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  1. W

    How to Destroy A Man Now

    What Dafuq is this shiit?? I saw a guy on YouTube who's name escapes me but will be well known here who can't get his books listed an Amazon as they view them as demeaning to women. He writes...
  2. W

    Outgrowing the people around you

    Since taking the Red Pill 18 months ago and working hard on myself, I stop momentarily to look up and see that I am on my own. I can longer relate to friends I have known for years and it feels they can no longer relate to me. When I first took the Red Pill I felt like I had discovered the...
  3. W

    The White Knight Chronicles

    One day you are walking along minding your own business and you stumble upon a woman that is carrying a sack on her back. You step closer and upon inspection see that she is carrying a sack full of bricks. You observe the discomfort that she is in and being a Man (White Knight) you feel that you...