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  1. W

    New world record set for worst AFC moment

    Haven't posted in awhile but had to post this: The worst AFC moment ever. Friend of mine from college (divorced within the past year) e-mails me and tells me he's madly "in love" with this gal he "met" on E-Harmony. Actually, they haven't met ... more on that later. He travels from...
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    The guys at James Madison U. are getting their groove on ...

    ... interesting article, wonder what the quotes from women would be if the tables were turned? ***************************************************** A Tough Time to Be a Girl: Gender Imbalance on Campuses By RICHARD WHITMIRE Casual sex. The mere words give parents the jitters, which is...
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    Why do recently divorced guys go right back into serious relationships?

    Never been married, so I ask this: Whenever a friend of mine goes through a divorce, they usually get right back into a very serious relationship. Actually all of my friends have done this. Is it the comfort of being with one person? A good friend recently went through a nasty divorce, full...
  4. W

    Remember when Latinoman said picking the wrong woman can cost you your life?

    Well, in this instance, he was right. Sheesh, get a first degree murder charge for stealing $1,000?! Isn't it easier to just like, uh, get a job? Moron son and friend, too. Better pick the right partner ...
  5. W

    Youth wasted on the young

    This isn't directed at the seasoned veterans here, you guys know what you're doing. This is for the young 20 somethings who are lurking or posting. I'm not on here much right now, but I saw something that had me running back to my computer. As noted, I work at a university (no, I'm not a...
  6. W

    Stupidity + AFC = jail time

    This is classic, a dumb couple tries to pull off a robbery where I live. OK, both of these people are white trash. But it was hilarious seeing this on TV. This dumb, poor 19-year old AFC white trash guy is married to this butch-dyke looking chick, and she's PREGNANT, and now they're going to do...
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    He was the right guy all along

    OK, a story here: I just returned from my college homecoming (small college, you knew almost everyone way back in the day), very few people I know returned, but one guy I knew and a gal he dated in college where there together on Saturday. I knew they weren't married because I'd been in brief...
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    Highly recommended movie: Michael Clayton

    If you like legal thrillers, this is the movie for you. Clooney does a great job, the production and acting are superb. It's not a shoot 'em up/blow up movie, though there is a murder and attempted murder. This is the best movie I've seen in a long, long time.
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    Article: Woman uses man to advance career; it backfires

    This is classic, glad the columnist gave her the business, which she often does -- surprisingly for a woman. One of the best pieces of advice I've taken from this site is look at women's actions, not their words. Listen to this woman's...
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    More Matrix stuff ...

    ... from Yahoo!, notice an author who wrote some book on "Troubleshooting Your Mate" chimes in. If you have trouble and you have to "fix" your mate, you have problems. Notice all the matrix replies and social contrivances Rollo has pointed out. Man, the brainwashing that goes on is...
  11. W

    Bad move by the mods: Moving Lefty's thread [Merged threads]

    They moved that post to the main DJ board and it's getting no play. Why? Well, most guys over there are like, "How do I ask a girl out?" C'mon, move it back ... weak move.
  12. W

    Study: Younger partner makes men live longer

    Intersting stuff here ... I haven't robbed the cradle in awhile, perhaps I should:
  13. W

    The old double standard regarding women predators

    From The Seattle Times: Society has clearly turned in favor of women. Men (at least in the U.S.) are seen as irresponsible, clueless, and evil by American society. Check out custody courts, who still wins 99 percent of...
  14. W

    You're never too old ... 59-year old football player

    Dude decides to go back to college and play football at age 59 ... I love it, breaking stereotypes, doing what society doesn't want him to do. His wife -- of course -- says, "I feel like I'm married to Peter Pan." Sheesh, can't American women just be supportive? This is cool ... guy still runs a...
  15. W

    How the internet has amped up AFCism

    First my story, then after that I posted Rollo's comments on this from a great thread below, which bears repeating. I worked at a university and at the Student Union they have a cyber-cafe which attracts all kinds of strange people from not only the school, but drifters from town. Most of...
  16. W

    Screening process

    OK, it seems like every gal I've dated in my life or particularly of late has been a flake, or unstable, or just kind of nutty. I've dated enough that getting dates or dating a lot isn't a problem. The problem is finding reliable ones ... yes, I know this is the U.S. of A. and my odds aren't...
  17. W

    Anyone try (Don't move to Anything Else)

    * Don't move this to "Anything Else" -- I'd rather have the Mature guys post here not the teeny-boppers on "Anything Else" who are trying to dispense advice on life, love, and career at age 16. On the job search of late, had a few interviews and plenty of strikeouts. I'm reaching a boiling...
  18. W

    My theory of AFCism being a disease isn't washing with the masses

    Rather obvious it wasn't going to wash here, AFCism is defended a lot, even on this site: Not all of these shooters I mentioned were mentally ill, actually probably only one of them was: the latest one. The murder for hire guy wasn't...
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    Sniper in my hometown ... AFCism rears its ugly head

    I haven't posted in awhile, thought I would since a sniper gunned down a cop, his wife, and an innocent 60-year old man, in my hometown of Moscow, Idaho (population 22,000) over the weekend: We were one of the safest towns in America until the last couple...
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    Advice columnist on young couple -- good article

    Carolyn Hax is a pretty good advice columnist, especially for a woman. She's not always right, but most of the time she's pretty spot-on, calling people's B.S. on relationships. This is a good one on a 24-year old guy who is getting pressured by his gf to get married ... and the gf is having...