Recent content by Remulak

  1. R

    The Book of Woman

    I in no way intend to criticize this post - it's a classic, however it should be noted that Friedrich Nietzsche was basically a 19th century AFC. Anyone who has read The Art of Seduction knows that Nietzsche had his heart broken by a masculine dandy named Lou von Salomé. Much the same way a AFC...
  2. R

    Women are beginning to make me sick.

    You sound like a frat boy and not a 30 year old.
  3. R

    Please decode this ********

    Rollo, in your opinion is this an LJBF? She wants to drink at my place, usually when a girl LJBFs you they want to avoid you not come over and drink. If so, is this salvageable or am I wasting my time?
  4. R

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    I have no interest in dating her, she's 21 I'm 24, we're both just looking for a good time.
  5. R

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    Yea I responded with maosrdbf's advice and just kept it simple and said "ok cool" about a week ago to the original text. She's talked about me making dinner and her picking up a bottle for a couple weeks now but shes been on vacation and with the holidays nothings happened so far but she's been...
  6. R

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    you're right slickster, fyck her im not going to let her play me. Next time she texts me or calls which is almost every other day I'll say something like that.
  7. R

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    Okay get this she wants me to make her dinner and she said she would bring over a bottle of vodka. This is getting sketchy, if she has a boyfriend and wants to be friends why the hell would i do this?
  8. R

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    I see what you're saying Ease, but I don't think most girlfriends would ever verbally say they're willing to cheat on their boyfriends while their actions may be different.
  9. R

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    Number one, I don't want to date her maybe use her as a fyck buddy.
  10. R

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    I have met her boyfriend several times, he's a weakling. I'm not scared in the slighest of this guy.
  11. R

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    Okay, wow, a lot of different perspectives on this. I still haven't responded to the text because I wanted to get a lot of viewpoints. Right now I'm deciding between using the preemptive LJBF or meeting up with her for drinks sometime and going in for the kill while being detached from the outcome.
  12. R

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    I've made out with her drunk one night before - Her and the boyfriend do the "on" and "off" a lot. That's an interesting spin, DonS, you think she's trying to play me? I should mention her boyfriend is a typical wimp.
  13. R

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    I appreciate the insight, she wants to go get drinks some time - what would be a good response to this text? Experienced guys only please, thanks.
  14. R

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    Please decode this womane$e
  15. R

    Please decode this ********

    This messaged was texted to me by a girl I'm talking to: "Im sorry if I lead you on, thats not what I tried to do. I find you intriguing and interesting, a sort of depth that you have, that is hard to find. Im drunk and rambling, but I would love it if you gave me the chance to get to know...