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  1. ItsFate451

    I took back my offer

    Went on a couple dates with a girl I met at the store. Asked her out for a third date and she told me she will be in New York for a bit but she’s down to hang out when’s she back in town. She gets back Wednesday and contacts me on Snapchat. Saying she was on break from work and was thinking of...
  2. ItsFate451

    Second chances

    I absolutely give no second chances to women who ghost me. It’s extremely disrespectful. If you’re not feeling it anymore, cool let me know. Say anything. Be mature and inform me that it’s not working. I don’t care if you make an excuse. I was dating a girl for about 2 months. I got the vibe...
  3. ItsFate451

    Random dilemma

    This girl that I met online contacted me today telling me she’s in town in wants to hangout. The only problem is her best guy friend is with her and she refuses to leave him. I told her no offense to your friend but I want to hangout with you only. How can I flirt with you if your friends in the...
  4. ItsFate451

    Tinder match

    Matched with a Polish girl last Thursday. We made small talk and actually had a lot in common. She moved to my city about 6 months ago and still wanted to explore the city. I took the chance and asked her out. Below is the exchange... Me: When did you move to city? Her: about 6 months ago Me...
  5. ItsFate451

    Should I even say anything?

    Matched with a girl on tinder. Sent messages back and forth for about 10 min before asking her out. Asked her when she was free to get drinks. Below is our exchange. Me: When are you free to get drinks? Her: I’ll be there Tuesday. Me: Great! Let’s meet at Tuesday at 7. Her: Or Wednesday Me...
  6. ItsFate451

    Trying to change the plans.

    Have a date scheduled for tonight with a woman I met off tinder. We both agreed to meet at this bar at 8. Well earlier today, she messages me on tinder saying “let’s meet at 8:30. I stayed a little later for a meeting.” I took that as a minor red flag and told her we agreed to meet at 8. I...
  7. ItsFate451

    Having options work

    I have a story showing that having options really do work. I was out last Saturday celebrating a friends birthday. A girl I had my eye was also at this party. She would come over and talk to me or would stop me to talk if I walked past her. We would be talking for a couple minutes until another...
  8. ItsFate451

    Weird Tinder Experience

    Matched with a girl from tinder yesterday morning. Everything started out smooth. Had a lot of things in common etc. We eventually started talking about our love for food. I took that as an opportunity to ask her out on a date to get wings. She told me Sunday’s and Monday’s are her best days to...
  9. ItsFate451

    Women say they want one thing but emotionally respond to the exact opposite.

    Do you guys agree with this? For example when women say they want a guy to take her out, be nice to her, text her all the time etc but goes for the guy that does the exact opposite. What are some of your stories?
  10. ItsFate451

    When other people c**k block you..

    What are some your stories of being c**k blocked? I remember one time I was at a local dive bar and I was playing beer pong with a very attractive woman. A lot of flirting was going on between us. Touching, laughing etc. There was this one guy she came with and he was constantly interrupting...
  11. ItsFate451

    Contact out of the blue.

    A girl I was dating a few months ago contacted me out of the blue. All she said was “hey how are you?” This is after I went NC when she ignored me, when I asked her out on another date. Since she reached out I wanna ask her to come to my place but I kinda want to make her work for it after...
  12. ItsFate451

    Tinder Match

    Hello all, Met this girl on Tinder last Friday. About a 7, cute face, nice body etc. Chatted for a good 10 min about our favorite Netflix shows. She tells me that Ozark is her favorite show and I should watch it. I told her I will and took this as an opportunity to ask her out for a drink. I...
  13. ItsFate451

    Squirrely behavior

    I’ve been dating this girl for a few weeks. Everything has been perfect so far. We would meet 1-2 times a week, go out and have fun and then hook up later. Just recently she’s been acting a little squirrely. I responded to one of her text and she never answered. So I waited another week to...
  14. ItsFate451

    Small talk that leads to flirting

    I absolutely hate small talk. I get along with a lot of people but I always seem to get tongue tied when it comes to starting and keeping a conversation going. Especially with women. What are some tips or few examples that will help me with this process. I want to use small talk to my...