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  1. V

    Techniques 101: The anecdote

    One thing that I have found to have worked consistently in a wide variety of situations is having a short but funny story that catches someone off guard. I have quite a few of these and I have practiced them to the point they just come natural. Now, I'll be honest, being ****y/funny...
  2. V

    Critique my myspace profile

    I jocked some stuff straight out of the David DeAngelo (online dating) dvd. but overall I like the profile as it is now. But I don't want to be biased and would love to hear some constructive criticism and advice.
  3. V

    Getting to know a hottie on myspace in action.

    Basically, just want to make a thread posting how you went about getting to know a hottie from myspace. Here's some messages sent back and forth to this hottie on myspace. Also, read the bottom message first than work your way...