Recent content by firelord

  1. F


    you know what guys. girls are big babies.. that's all
  2. F


    A girl can wait for the right man to come along but in the meantime that still doesn't mean she can't have a wonderful time with all the wrong ones. How will you know he's the right one if you don't know how the wrong ones behave? :confused:
  3. F


    The nice guys will be regarded as terrorists!
  4. F


    Women are little kids. Imagin what would happen if kids rule the world!
  5. F

    If you are sexually successful guy, please answer this question

    Man If you wanna understand to be a man you want to be, assume you have small kids. Now treat your gf like that little kid.
  6. F

    How to keep the excitement once teh relationship starts?

    'How to' s To become a don juan, you have to kill that self doubt! Be yourself, be a man.
  7. F

    A question about random hook ups

    Hot chicks can get sick too. Play it safe.. But as a DJ, I would only advice you to abstain from casual sex and move on.
  8. F

    everyone, if you had one peice of advice to pass on to someone about women...

    Don't do any **** to impress women/anyone, don't take **** from women/anyone and love yourself.
  9. F

    Inherit the Wind (moved to correct forum)

    Think of what you dnt have, visualize it that you have it, belive that you have it. And thank the universal intelligence for having it. You will have that.
  10. F

    Getting over some stupid emotional ****?

    Thinkin about the bad past will make you feel more bad and virce versa. A don't care attitude is the best you can have, jerks use that all the time.
  11. F

    3 Dates and Only Making Out

    Women are reflective in nature. There is no way you'll get into her pants untill you become a player not a lawyer.