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  1. I

    Hi, I'm HB...Let's Makeout

    I was at the club last night and here's a little scenario that unfolded before me completely unexpected: Some guy I sorta know recognizes me and says whats up, then he introduces me to two girls (who I am now pretty sure he didn't actually know, but just met them himself). I figure, hey...
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    Date Tomorrow, Need Advice

    Girl wants to go to EXPENSIVE restaurant?? Need advice... I've got a little situation here. Last week I met this foreign girl at the club and got her number. She showed extremely high interest. I called her up today and left a message. She called back in like 30 minutes and I talked to her...
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    Sexual Economics

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    Help me bang this foreign chick from da club

    I was at da club tonight and I was about to leave so I figured the night was a lost cause. I was chilling just bouncing my head to the music and this tall, hot blonde chick made eye contact and we smiled at each other. She approached me and we started dancing for a bit. I had noticed her...
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    My Life of Non-Approaches Continued...

    I am freaking fed up of this. I have a completely ridiculous absurd fear of rejection. It is beyond explanation. I have posted on this numerous times under this name and others, but today was the kicker. I went to the bookstore and I'm casually checking out some books. In just a few...
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    Need help finding a job

    My money situation isn't so hot right now so I'm looking for a part-time job while I am in college. I have a tendency to quit jobs rather frequently, but this time I want to find something I like. I want a job with a lot of hot chicks and something in a relaxed, enjoyable environment. I...
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    Most people meet through school/work/friends/etc

    Most people in the world know the people they know because of some common activity, whether it be school, work, clubs, or mutual friends. This applies to the dating world as well. Personally, I think it sucks and minimizes your chances of meeting someone you'd really click with. It's like you...
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    I hate to sound conceited, but....

    there's probably no other way this is gonna sound. I feel like I am too attractive that I cannot match expectations of getting girls. EDIT: Before I get flamed, let me clarify that I don't think I am super good looking. I think I have a slightly above average face and an above average...
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    Help me finalize my skin care regimen

    I am working on developing a well-rounded skin care regimen to give myself nice and healthy skin. I have a minor case of facial acne (little problem controlling it though) and some back acne. I play sports a lot and sweat a lot. I used to just use the basic products, you know Irish Spring...
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    Where do you rate on the DJ scale?

    Seems like there's a lot more theoretical DJs than field DJs on here so that's why I'm doing this scale. No offense to anyone because I'm still a theoretical DJ right now, but I do at least try a little bit. The scale isn't perfect and none could be, but I want to get a feel for the population...
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    My So-Called Life of Non-Approaches

    So, I have been home for winter break from college for the past few weeks or so and I'm doing my best to pass the time. Basically, instead of hanging around the house, I travel around my area, going to malls and bookstores like it's my job. I have some friends I could hang out with around...
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    My Rant: The West's Obsession with Quantity over Quality

    Living close to the nation's capital, I look around me and I'm constantly reminded of where the country and the world, for that matter, is heading and I don't like it one bit. I see it everywhere: on TV, on the streets, and in magazines. One literally cannot go a day without being exposed to...