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  1. U

    First dates don't really mean much

    I'm getting confused during my first dates and I'm not sure how to improve. Last five girls I went on first dates with: 1. We were all over each other in the parking lot after getting drinks. She had to go but I told her I'd text her. Never heard back from her. 2. Had a great time together...
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    First date kiss test

    I have done this with the past four girls I have been out with on a first date, and it has worked every time. My first dates are usually drinks at a bar, standing up at the actual bar. 1-2 hours max. This simple test that I picked up by accident has worked for all four. After she is...
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    "I haven't had sex in a while"

    Two different girls within a few weeks of each other. The first is very cute (24) and banged her the first night. She mentions that she had not had sex in 4 months. Second is super hot (23) we banged on second date. Right afterwards she also mentions that she hasn't had sex in a "really...
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    Dealing with Poor Attitudes

    Women are moody and sometimes I don't want to deal with it. This happened last night. I picked up the girl I've been dating for a few weeks. In the car she starts complaining about her job and some other stuff with people she works with. I interrupted her: Me: Look, I wanted to have a...
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    Girl deleted beta orbiters texts

    Girl I'm seeing (not girlfriend) is showing me something in her text messages, I see a thread from another guy (no big deal - I know he has no shot because he's emo beta) and she deletes it before handing me the phone. Normally I would assume she would leave it in there to make me jealous...
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    Is it "beta" behavior if you don't care

    I've introduced a few of my friends to this site. It helps dealing with potential one-it is girls and keeping each other motivated when sarging. One disagreement is how your actions are perceived. I've been on this site for a while, and I've loosened up on the "rules" and just done what's...
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    Acknowledging her effort

    Just curious if you guys ever do this? Ex. You mention to a girl that she looks better with her hair down and the next time you see her she says hey I wore my hair down for you. This is different than her asking if she looks good. I will normally respond with something like "I like that...
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    Hooking up with two girls that know each other

    Quick story - dated a girl for a month or two (Girl 1) , now dating another girl (Girl 2) that she kind of knows. They don't like each other. All in person conversation G2: Did you sleep with Girl 1? Me: We dated G2: Yes but did you sleep with her? Me: Why are you asking me this? G2...
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    Former Fat Chicks

    Two girls that I'm dating play zero games and seem to not hide their affection for me at all. It turned out in both of these cases that they were former "fat" girls. Not obese just on the chunky side in high school and college. I'm guessing they weren't able to develop their game as much...
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    Walking Away / Calling her bluff

    I've seen a few threads on this. If a girl starts to show low interest or has "doubts" just end it. Remember that you're the "prize" and that if she is going to reject you then it's going to be her mistake. Example: I had a first date over drinks. Kiss closed, then we ended up back at her...
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    Finding out if she still has a boyfriend

    I met a girl in May through some friends. She said she had a boyfriend when I asked her out and I gave her my standard response "let me know when you break up". I ran into her a few times since then and she always gave good body language. I saw her again last week and this time she seemed...
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    When you DO compliment

    I've never been one to compliment - even before I got to this site - but there is a point where you SHOULD compliment. I know some users on this site think you should never compliment but I disagree. When she does something specifically for you (cooks something for you, dresses up super...
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    Leading her and isolation

    I was recently reading about confident persistence, direct game, and being dominant. After remembering an experience, I wanted to share three examples of this stuff actually working: 1. I was at a party with my brother a few years ago. A HB was sitting on a couch flirting with a guy. My...
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    She had a boyfriend, now i have no idea

    Met someone in December, asked her out and she said she had a boyfriend. I gave my usual response "call me when you break up". Haven't heard from her in 7 months. Today got a text saying hi. My replies were all short, but she didn't mention anything about getting together or the boyfriend...
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    Not reacting to attention-grabbing actions

    This happened at work so I'm obviously not going to escalate. This is more of an analysis/experiment/what-if type thread. Today, a girl that had flirted with me a little last week at work was completely decked out. High heels (she doesn't wear these a lot), decent amount of makeup, hair put...
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    Contacting a girl after 10 years

    About 10 years ago I went on two dates with this girl. Messed around the first date then banged her on date two. She acted a little weird - I was the second guy she slept with, first was a LTR boyfriend. She got super shy and awkward around me. I was kind of turned off and never asked her...
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    Rate my texting after nexting

    Met a super flirty girl in my social circle, we went out to a happy hour, had to leave so couldn't hook up. I get her number, ask her out a week later. She tells me she has a boyfriend. No problem, next. three weeks go by and we are ignoring each other in class text this morning...
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    Rejected - I'm indifferent - she ignores me

    Met a girl in a summer class - I asked her out. She says she is busy all week. I say "no problem" - a rejection to me so that's fine. -Next class, I am indifferent. I say "Hey". She says "Hey". Nothing else. -Following class, she totally ignores me. -Next class, I walk by her, she...
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    Don't fall for the bait after nexting

    I recently nexted a girl because she was displaying low IL. Haven't spoken or texted in about 2 weeks. She texted me yesterday: Nexted Girl: Hey haven't talked to you, how have you been? Dummy: Pretty good actually, going to blah blah blah tonight.... what are you up to? Nexted Girl...
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    Girl with a boyfriend is texting me

    Met a girl, she gave me her number, I asked her out, she said she has a BF. I normally take this as a rejection and move on. She texted me this morning just to say hi and ask how my weekend went. What do you guys do in this situation? Do you ignore her or just respond nicely? I don't want a...