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  1. P

    Preparations for New Years Eve

    Hey guys... i'm about to go to a little get together with my friends and I wanna do it up nicely. I'm going to get a bottle of Champagne for the host of the party and I didn't know what type to get. Do you guys have any suggestions? I don't wanna get like Cristal or anything, just a nice 20...
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    Any Scandanavians out there? Help Me Out

    Long story short. Hottie foreign exchange student writes me something on AIM. I told her that I would figure it out. Anyone care to put this into english? She's from norway, i'm pretty sure it's norwegian. jeg elsker deg og min lille bøg, ikke drøm for mye om stephen inatt da, og...
  3. P

    Should I call her?

    What's up guys. So I met this girl about 2 weeks ago while skinny dipping at some pool with friends. (Yes meeting girls while buck naked works wonders) Her interest level was high. When she left she came up to me and told her that I was like one of her favorite people... mind you she was...
  4. P

    Liquid Confidence

    I would like to know your guys' opinions on creating friendships while inebriated. I remember when I first came to this message board as an AFC I struggled to make friends and meet girls. Even as I was reading and learning from the bible and applying the techniques in real life I was...
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    Ridiculous! This is the most ridiculous story I have ever read in my life. Do you think he deserved to be suspended? ===================================================================================== COLUMBUS...
  6. P

    Family Guy is BACK

    As most of the Family Guy fans know, this show is uncancelled and starting it's 4th season tonight! It's gonna run on the Fox Network in America starting at 9pm Eastern, 8 Central. Everyone that enjoys watching this show should tune in and keep this show alive. I doubt that it could ever be...
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    RIP Mitch Hedberg

    Mitch Hedberg has died, he was 37 years old. RIP, you will be missed.
  8. P

    The Don Juan Is In You

    The Don Juan is in You For starters, this will be my 500th post. Meaning, that people on the board will look at the post count and the title under and take my advice seriously. As I enter that realm I want to have a quality post under my belt to help show what I have learned over the past 13...
  9. P

    Stories Database

    Everyone likes to hear good stories, and people want to tell good stories when they are with their friends or strangers. Not everyone has had the experiences that they need to have some stories. So I think this is an appropriate place to start a database for stories. Sure these stories are going...
  10. P

    somebody help whip my ass back into the DJ lifestyel

    First off, I don't want your pity... I want your help and suggestions. School started about a month or so ago, we are around 5 weeks in. This was my freshman year... it went nothing like how I planned and i'm abosolutely pissed about that. First i want to state everything that's wrong...
  11. P

    Common Mistake Made By A Developing DJ

    The DJ Bible tells us to be the best, and let other people KNOW that you are the best. This has been misinterpreted as verbalizing your confidence. I'm sure many of you reading this right now have made the mistake of flirting with a girl and saying "We all know i'm the best"(or something like...
  12. P

    Older Women In Highschool

    Ok Kiddos, i'm going to try to generalize this even though this is about 1 girl inparticularly. Bear with me. Ahhh, freshman year of High School. Everyone on this board has pretty much experienced it and the lucky ones had found this site and had it in their arsenal going into to their...
  13. P

    Guy C0ck Blocks

    So I have a few pretty decent wingmen... but some of the girls i'm going after aren't usually too hard to get away from the group. Except there is this one guy, Mike who will not leave them alone... biggest ****block ever. He sits with them at lunch, I sit down I kino the girls and they kino...
  14. P

    Neg Hit needed

    There is this girl in my Driver's Ed class... she honestly thinks her **** smells like roses, and she's the queen of the world. She's always on the phone, and is always a ***** on the phone. And she's also a girl I would enjoy practicing on... Any Neg Hit Suggestions... the best i...
  15. P

    Watery Eyes

    Hey, move this if it is "Anything Else" but it happens in the HS Halls so here is my question. Ok when I am in the hall and I make eye contact with girls i don't know my eyes tend to start watering. Almost to the point that it looks like i'm either crying or stoned. This doesn't happen...
  16. P

    Rejection Will Help You

    Why Rejection Will Help You You become the strongest Don Juan you can be when you get rejected. Especially for beginners. Think about it, when you get rejected you..... (AFCDJ) Act like you don't care (DJ) Don't Care ---------------------------- (AFCDJ) Act...
  17. P

    Laws of Leykis 101

    Tom Leykis is a popular radio host. He shows you how to get more tail for less money. His website is here, this isn't reccomended for long term relationships, or classy girls. It's just for getting more tail with less money. This is a DIRECT quote. " 1. Never Date single mothers, dating=...
  18. P


    Alright, on wednesday night I was out on the town and I approached this HB 8 and struck up this conversation, we were about 5 minutes in when her friend showed up (she was getting lunch) Her friend is another 8. I exchange numbers with both. One of their friends knows me from around so...
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    Rate my Love letter!

    Hey Guys, i wrote this great love letter for a girl. I was wondering if you could add any things to it or if you think she will love me too after reading this. Dear Amy, I have loved you for a long time, ever since I laid eyes upon you. I used to wait for you in the halls to see you...
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    Talkative Or Mystery: The Ultimate Discussion

    Hello fellow DJs! From reading this board I figured we need more quality posts and less questions in which the answers can be found in the bible. I also figured that instead of just giving the philosophy of one Don might not be the best either. So alas, what do we have? A Discussion! Ok...