Recent content by ManUnited01

  1. M

    Wanting To Move Overseas...

    I have a girlfriend who I've been with for a year and a half, we are currently living together. I am wanting to move overseas at the start of 2013, but I want to go alone... How do I break this to my girlfriend???
  2. M

    Getting Girls Isn't My Problem...

    Apologies if this is in the wrong forum... I don't mean to come off as arrogant but getting women for me is easy. I have the mindset that girls are a dime a dozen and that I do not need a girl in my life to be happy. Right now, I have a top runway model from my town as my girlfriend who...
  3. M

    If a girl is interested, will she make the effort?

    I have already made the first moves regarding contact and taking things further, my point is that I have made contact and she has yet to reply. I am thinking instead of chasing her and coming off as needy, I should just wait for her to contact me back?
  4. M

    If a girl is interested, will she make the effort?

    Have been seeing an 18 year old I met at a model agency launch, have kissed closed and been in contact. Got in contact in the weekend but haven't had a reply from her in two days. Thinking if she is really interested, she will make the effort to get in touch. Until then, I should just get on...
  5. M

    If she doesn't counter-offer...

    after rejecting your initial date request, is it safe to say she isn't interested?
  6. M

    Being Straight Up

    Thanks DeePee. I am just going to sit back and not worry about it. If girls are interested, they'll be the ones getting in touch with me. Girls want a guy to worry about and think "What is he up to at the moment?", not vice versa.
  7. M

    Being Straight Up

    Is it fine to ask a girl straight up if she is into you? I just get impatient and can't be bothered working on potentials that ultimately aren't interested.
  8. M

    So Much Learned In One Night...But Now Need Guidance

    Fantastic! I'm loving all this right now haha.
  9. M

    So Much Learned In One Night...But Now Need Guidance

    At my friend's 21st party on Saturday night, was speaking to a group of girls who I had just met. I was smiling constantly and being an Active Listener, letting them do all the talking. One girl I knew indirectly as she was a friend's ex. We talked alone and ended up leaving together to another...
  10. M

    Your life along with women.

    I just broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years and I can't stress enough how important this advice is. Forget about women, they're just not that important.
  11. M


    Thanks DevanE, that makes a lot of sense. I'm over it now, just don't bother with them anymore. I'm at work to earn money, not make friends. It's their loss if they don't want to know me. I'll reciprocate friendliness but it isn't worth the effort trying with these girls. Look after Number One.
  12. M

    Your life along with women.

    Amen brother. Amen.
  13. M


    Have just started a new job at a bar and have been there for about a month. I work there one night a week. Have introduced myself to everyone there and have noticed that nearly every female employee there seems really intimidated to even speak to me. Even just saying "Hi, how are you?" to them...
  14. M

    Sex with the Ex

    Basically, have been texting my ex girlfriend, didn't sleep with her when I was with her 3 years ago but well keen now. Don't want a relationship, just sex. She texted me the other day saying she's out underwear shopping. Took that as a really good hint. Anyone have success stories with...