Recent content by Embers84

  1. E

    Bill O reily Domestic violence

    That is what your right wing Fox propaganda says about President Obama with Bill O the clown and "so called foreign affairs expert" Brit Hume. "Many people think the President believes this"...."I think the President doesn't understand this"....."This is what he really thinks..."I don't think he...
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    Bill O reily Domestic violence

    He also is on video berating his staff when he was on Inside Edition. What a clown Bill O is. "We'll do it live.....fvck it". He also has been accused of sexual harassment by a couple of women. If Bill O the clown was a liberal, right wingers...
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    Bill O reily Domestic violence

    The hypocrisy from the right and the far right posters in here is amazing. They can't wait to hang, attack, smear the President or any Liberal on any false charge they come up with and try to make it stick. They already condemn them and believe the accusations without any facts, parroting the...
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    Bill O reily Domestic violence

    No, you are not understanding reality with your delusional biased hypocritical rantings because you totally missed what I said again. And if this was a Liberal in question being accused that you didn't like, you and other right wingers would have no problem believing in those accusations of...
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    Bill O reily Domestic violence

    Nothing is the world is going to stop someone of accusing you. Do you understand that? Anybody can accuse you of anything. Any woman can accuse you. Do you think you are immune to it? Bill O the clown and his right wing cronies had no problems hanging other men in the media destroying their...
  6. E

    Cop quits after tasing and pepper spraying man having a stroke

    Doesn't surprise me with cops these days and how violent they are. I posted several links about police brutality and officials are getting pissed off because they have to pay millions to the victims due to police violence. Old fool ranting and insulting again. It's all he can do. Never...
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    Bill O reily Domestic violence

    Again, you are using your partisan politics here and ignoring this whole issue and what I said previously. What are you not understanding about Bill O here? Did you not read anything about his alleged violence? Do you even know who spoke out against his violence? Bill O's case is totally...
  8. E

    Bill O reily Domestic violence

    :crackup: Give me a fvcking break. Bill O the clown had no problem wanting other black men to hang based on a woman's accusation before the truth came out. He always put out the fact that even though those men weren't guilty he made sure they were to his Fox sheep viewers. The ones who were...
  9. E

    Bill O reily Domestic violence

    This isn't just " a woman", it's his own daughter telling how he attacked her mother. He spent years talking sh1t about dudes beating up their wives/girlfriends and he was doing the same thing beating up his own wife. Right wingers are hypocrites and this idiot should be off the air. If this was...
  10. E

    Massive Texas white biker gang shooting gets soft media coverage

    Massive Texas white biker gang shooting gets soft coverage, but we shouldn’t be surprised Nine dead. Eighteen injured. Nearly 200 arrested But apparently, not much to see here. Looking at the media coverage of...
  11. E

    House Republicans vote to cut Amtrak funding one day after deadly crash

    Even Republican President like Nixon, Reagan and Bush had no problems funding Amtrak to make it safe. Since 2012, it's been a Republican plan to gut and cut funding for Amtrak. It has been their goal to end it. like Medicare and Social Security. The highest ridership record with...
  12. E

    House Republicans vote to cut Amtrak funding one day after deadly crash

    You don't even know the reason why it crashed, so don't make assumptions to push your spin. Obviously there was a mechanical failure somewhere, and the GOP cutting billions from Amtrak will make it possible for more crashes and failures to occur. The republican plan is to eliminate Amtrak all...
  13. E

    Two Mississippi Cops Killed

    Video shows California deputies beating suspect after he flees on horseback Lawyer calls arrest of Francis Pusok ‘far worse than Rodney King’ Sheriff orders internal investigation into incident...
  14. E

    Americans Don’t Know What World War II Was

    B.S. and propaganda my ass, go to Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, California, Florida and see for yourself how many Americans are doing those hard labor jobs. Go see who is actually working in the fields and orchards. It sure isn't white men doing those jobs. Go ask the head boss in the article how...
  15. E

    House Republicans vote to cut Amtrak funding one day after deadly crash

    One day after the deadly Amtrak crash, right wingers in the House decided to cut the funds for Amtrak. Really nice for all the families of the people who died and were injured on the train to hear about that. These same right wingers had no problem sending billions of our American Dollars over...