Recent content by duhbigman

  1. D

    What's the "right" kind of "conceited"?

    Amusing passage from J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye: "She was dating this terrible guy, Al Pike, that went to Choate. I didn't know him too well, but he was always hanging around the swimming pool... and he was always going off the high dive. He did the same lousy old half gainer all...
  2. D

    The hypocrisy of criticizing "superficiality"

    johnny_dangerously -- you've pointed out exactly what drove me away from personal ads and dating services years ago. They're all like, "oh, he's gotta be six-foot-four, make at least $100,000 a year, and have a cool car". Such high standards, even when the woman herself is far from anything...
  3. D

    The hypocrisy of criticizing "superficiality"

    Guys, what are your thoughts on the concept of "superficiality"? In dating and relationships, is it really what's on the inside that counts? Or is it OK to just judge each other's date-ability by the surface values, e.g. appearance, money etc.? One of the things that has always fascinated...
  4. D

    Losing your virginity won't boost your confidence

    Dudes... I think many of you are missing NaturallySelected's point. (Although I did like Deep Dish's commentary) The way I interpreted the original post is that: Sex doesn't change who you are in essence; it doesn't make you happy on its own; it's not the be-all and end-all that many virgins...
  5. D

    Compatibility in an LTR

    Two years ago, I would have completely agreed with you. Now I'm not so sure. I've begun to wonder if "compatibility" is just an illusion, if couples who do manage to keep an LTR working are only good at keeping the attraction going. There are a number of women you meet whom, by all logic and...
  6. D

    10 reasons we get rejected

    Any time you hear, "I'm taking a break from dating," or, "I need some time to get my life together," when you ask a woman out, it usually means that she's just come out of a bad relationship and is not yet interested in jumping into a new one. (from #8, "She's been hurt") I disagree. When she...
  7. D

    is telling jokes good?

    Depends on the joke and on the girl, I would say. Even more so, depends on how you tell it. Remember that men and women have very different senses of humour, too. For example, a lot of men love Monty Python and South Park, but you're not going to to get many ladies' numbers by quoting the...
  8. D

    Guys, my daily list has helped me get women, try it out

    I don't get the political connection either. WTF? After all, there are a lot of supremely confident "masculine" liberals out there who get women (think of the Pierre Trudeaus or the Bill Clintons, not the John Kerrys). And most of the conservatives I know are only that way because they're...
  9. D

    My theory on "compatibility"

    All I know is... I see "opposites" attracting and even working out happy relationships with each other all the time. I'm not sure why. But my guess would be that 1) the attraction is there and it's kept exciting; 2) something about the clash of personalities adds spice to it somehow. I mean, if...
  10. D

    Shave the head.

    One little piece of advice. Might seem a little obvious, but I think it's important... If you're already balding, SHAVE THE WHOLE FRICKIN' THING. Because women are not attracted to the receding hairline. If you're balding but clinging to the hair that's left, women automatically assume...
  11. D

    My theory on "compatibility"

    This is just going from my own past experiences and from stuff I've been learning recently. As far as long-term relationships go, we're often taught to look for someone who's "compatible" -- e.g. having stuff in common, personal connection, similar beliefs and interests and goals, blah blah...