women while remaining friends with her (we...
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    Female friend called me creepy

    There's a female coworker of mine... Brief background: I've been good friends with for 6 months but also told her a few months ago I could see us becoming more than friends...I was basically rebuked since she hasn't broken up with her bf. So she knows I was interested at one point, but we've...
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    Turned down a group hangout...right move?

    One of my female coworkers (a girl I'm interested in) organized a group hangout tonight for several of us coworkers. The group consists of 5 other guys and just 2-3 girls (including her). I decided to turn it down at the last minute...said I already drank too much and couldn't make it...because...
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    Coworker with BF

    I've got it bad for a coworker. She is extremely friendly/flirty, we've already gone out outside work twice (I planned them but it was her idea to do so in the first place), she wants to hang out more, and...she has a BF. She's only mentioned him a few times, and I haven't asked about him, so I...
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    My to make it happen?

    Here's the context of my situation: I am a rising college sophomore, currently taking summer school courses. I have had a math tutor for the past 2 weeks (same age/college year) to help me in my studies. We get along well, and she seems to like being around me. She will be my tutor for...
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    Flirt in Class...Next Step?

    There's a girl I like at my school who is a grade below me. We have one class together and we're in the same work group so we flirt with each other quite a bit. I occassionally run into her in the halls but otherwise in class is the only time I talk with her. Since I've come to the conclusion...
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    My Plan (need help in parts)

    5'8 115 lbs. That is how big I am right now, as a high school senior. It goes without explaining my motive for implementing a plan to gain weight in muscle (especially with college later this year). I am ready to embark on the slow but sure journey of physical improvement. :) Below are...
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    Air Force ROTC

    Hey all, I am going to be a college freshmen next fall and am considering joining the AF ROTC. I was wondering if anyone on here is or was in the program and could shed some insight on the life of a cadet. FWIW, some of my main concerns include: -Amount of time it takes (with ROTC plus...
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    Just how important is breath when kissing

    Sup guys, this might come off really stupid but whatever. I went on a date the other evening with my new girlfriend...before it even started I was considering kissing her. Well after dinner she took me to a lake as it was getting dark (the restaurant was on her side of town so I wasn't...
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    "Umm...I guess so"

    So I’ve been talking to a girl (let’s call her Becky) for a few months frequently on the phone and seeing her about once or every other week at this youth church thing. We’re very good friends and a lot of times I’ve felt like she’s already my girlfriend by the way we talk heh. I’ve been...
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    Transferring to Public School...

    I'm a rising junior and have been in a private high school for the past 2 years. There are only 100 people per grade in the private school and most are geniuses (I was smart enough to get in but I'm among the "dumber" ones)...I'm seriously considering transferring to a large public school to...
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    So apparently I'm a TATTLE TALE

    So there's this popular group of a few jock/"gangsta" guys at my school...I socialize with them, don't hang out though. They made this facebook online club about a cool teacher at my school and how they've all experienced his "wrath" and such. My friends and I happened to be on the main site in...
  13. J

    "Just go talk to her"...

    I have a problem. It's simple: I can't talk to girls well. I honestly don't think I look all that bad (I'm skinny and pale though). Yet most girls don't seem to be interested in me more than a friend. Maybe I present myself too inconfidently? I'm not sure, but girls don't flirt with me at all...
  14. J

    Oh man...Meeting tomorrow

    OK, long story short, I have a female friend (lets call her Sally) who I see every week...who set me up to get to know her best friend (different school than me) via AIM, and hopefully get into a relationship. So for the past month or so I've talked to this girl online...we actually seem to...
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    Smart Girl

    Feel like I'm rehashing the typical posts here, but... There's a girl I really like who's in 1 of my classes, and who I see frequently in the hallway. I haven't talken to her yet, though I've made eye contact more than once. The kind of girl? She's small, cute, sweet/nice as can be...and...
  16. J

    Exciting Opportunity...Double AND Blind Date

    Ok straight to the outgoing girl I recently became friends with goes to a different school. Today she told me she has a real good friend who's a "match" for me and asked if I could join her, her bf, and this so-called match of mine on a movie double-date type thing. I told her...
  17. J

    Icebreakers at halloween party?

    Well I'm going to a fairly large halloween party tomorrow...lots of people from school will be there in costumes, including a girl I like but hardly ever talk to. Parties are usually a good time to approach a I was thinking I could at this one (even though I'll be somewhat of a gangsta...
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    When guys embarrass you

    Ok so LAST year I asked this one girl out...was dumb on my part, and to no surprise she said we didn't know each other well. Now, I still see her a lot and I still do like her. I haven't yet ruled out that she now likes me...but that's for another time. in one class I was...
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    I'm a respect

    First off...I'm weak and skinny. Working on it, but it's been a slow process gaining strength for me. So I shouldn't be surprised that I'm usually treated with no respect at all from the guys. Now, I'm not getting picked on in the cold, evil, gangster sense. Rather, they do it in FUN and...
  20. J

    Girls feel sorry for me?

    Ok I've been having some problems with being picked on recently at my school. Fortunately there are no evil-eyed, serious bullies I know...however, one of my so-called "friends" has, for a while, found fun in putting me down in front of crowds. He does it while laughing...and tries to get others...