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  1. C

    A sh!t test that 99% of women will give you

    "I wasn't planning on it." Continue on like nothing happened...
  2. C

    Friend in need

    Got a phone call from a good friend/co-worker today that left me at a loss of words initially. Back drop, it was an 12 year HS relationship that developed to marriage and a newborn that's 5 months old. Nice guy, "good" wife for whatever thats worth. The phone call started off with he's...
  3. C

    Girl flaking I think... Advice please ?

    Lost cause, talk to more woman and stop all communication with her.
  4. C

    Vegas Fling

    In no way, shape, or form is this a relationship, just a f@&k friend.
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    Vegas Fling

    Traveled to Vegas for the first time a few weeks back. Wow, I felt like a gigolo. If you haven't traveled there, DO IT! Had fun with a bunch of girls there but one I met stuck out. HB9.5, 23, lives in Cali, teaches yoga, blonde/blue eyes, and that curve ratio that draws all eyes. We hooked...
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    Valuable Lessons I've Learned

    Zekko - It's hard to explain but easiest way would be to give her a new interpretation to something that has happened in her past as a child or letting "her be seen." The younger crowd (18-23) is not ideal for this but still works for me sometimes. I know I've hit something when the Bambi in...
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    Valuable Lessons I've Learned

    Night-Hawk - No but I like where your heads at lol! They are all sisters. Colossus - Thanks, appreciate your advice! Told my good friend about it, he just laughed and continued talking. Definitely a rough spot!
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    Valuable Lessons I've Learned

    Been on this site for a few years now and have a few things to say. I'm no master but I have learned a few things from reading many of the articles (thanks!) and going out there and implementing it. Yes there are some EXTREMELY harsh views on here and they will help you internalize the reality...
  9. C

    Transformation to ideal image?

    Been seeing a HB9 for about 5 months that has told me she's not the "jealous" type. Does this exist? She started as a plate and would be at my house in a moments notice when I wanted to see her. Keeps saying, "I can't believe you still want to see me" repeatedly since we've started hanging...
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    Good HIIT routine?

    HIIT is a great way to build that endurance and tone at the same time. It's derived from Tabata and utilizes 20sec of work/10 sec of rest for a total 8 rounds. If you've come to a plateu on say chest for example, do Tabata push-ups for the 20/10 for 8 rounds. May not seem like a lot of work...
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    So it's about the initial gal that I slept with and make it about her, make her feel all special and it's an experience that we can both enjoy (+1).
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    Never had a threesome but had what I know were some opportunities. A few months back I was working the bar at our annual Fire Department fundraiser. It's a new part time place and was my first time working and was told stories of fun times from the past. 4 day event and hooked up with a girl...
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    Questions about her friends

    How do I better handle in future? You continue dating them? Once there is lying involved there is no going back for me, I tell every gal I date she can do whatever she wants, just know certain things have consequences.
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    Questions about her friends

    Was seeing a girl recently who had been getting texted by guy X and saw it happen quite a few times. She even had the nerve to hide her phone while we were laying down and be texting him while we were at a wedding I invited her too out of town. I approached her saying "Hey I'm just curious...
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    Male Birth Control

    Found this article today, interesting!
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    Why do you wanna hang out?

    Espi, That is roughly how I have been asking. Guess I have been too vague in how I ask out. Will do this from now on. Will also work on establishing more rapport. Understand now this is a $hit test and with low IL and treat is as such.
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    Why do you wanna hang out?

    Hahaha, nice name. Thanks!
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    Why do you wanna hang out?

    Been getting numbers and setting up for a 1st date and get asked quite frequently "why do you wanna hang out with me?" Given varying responses but most of the time it's along the lines of "you seem cool and like to see if there is more than just a cute smile." After this 50% become...
  19. C

    Do girls really go for guys with nice cars?

    Having drove a beater F250 for 11 years and finally upgrading to an 09 f250 diesel fx4 with exhaust and all there is a difference. The head turning and turbo have gotten me laid simply because of my truck. Chicks dig ****y country men, not toothless hillbillys.
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    Total acceptance of red pill? I'm lost.

    Scaramouche & Colossus Could you define a little further into different venues/waters? I'd like to have some challenge and make myself a better man with experience. Always room to improve in life.