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  1. penkitten

    Domestic violence article How many members do we have that are now or have been victims of domestic violence?
  2. penkitten

    Where is the bible?

    Can't find it.
  3. penkitten

    prayers for comic relief

    many of you may not be aware, but on march 31st , comic relief was in a horrible wreck and was trapped in his car and badly hurt. the area he lives in had snow and he must have hit a patch of black ice and skidded the center line which caused him to wreck with a milk tanker. firefighters had to...
  4. penkitten

    new facebook video someone contact this man and tell him to file divorce immediately. wtf? I don't even.
  5. penkitten

    which idiot forgot the rules to fightclub?

    1st RULE: You do not talk about FIGHT CLUB. 2nd RULE: You DO NOT talk about FIGHT CLUB. but yet some don juan told a lady friend that he secretly has a spreadsheet that he uses for dating.. and since she was in finance she asked for a copy of it... so he sent her his secret spreadsheet...
  6. penkitten

    Go to jail, crazy lady, go directly to jail and pay back $50,000 in restitution Woman Jailed for Texting Threats to Herself * By David Kravets Email Author * July 12, 2010 | * 3:29 pm | * Categories: Coverups, The Ridiculous * With a former girlfriend like this, who...
  7. penkitten

    twilight for men

    i am sure all of you guys have heard of the movie twilight and the new one that every girl is about to go watch called new moon. seeing that it is so popular, i have decided to make a thread about it. why? because just about every chick you know from the ages of 12-60 has read the books...
  8. penkitten

    Penkitten's son... has a date

    so tonight i had to ask my son if he had cross country practice friday night because his father wants to know what time to pick him up for visitation. he says "oh i might be going out" say what? :crazy: pk: "with who?" son: "girl":up: pk:"where do you think you're going"?:nervous...
  9. penkitten

    who is more entitled?

    this thread is a rant that i have brought home from work. i am so sick of carrying the burdens of my work home with me, so i thought i should share them with you. 3 years ago, i rent a one bedroom apt to a man. lets call him fred.i know fred from way back, cause his sister rented from me...
  10. penkitten

    ever fire an employee?

    tell me your stories!
  11. penkitten

    customer service...

    so these days, customer service is lacking everywhere you look. penkitten's picks: worst customer service for 2008: HD Supply (HOME DEPOT):cuss: :down: best customer service for 2008: Playboy Magazine :cheer: :up: :D
  12. penkitten

    comic for the mature forum
  13. penkitten

    Spring Fever - get off your a$$ , get in shape

    this sunday we will be discussing a fitness topic in the chatroom. we usually have chat around 10 eastern / 9 central pm time. due to the topic this week "Spring Fever- get off your a$$, get in shape" i am going to need all the help i can get in the chatroom to inspire other members to be...
  14. penkitten

    karma rocks

    i want everyone to go look at who has just earned enough rep points to be placed in the very top spot tonight. congratulations karma, tonight the "emmy" goes to you. :up: :cool: so let's all step our game up just a bit. when you post something more insightful and thoughtful, other members...
  15. penkitten

    Penkitten Is Smoke -FREE!!!

    the chantix is working and i am smoke free today!!! however, the side effects are... i am irrational, irritable, panicky, and bat crazy. my family has been very sweet to me, even though i have not been sweet to them. i don't crave a cigarette, but i don't know what to do with my time. i am...
  16. penkitten

    this month in mensa..

    so this month in gio's mensa magazine, a lady writes an article about her teaching career. she goes into detail to say that in the ten years she has been teaching, she has been taught or told to make sure the girl students are not ridiculed by the boys about being dumb or that they can't be...
  17. penkitten

    cities of the underground: vietnam

    as a generation that grew up with parents (members my age ) or grandparents (our younger members ) who fought in the vietnam war, i urge you all to watch the history channel show cities of the underground : vietnam. Saturday, February 16 02:00 PM Be careful where you walk--history's...
  18. penkitten

    something different needed

    after discussion with many of you mature men forum posters, and discussion in the chat room... i have come to the conclusion that there needs to be a new sort of bootcamp here on the board. not exactly the same kind as the dj bootcamp which a guy goes on 8-12 weeks where he experiences speaking...
  19. penkitten

    worst christmas presents ever list

    here is the place to describe the worst christmas presents you ever got ... hopefully our list will be a riot.... heres to starting the list off: in 1984, (later referred to as the year santa died) i was 6 in the 1st grade. i had to bring a wrapped gift for a girl and my parents were to spend...
  20. penkitten

    happy holidays

    happy holidays merry christmas happy chanukah merry winter solstice seasons greetings feliz navidad happy kwanzaa happy Bada Din happy novena and anything else i might have missed. from our family to yours.... - pen & gio & kiddos & puppies just to get into the spirit... go to...
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