Recent content by DCC

  1. D

    Never assume that she's interested...

    That is horrible advice, and probably trolling. Always assume she's interested. You don't go onto a football field assuming that your team is going to lose, that's called a self fulfilling prophecy my friend. You walk onto that field knowing in your heart you're going to kick the everloving crap...
  2. D

    So, today I think I burned two bridges. Fuuuuu. I liked em both too.

    Girl I've been dating for a couple of months, we have a great time, but she's playing push-pull hardcore....we have an awesome time on a date, she goes home, and has regrets that we're moving too fast...but she has been initiating half the time....sends me a message on facebook about starting...
  3. D

    Girls delaying responses?

    I think it could also be part of a s**t test, especially if they know you a bit and are evaluating you. If they wait a couple of days and you throw another message at them you can come across as a bit desperate or needy. At least, that's party of my theory.
  4. D

    is being called "nice guy" always bad?

    I've accepted that I'll probably always be a 'nice guy' but I'm also never a doormat. I'll open a door for you or cook you dinner, but if you do something stupid, you bet your ass I'm gonna call you out on it, I'm not going to change my opinion on something just to agree with you, and if you...
  5. D

    Become Famous Fast

    Michael Moore is a hottie.
  6. D

    Become Famous Fast

    I can tell you have to become (in)famous, but you'll probably be dead or in jail for the rest of your life. Other than that, it's a long road, friend. Are you even good at anything?
  7. D

    how many # closes you did this month?

    2 for June. Neither flaked though. Neither went anywhere after the first or second date, but I got dates out of the number close :hs:
  8. D

    Facebook Relationship Status

    Not related to this post directly, but a good female friend of the family changed her status to 'Single' yesterday and three guys, who I would now call 'creepers' who've thought she was hot for a while 'Liked' her status. To me, that comes off as a bit creepy.
  9. D

    Getting over being burned

    This has been helping me a I've posted before, I joined this board because my oneitis basically completely shattered my life. I was miserable for about a month until I realized that not only was I bringing myself and my friends down, my oneitis wasn't even that special. She had entirely...
  10. D

    Does anyone who ever goes on a date that goes down in flames...

    Ever straight up ask the girl what happened? This may have even been AFC of me, I'm not sure...but I went out with a girl last weekend, we had a great time, but then she went ice cold. I called once, got nothing, waited 2-3 days, called back, got nothing...finally got a text from her saying...
  11. D

    How do I get rid of this skeleton in my closet?

    So I was sitting down, thinking about what makes me tick the other night, and you know what I realized. My issues with women go much deeper than I wanted them to. I keep denying it. I got a PM from somebody asking my opinion on something / why I am the way I am, and I realized. Most people on...
  12. D

    Sosuave Lunatics

    I agree with this post. I've gotten a lot of good information from here, but on the other hand, sometimes I've posted something about a woman and gotten nothing but tons of crazy comments. I'm also not really in my natural place here though, I'm a very religious...
  13. D

    what are your hobbies/interest

    Playing music (Been playing bass guitar + drums for half of my life) Playing golf Working out / P90X right now. (Relatively new one)
  14. D

    Overcoming video game addiction. Experiences?

    I, up until 3 months ago, played WoW for 4-5 hours a night. I'm 27. I met a girl at church, started hanging out, then started reconnecting w friends. My friends have a dikverse selection of hobbies and basically the way I broke out of video game addiction was to force myself to be social . After...
  15. D

    Has anyone ever successfully regained interest level?

    I'm trying this now, but as I've posted before...I think the drop in IL was due to some weird family issues. She's slowly starting to come around, methinks. She's flirtier with me than ever before, she's starting to initiate contact. Definitely not an AW. Mutual friend started talking about us...