Recent content by thecraftylefty

  1. T

    Pook's Return!

    It's interesting that this much discussion of Pook is coming out because his blog is causing this much controversy. Let me tell you something: he planned it this way. He planned it from the moment he left here to the moment he posted all those articles on his blog. And it most definitely is...
  2. T

    Are most AFCs religious?

    I think the biggest problem people have with religion is that it is so restrictive. You have to be obedient according to a book that was written a long, long time ago. It is a mindset that, largely in America, is forced on many people from an early age by their family, friends, and peers (and...
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    Understanding the Matrix of the Mind

    I've always liked your posts, A-Unit. You don't beat around the bush; you just come right out and say the point of your post. And I find that's a good thing here. You talk a lot about the mind and how to use it in the most efficient way, or at least that's my interpretation of what I read...
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    Missing Lego Pieces and The Myth of Entitlement.

    The subject of entitlement you bring up is of tremendous importance. So many people out there today feel they are entitled to the finest the world has to offer simply because they were born. That's preposterous. It's absurd. It's their reality. It's sad. They don't want to raise a finger...
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    Attention Sosuave, I'm engaged.

    Never saw the the thread for this over here big man. Bump and congrats. kim thecraftylefty
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    The AFC Virus and How It's Not A Woman's Fault.

    You know, and I know, that the words described here are true. If a person aruges your points, then they obviously haven't gone through enough personally to comprehend where you're coming from and what you're pointing out. On the same note, they probably can't really add too much to the...
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    Random thoughts on Success

    This post rambles on and has no real direction. They are just random babbles and tidbits that I thought of over time. I thought I knew a lot about life, until I started really living. I don’t want to go to the grave with my song still in me. You either have excuses or reasons. You...
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    about the Self Improvement Theory

    This statement alone right here tells me you have no clue on what's actually going on. Are you serious? Do women like men? That's like asking an 8 year old if he likes ice cream. Of course women like men. They want men, but they want men with substance, with character, and men that have...
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    an important tip for the LTRs

    What's with all this power talk? It's nonsense. It's like self-esteem. Do you lose self-esteem when you stop pursuing sex with many women and instead just one with the one you love? To give you the right answer, no; because there is no such thing as self-esteem. It's only a concept that is...
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    The Cold Approach...

    Well, how about changing the words "cold approach" to "hot prospect." Now what's your interpretation? It's all in how you perceive what you believe. And Drew is dead right. Read his post above. thecraftylefty
  11. T

    Crips. Bloods.

    The fact that you're gang related makes you a nobody. You will end up a worthless piece of trash that nobody in the real world respects. Respect yourself enough to get out and earn a living. That gang stuff is for losers that need others to boast their rep. Get a life! thecraftylefty
  12. T

    stock question

    I love the fact that VPHM was up 12% today. Mmmm. And STV has gone up nicely since the beginning of the month. thecraftylefty
  13. T

    The Truth About Women

    I swear I saw this before a long time ago. It's very similar to MrSex4uNYC type stuff that I read way back in the day. I was interested so I dug his stuff up...
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    Women & Feelings and Men & Logic.

    Without a doubt. But you're right. It's the truth. Men and women were meant to complement each other in the highest regards. One lifts up the other, and vice versa. It reminds me of the movie Almost Famous. It's also one of my favorite movies. During one of the scenes, Penny Lane...
  15. T

    I'm Tired

    Oh, I'm not complaining. Complaining is what women do. I just pointed out some facts. But seriously man, you could have gone out on a good note, but I think your ego got the best of you this time. We're all big strong men here on the internet. Best of luck. thecraftylefty