Recent content by exscall

  1. E

    Back in the Game. First Question

    well i personally dont have any problem getting oral of most of my ons or first dates etc which are all young gorgeous women. Maybe your having a bad run or there is something not appealing about your penis.
  2. E

    Girlfriend broke up with me.

    yeah i know its not personal mate didnt mean to seem snappy. you and the other members speak sense and i am sticking to the advice given . i am def shouting at myself everytime i get the urge to respond hehe
  3. E

    Girlfriend broke up with me.

    I have no fear of rejection, the way i look at it any girl thats not interested there loss. had a two year long relationship before this one first love or puppy love, were she cheated on me and was not nice at all during break up learned a lot and will never be like that again. this ex...
  4. E

    Girlfriend broke up with me.

    Thanks all i needed to hear.Yeah im not doing it to get her back or cause her distress, Im going no contact so i can get myself over her and back on track and save all the hassle and hurt simple as that. Yeah the game, well there is def going to be some lucky ladys were i am hehe.
  5. E

    Girlfriend broke up with me.

    Erm i think you need to relax!!! i am not replying or answering or having contact with her at all and dont intend to. I only joined this site the other day, hardly been doing multiple threads. I am getting on with my life thanks. Strange how some people on this site expect guys to turn into a...
  6. E

    Did i go too far?

    omg that is funny, i hope you have not just recentley met this girl.
  7. E

    Girlfriend broke up with me.

    Dont think you have read my posts was not months was 5 years and i have gone no contact she is getting in touch with me i e none stop calls texts etc ie me asking for advice .
  8. E

    Girlfriend broke up with me.

    well i have followed the advice i have been given, i made the choice to move on in my head im not contacting her she is contacting me. and i am getting on with my life. iv read a lot of posts on this site were guys are really, struggling to get women, and finding it hard to keep interest short...
  9. E

    Girlfriend broke up with me.

    well to be fair everybody gets dumped at some point. i imagine the main reason for finding this site is been dumped just a guess tho.
  10. E

    Girlfriend broke up with me.

    i would like to stress i know after last night she has no intention of getting back , i am not hoping this is her changing her mind.
  11. E

    Girlfriend broke up with me.

    i could do some with some more advice guys again, after last convo last night i sent a message saying how some of things that have happened were not acceptable and basically that thats it for me after this i made decision to not put myself thru this. anyway first thing in morning get a text...
  12. E

    Girlfriend broke up with me.

    yeah i will learn for def, i knew not to do what i did myself, did not think a split would hit me like it did . iv pulled myself togeother she has been trying to get in touch with me but iv learned there can be only one way no contact and move on. maybe when im over this totally and moved on, We...
  13. E

    Girlfriend broke up with me.

    Yeah your right i will do, im done with her now im not going back for a beating again. Time to move on cheers
  14. E

    Girlfriend broke up with me.

    wish i would of read this before i replyed, thought these things in my head but this would of confirmed it. thanks
  15. E

    Girlfriend broke up with me.

    Well i sent a text back saying im fine like a fool did not wait for replys of you guys i know very stupid, listened to that little voice in my head. she rang me straight away i answered again i know silly, I played it cool she asked me if we could still meet up in future to watch football i...